Is It Treason?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Is it treason if people in the know, know that a president is not mentally up to the job and purposely hide or cover-up that knowledge, putting the country at risk? It seems like it to me. I mean they made the 25th amendment for a reason. What good is it if those in the know, including the president's VP, closest advisors, cabinet members, and even some in the media, purposely cover up the fact that a president is mentally unable to perform the job. The world is a dangerous place and we can't afford to have a president who is not mentally up to the job. Covering it up is treasonous.
Unfortunatety Deep State write the rules and change them when they choose without telling their victims .
Are you powerful enough to turn over the table and start a new game with new rules ?
And win .
Because you had better win .
Is it treason if people in the know, know that a president is not mentally up to the job and purposely hide or cover-up that knowledge, putting the country at risk? It seems like it to me. I mean they made the 25th amendment for a reason. What good is it if those in the know, including the president's VP, closest advisors, cabinet members, and even some in the media, purposely cover up the fact that a president is mentally unable to perform the job. The world is a dangerous place and we can't afford to have a president who is not mentally up to the job. Covering it up is treasonous.

Probably less treasonous than a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist who attempted a coup that killed cops.
Yet how can people in general determine competence and make such a decision?

There are only rules.

25th amendment

if the vice president and either a majority of the executive Cabinet or a review body appointed by Congress declare in writing that the president is incompetent.

yet that is what some wanted Pence to do after Jan 6 riots. They wanted Pence to set up to the plate and he had support from both sides. It would have been interesting to see if he had the necessary support from republicans. With the trauma that lawmakers went thru, it could have been a first.

in reality Trump had lost and there was no need to do such a drastic move. Still if they had then there would not be a Trump comeback.

All the president's men. The people he surrounds himself with are a major factor and influence in any presidency.
Is it treason if people in the know, know that a president is not mentally up to the job and purposely hide or cover-up that knowledge, putting the country at risk? It seems like it to me. I mean they made the 25th amendment for a reason. What good is it if those in the know, including the president's VP, closest advisors, cabinet members, and even some in the media, purposely cover up the fact that a president is mentally unable to perform the job. The world is a dangerous place and we can't afford to have a president who is not mentally up to the job. Covering it up is treasonous.
I agree, you’re committing treason by voting for Trump. LOL
Yet how can people in general determine competence and make such a decision?

There are only rules.

25th amendment

if the vice president and either a majority of the executive Cabinet or a review body appointed by Congress declare in writing that the president is incompetent.

yet that is what some wanted Pence to do after Jan 6 riots. They wanted Pence to set up to the plate and he had support from both sides. It would have been interesting to see if he had the necessary support from republicans. With the trauma that lawmakers went thru, it could have been a first.

in reality Trump had lost and there was no need to do such a drastic move. Still if they had then there would not be a Trump comeback.

All the president's men. The people he surrounds himself with are a major factor and influence in any presidency.

So why isn't Congress setting up a review board? Why isn't Congress demanding transcripts/recording of Biden and world leaders specifically leaders we're giving billions to?
Is it treason if people in the know, know that a president is not mentally up to the job and purposely hide or cover-up that knowledge, putting the country at risk? It seems like it to me. I mean they made the 25th amendment for a reason. What good is it if those in the know, including the president's VP, closest advisors, cabinet members, and even some in the media, purposely cover up the fact that a president is mentally unable to perform the job. The world is a dangerous place and we can't afford to have a president who is not mentally up to the job. Covering it up is treasonous.
We only heard about the 25th when Trump was president. They'll probably try again in 2025
Is it treason if people in the know, know that a president is not mentally up to the job and purposely hide or cover-up that knowledge, putting the country at risk?

It sure is. Consider this: If a train conductor knowingly lets an engineer operate the train and it crashes, he is liable. If you let a drunk leave a bar and go out and drive his car, you are liable. Yet, here is a guy put in charge of the entire country dictating world affairs and all these people around him KNOW the guy is incompetent, unfit for the office and they have been CONCEALING that fact for years, just for their own jobs and political position instead.

Meanwhile, General Milley went behind Trump's back and secretly warned China that he thought Trump might attack them and if it came down, he would call and WARN THEM of the impending U.S. attack.

All of these people are traitors and should at ther very least stand trial doing 30 years in the pen.

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