Is It True That Obama Has Spent More Money Than All Presidents Combined?

Nov 26, 2012
I was listening to Michael Savage yesterday on the radio driving home from a Rail Hunt and he brought this up. He was very adamant about President Obama spending in his first term more money than all the presidents combined since George Washington was president causing the debt to be out of reach to be salvaged and paid off. If this is true it is simply astonishing. But does anyone have any facts to this accusation?
No. Bush actions and policies are still the major debt drivers - especially his tax cuts.

I was listening to Michael Savage yesterday on the radio driving home from a Rail Hunt and he brought this up. He was very adamant about President Obama spending in his first term more money than all the presidents combined since George Washington was president causing the debt to be out of reach to be salvaged and paid off. If this is true it is simply astonishing. But does anyone have any facts to this accusation?

SPENT more? I don't know.

But, I DO know this: NO President, not even this one, can spend a single dime unless Congress authorizes it.
Yes. Unless of course you go by the liberal's "new math" or their "It's all Bush's fault" mantra. But the numbers don't lie.
It fits the disloyal opposition's narrative, but as has been shown above, is not true.

The question regarding Savage is whether or not he knows that it is untrue. He could be unaware of the facts, like many of our forum righties, in which case we can only pity his ignorance. More likely, however, he knows that he is feeding his audience a line of which case.....his right to broadcast on our publicly owned airwaves ought to be revoked.
It fits the disloyal opposition's narrative, but as has been shown above, is not true.

The question regarding Savage is whether or not he knows that it is untrue. He could be unaware of the facts, like many of our forum righties, in which case we can only pity his ignorance. More likely, however, he knows that he is feeding his audience a line of which case.....his right to broadcast on our publicly owned airwaves ought to be revoked.

Savage knows the facts, he just chooses not to use them
Yes. Unless of course you go by the liberal's "new math" or their "It's all Bush's fault" mantra. But the numbers don't lie.

It's already been shown here that the numbers don't support what you're claiming.

As always, please be less fucking stupid.
Yes. Unless of course you go by the liberal's "new math" or their "It's all Bush's fault" mantra. But the numbers don't lie.

It's already been shown here that the numbers don't support what you're claiming.

As always, please be less fucking stupid.

Like I said, when you use the liberal's "new math", it's untrue, when you add up the dollars spent by EVERY president from Washington to the scumbag in office today, the scumbag has spent more money than all the rest combined, period. As always, don't even try to be less stupid, as that's an impossibility for a liberal.
Yes. Unless of course you go by the liberal's "new math" or their "It's all Bush's fault" mantra. But the numbers don't lie.

It's already been shown here that the numbers don't support what you're claiming.

As always, please be less fucking stupid.

Like I said, when you use the liberal's "new math", it's untrue, when you add up the dollars spent by EVERY president from Washington to the scumbag in office today, the scumbag has spent more money than all the rest combined, period. As always, don't even try to be less stupid, as that's an impossibility for a liberal.

There is no 'new math', fuckwit.

There is only data that has been shown here that doorknobs like you cannot address.

Must suck to be you, having to run in fear from you own words with practically every post.
It's already been shown here that the numbers don't support what you're claiming.

As always, please be less fucking stupid.

Like I said, when you use the liberal's "new math", it's untrue, when you add up the dollars spent by EVERY president from Washington to the scumbag in office today, the scumbag has spent more money than all the rest combined, period. As always, don't even try to be less stupid, as that's an impossibility for a liberal.

There is no 'new math', fuckwit.

There is only data that has been shown here that doorknobs like you cannot address.

Must suck to be you, having to run in fear from you own words with practically every post.

Lol, Piss of faggot.

The Obama administration passed another fiscal milestone this week, according to new data released by the Treasury Department. As of the close of business on Oct. 3, the total national debt was $14,837,099,271,196.71—up about $44.8 billion from Sept. 30.

That means that in the less-than-three-years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by $4.212 trillion--more than the total national debt of about $4.1672 trillion accumulated by all 41 U.S. presidents from George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined.

This $4.212-trillion increase in the national debt means that during Obama’s term the federal government has already borrowed about an additional $35,835 for every American household--or $44,980 for every full-time private-sector worker. (According to the Census Bureau there were about 117,538,000 households in the country in 2010, and, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were about 93,641,000 full-time private-sector workers.)

When Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, according to the Treasury Department, the total national debt stood at $10,626,877,048,913.08.

At the end of January 1993, the month that President George H. W. Bush left office, the total national debt was $4.1672 trillion, according to the Treasury. Thus, the total national debt accumulated by the first 41 presidents combined was about $44.8 billion less than the approximately $4.212 trillion in new debt added during Obama’s term.

