Is It Too Soon For The Truth About Bush41?

Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.

The question is why would you defend him? He was part of Dulles CIA, intimately involved with the Bay of Pigs shit and clearly not a good man. He was named in the Franklin Savings and Loan pedophile scandal. You approved of all that did you?
The Bush family is in-bed with the dirty elite, and its been going on a hundred years or so. I'm not a fan.

Yep, the Bush Dynasty pretty much invented the Swamp....41 and Kissinger, Haig, Rumsfeld, Baker....those are the boys who got China into the WTO to protect their investments there
The Bushes are what turned me away from being Republican. Their brand of Conservationism was nothing more than Democrat Light. Even Democrat Heavy at times.

Jeb was a good Governor of Florida. Thank god he was the Governor the year we had the four hurricanes hit the state. Competent leadership. If a Democrat had been in charge we still would have not recovered. He was not Presidential material but he did a good job here in Florida.

However, Neither Bush Sr or Bush Jr had a real Conservative agenda. In fact their agenda was just about the same Progressiveness as we would have got from the filthy ass Democrats.
The Bushes are what turned me away from being Republican. Their brand of Conservationism was nothing more than Democrat Light. Even Democrat Heavy at times.

Jeb was a good Governor of Florida. Thank god he was the Governor the year we had the four hurricanes hit the state. Competent leadership. If a Democrat had been in charge we still would have not recovered. He was not Presidential material but he did a good job here in Florida.

However, Neither Bush Sr or Bush Jr had a real Conservative agenda. In fact their agenda was just about the same Progressiveness as we would have got from the filthy ass Democrats.

I became a Perotista because of 41...and it was Bush's dirty tricksters who pissed off ol Ross enough to leave the race when they threatened to disrupt his daughter's wedding. I agree Jeb! was a good governor and Trump was pretty rough on him in the debates but he had to be....that was going to be a coronation with either the Bushes or Clinton clans....thank God DJT came along and blew up both parties.
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.

1. Saddam invading Kuwait is on Saddam. Winning such a war with such small causalities is something to brag about.

2. Even if true, that would be on 43, not 42.

3.I'm not going to second guess the pilot of a damaged plane 70 years after the fact.

4.Yep. He was stupid enough to reach a compromise with the dems. THAT is on him.

5. Clinton winning in on the American people.

6. Yep. He was Establishment to the 9th degree and voting against the choice of the GOP voters, was an asshole move on his part. He really repaid our past support for him by betraying us.
As President Trump said, "WTF were Bush's 1,000 points of light?"

Can we at least wait til the guy is cold and in the ground. He was an American who believed in his country and even fought in a war. Show some class and some manners. It’s called civility. Even trump has been gracious and respectful at this time. Grow up.
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.
You Goofy

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.

Read if for yourself ya yellow punk......

No Smoke'

However, Mierzejewski said in his account, which first appeared in Friday's New York Post, that "no smoke came out of his cockpit when he opened his canopy to bail out."

Mierzejewski contended that if Bush had attempted a water landing, the two men could have been saved, if they were still alive

Retired Navy Gunner Offers Different Account : Bush Story of War Incident Challenged

Yellow punk? I was a naval officer just like President George H. W. Bush.

Do you know the seating inside that aircraft?


A second crewman did bail out of the aircraft, but his parachute did not open. That was likely the cockpit gunner who rode in the same canopy as Bush. When Bush gave the order to bail out, it was obviously heard by at least one crewman.The third crewman was in the belly of the plane and likely killed by antiaircraft fire. "Woulda, shoulda, coulda" accounts by a non-pilot that were never corroborated by anyone else are typically moron fodder. I glad you got your fill!

This story was fully discredited almost 40 years ago and even that was nearly 40 years after it happened.
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.

The question is why would you defend him? He was part of Dulles CIA, intimately involved with the Bay of Pigs shit and clearly not a good man. He was named in the Franklin Savings and Loan pedophile scandal. You approved of all that did you?

Oh, please shut up about idiotic conspiracy theories!
The Bushes are what turned me away from being Republican. Their brand of Conservationism was nothing more than Democrat Light. Even Democrat Heavy at times.

Jeb was a good Governor of Florida. Thank god he was the Governor the year we had the four hurricanes hit the state. Competent leadership. If a Democrat had been in charge we still would have not recovered. He was not Presidential material but he did a good job here in Florida.

However, Neither Bush Sr or Bush Jr had a real Conservative agenda. In fact their agenda was just about the same Progressiveness as we would have got from the filthy ass Democrats.

I became a Perotista because of 41...and it was Bush's dirty tricksters who pissed off ol Ross enough to leave the race when they threatened to disrupt his daughter's wedding. I agree Jeb! was a good governor and Trump was pretty rough on him in the debates but he had to be....that was going to be a coronation with either the Bushes or Clinton clans....thank God DJT came along and blew up both parties.

Ross Perot ran in the election, which is why Clinton won. Why are you so ignorant of aspects of history that don't fit your predetermined agenda?
Is It Too Soon For The Truth About Bush41?

No, I don't believe it is too soon.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

That fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The Downing Street Memo

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.

Read if for yourself ya yellow punk......

No Smoke'

However, Mierzejewski said in his account, which first appeared in Friday's New York Post, that "no smoke came out of his cockpit when he opened his canopy to bail out."

Mierzejewski contended that if Bush had attempted a water landing, the two men could have been saved, if they were still alive

Retired Navy Gunner Offers Different Account : Bush Story of War Incident Challenged
And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.
HW had a mixed history but he was an honorable man.

And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.

These Trumpers are really fucked up
Can we at least wait til the guy is cold and in the ground. He was an American who believed in his country and even fought in a war. Show some class and some manners. It’s called civility. Even trump has been gracious and respectful at this time. Grow up.
Na, Career politicians suck...

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.

Read if for yourself ya yellow punk......

No Smoke'

However, Mierzejewski said in his account, which first appeared in Friday's New York Post, that "no smoke came out of his cockpit when he opened his canopy to bail out."

Mierzejewski contended that if Bush had attempted a water landing, the two men could have been saved, if they were still alive

Retired Navy Gunner Offers Different Account : Bush Story of War Incident Challenged
And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.
He was more of a career politician than a military veteran… Career politicians suck ass

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