Is it time to move the US capital?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist.

Move it to NY.....Make Virginia red again.

No point in saddling a red state with the festering boil that is DC.
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IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist. is so rigged there in the courts
Too bad they can't move DC itself. Maybe to some place like Venezuela. They'd fit in there.
IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist.

I think of loads of things to better spend the taxpayers dollars on.
This ain't one of them. :)
I think of loads of things to better spend the taxpayers dollars on.
This ain't one of them. :)

Actually, this idea would save money. The District of Columbia is one of the most expensive regions of the world. Moving the government to a lower cost area would save plenty on salaries as well as health costs, etc.
IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist.

I say move the Captial to the border and extend the building all along the entire border.

That way, if anyone breaks in they automatically shoot to kill, no questions asked.

Easy Peasy.
IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist.

You want to move the US capital to the armpit of America?
IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist.

Appalachia, eh?


Is it time to move the US capital?​

You want to move it to a place Republicans can’t find next time they lose an election?
IMHO, yes and I am not alone.

Building a new capital in Appalachia would move it away from the ultralibs in the DC area and bring the workings of government back to the people. A low crime area would be a lot better for the senators that would travel to Welch, WV or wherever to do their business, and would provide needed government jobs to the coal miners who have been put out of work. I think someone who spent their career in a pit digging for and transporting King Coal would appreciate a job as a lobbyist.

doesn't work that way. wherever you build the capital will attract professionals and hustlers.

i'm not sure most of it could not be done remotely.
We need 2 capitols. One, I don't give a fuck where it is, and the other, of course, we're going to need a federal capitol here in Texas.

NOT Austin, that's a shithole of suicidal sluts with nuts... maybe Waco, in commemoration of the murderous lowlife scum we are rejecting. Nice high walls with 2024 technology keeping them secure. Signs that say "breaching this border will likely result in your death".

More good ideas later.

I tell you what, We'll let you have Amarillo as the capital of the Mexican republic of Texas. I can't think of a worse hell on earth to be stuck in than Amarillo. It would be appropriate. :auiqs.jpg:
Really smart to call it PutIn-US .
Nice support for your new President but with an honourable mention at the end .

Leave it at its present place and let Dear Uncle clear out the cockroaches and rats .
(1) The capital of this nation should stay where it currently is.

(2) If for no other reason so that domestic and foreign visitors can admire the majestic government buildings, not to mention the charming cherry trees in bloom.

(3) What should be done is to allow only federal employees to live in the District.

(4) A nation's capital should be a peaceful and clean and orderly model that everyone admires.

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