As of Monday, Obama had been in office 986 days—or about 32 and a half months. During that time, the debt increased at an average pace of $4.27 billion per day. Were that rate to continue until Obama’s term ends on Jan. 20, 2013, the debt would then stand at about $16.86534 trillion—an increase of more than $6.2 trillion for Obama’s four years.

That would equal nearly $53,000 for each American household or more than $66,00 for each full-time private-sector worker.

That total national debt did not exceed $6.2 trillion until 2002, when George W. Bush was president.

Like I said, when you use the liberal's "new math", it's untrue, when you add up the dollars spent by EVERY president from Washington to the scumbag in office today, the scumbag has spent more money than all the rest combined, period. As always, don't even try to be less stupid, as that's an impossibility for a liberal.

There is no 'new math', fuckwit.

There is only data that has been shown here that doorknobs like you cannot address.

Must suck to be you, having to run in fear from you own words with practically every post.

Lol, Piss of faggot.

The Obama administration passed another fiscal milestone this week, according to new data released by the Treasury Department. As of the close of business on Oct. 3, the total national debt was $14,837,099,271,196.71—up about $44.8 billion from Sept. 30.

That means that in the less-than-three-years Obama has been in office, the federal debt has increased by $4.212 trillion--more than the total national debt of about $4.1672 trillion accumulated by all 41 U.S. presidents from George Washington through George H.W. Bush combined.

This $4.212-trillion increase in the national debt means that during Obama’s term the federal government has already borrowed about an additional $35,835 for every American household--or $44,980 for every full-time private-sector worker. (According to the Census Bureau there were about 117,538,000 households in the country in 2010, and, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were about 93,641,000 full-time private-sector workers.)

When Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, according to the Treasury Department, the total national debt stood at $10,626,877,048,913.08.

At the end of January 1993, the month that President George H. W. Bush left office, the total national debt was $4.1672 trillion, according to the Treasury. Thus, the total national debt accumulated by the first 41 presidents combined was about $44.8 billion less than the approximately $4.212 trillion in new debt added during Obama’s term.

As of Monday, Obama had been in office 986 days—or about 32 and a half months. During that time, the debt increased at an average pace of $4.27 billion per day. Were that rate to continue until Obama’s term ends on Jan. 20, 2013, the debt would then stand at about $16.86534 trillion—an increase of more than $6.2 trillion for Obama’s four years.

That would equal nearly $53,000 for each American household or more than $66,00 for each full-time private-sector worker.

That total national debt did not exceed $6.2 trillion until 2002, when George W. Bush was president.


Ha! WOW. Just WOW are you a self-fisting tool factory.

This thread and my comments are about how much he's spent, not the national debt, setting aside for a moment that he can't spend anything, only congress can.

Did President Obama spend more money than all the former presidents of the US combined

"Secondly, even if we ignored this fact (spending = Congress), the aggregate size of ALL federal spending over President Obama's term (FY2010 to FY2012 - the current FY) is roughly 11 trillion dollars. Given that, even in absolute dollar amounts (i.e non-inflation adjusted dollars), the size of the US budget had been increasing about $100 billion (5%) per year for about 20 years now. [EXCLUDING the war costs in FY 2003-2009, which were "left off" (hidden from) the budget accounting.]

Accordingly, for instance, the size of the federal budget in 2000 was about $1.8 Trillion, and about $2.4 Trillion in 2005, one can see that the aggregate amount of money spent during Barack Obama's Presidency is, while notably more than predecessors, is not outlandishly so. Roughly speaking, President Obama's 3 FY budgets are about equal to the last 4 FY budgets under his predecessor, G.W. Bush, assuming one does not include the "emergency" war appropriations. If one includes the war appropriations, then Obama's first three years spent about 10% more than Bush's last three years. "

Pull your head out of your ass, Tinkerbell, you'll see better.
I was listening to Michael Savage yesterday on the radio driving home from a Rail Hunt and he brought this up. He was very adamant about President Obama spending in his first term more money than all the presidents combined since George Washington was president causing the debt to be out of reach to be salvaged and paid off. If this is true it is simply astonishing. But does anyone have any facts to this accusation?

Obama doesn't spend tax dollars, CONGRESS does.
I was listening to Michael Savage yesterday on the radio driving home from a Rail Hunt and he brought this up. He was very adamant about President Obama spending in his first term more money than all the presidents combined since George Washington was president causing the debt to be out of reach to be salvaged and paid off. If this is true it is simply astonishing. But does anyone have any facts to this accusation?

Nope. Savage, like the rest of AM-band RWR, live in some lala land where facts do not exist.

Go here, with your calculator, and you'll see it's wrong to an extent bordering on a new definition of mental retardation:

Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

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