Is Jared Kushner the Antichrist?

obama is still the antichrist because he has proven himself to be a demon. Actually, demons might be more human than obama.
Kushner isn't smart enough to be Satan. He's more like Little Nicky
Obama isn't done screwing us over yet. Just one Democrat gets elected and Obama will direct their every move.

Hillary will consult with Obama but having said that she will drain the trumpits out of the swamp with or without his help.


She would have pissed on our Constitution, taken our guns, flooded the country with mass migrations, and was all for Hemisphere #1 for our new name. She said so. Only not to you.
You are not going to like life under UN rule. The UN does not like us and punishing us makes their mouths water....
.,.,..She would have pissed on our Constitution, taken our guns, flooded the country with mass migrations, .,.,..,.

Trump, not only Trump but you tooo needs to visit the Statue of Liberty


“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

But the Irish are not welcome cause they be irishist
We came and built a town, and were so welcome, one had to go home and gather Irishmen to America for the women to marry. Your Irish shaming won't work. I don't live in the past.

When there was room we took in the tired and poor, and masses. And those that came were proud to be considered American. They came legally, and they came ready to embrace our Constitution. They worked long and hard to make it here.
That is not what is happening now.
Now we are broke, have no jobs, masses are coming here illegally wanting free everything. Our cities are cramped and overflowing, there are shit maps in Ca.....
These people shiting all over our country aren't homeless, they just prefer ours to there own.
How many do you think we should allow? 1 million Syrians? 6 million Iranians? 12 million Mexicans? Is there a chocking point for you?
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Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me?

Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist.

But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor.

Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.

This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest
He's in too much trouble to be the AntiChrist.

Jarad tried to get a "loan" from Qatar (pronounced cutter).

They said no.

The US, with Jarad's involvement and support, along with other ME countries performed a blockade on Qatar.

Qatar has been our friend. We have thousands of soldiers there.

Jarad put thousands of soldiers into terrible danger.

The blockade was quickly ended. It could have gone bad fast.

Now, it looks like a shakedown by the President's son in law.

Naughty, naughty, naughty.

That young man is in a heep of trouble. And there is nothing daddy Warbucks can do to get him out of it.
Obama isn't done screwing us over yet. Just one Democrat gets elected and Obama will direct their every move.

Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.
Obama First US President To Chair UN Security Council
Wow, you've seen Obama?

He seems pretty much retired to me.

He could have embarrassed Trump terribly for many reasons yet has stayed strangely quiet.

I think he's just following that bit of advice. If your enemy is drowning, leave them alone.
Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me? Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist. But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor. Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.
This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest

I've been into the Revelation for over 40 years. It predicts an end of era world dictator. There is nothing "crazy" about the Revelation.

Nothing at all "crazy" about the idea of the world being under a cashless One World Government (kingdom).

If you (whoever you may be) think the idea of the world getting a world dictator is "crazy" .... then you are an ignoramus.

If you think the Globalist are a joke or are just joking .... you are an ignoramus and the joke will be on you.

The Revelation gives several clues as to how to identify the two Beast of the Revelation (Revelation 13->forward).

The Revelation clues make it clear neither Obama nor Kushner can be the Beast.

For starters .... the supreme Beast will be someone that the world believes is dead (so is "amazed when they behold him") due to a "terrible head wound" ...
Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me? Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist. But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor. Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.
This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest

I've been into the Revelation for over 40 years. It predicts an end of era world dictator. There is nothing "crazy" about the Revelation.

Nothing at all "crazy" about the idea of the world being under a cashless One World Government (kingdom).

If you (whoever you may be) think the idea of the world getting a world dictator is "crazy" .... then you are an ignoramus.

If you think the Globalist are a joke or are just joking .... you are an ignoramus and the joke will be on you.

The Revelation gives several clues as to how to identify the two Beast of the Revelation (Revelation 13->forward).

The Revelation clues make it clear neither Obama nor Kushner can be the Beast.

For starters .... the supreme Beast will be someone that the world believes is dead (so is "amazed when they behold him") due to a "terrible head wound" ...

The Beast isn't someone who has been long dead and returns to life. He is a politician who survives an assassination attempt. He actually is mortality wounded, but seems to miraculously survive it. He doesn't. Satan assumes his body at that point.
Look for the one who takes Israeli land and gives it away...with Israel's blessing. The anti-Christ will be the one to get Israel to sign a false peace treaty. There is no reason to guess. When those 2 things occur, you have your anti-christ.
What data have you used to remove Jared or Obama from the list, John? One has moved on to the UN/NWO. That is a harbinger.
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Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me? Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist. But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor. Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.
This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest
I've been into the Revelation for over 40 years. It predicts an end of era world dictator. There is nothing "crazy" about the Revelation.
Nothing at all "crazy" about the idea of the world being under a cashless One World Government (kingdom).
If you (whoever you may be) think the idea of the world getting a world dictator is "crazy" .... then you are an ignoramus.
If you think the Globalist are a joke or are just joking .... you are an ignoramus and the joke will be on you.
The Revelation gives several clues as to how to identify the two Beast of the Revelation (Revelation 13->forward).
The Revelation clues make it clear neither Obama nor Kushner can be the Beast.
For starters .... the supreme Beast will be someone that the world believes is dead (so is "amazed when they behold him") due to a "terrible head wound" ...

The Beast isn't someone who has been long dead and returns to life..

Correct. He's someone who has been THOUGHT TO BE DEAD ... but never really was dead.

He is a politician who survives an assassination attempt.
He actually is mortality wounded, but seems to miraculously survive it.


QUOTE="The Irish Ram, post: 19428327, member: 29246"]
He doesn't. Satan assumes his body at that point. [/QUOTE]

Nope. Satan's empowers this person. "The dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority."
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Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me?

Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist.

But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor.

Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.

This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest
Anti-christ? Wow! That is not a title I would throw around haphazzard! Some called Obama the same thing! I will wiat to call some one that when I find the number of the beast on them. Get a picture of that and I may jump on the band wagon. Until then I prescribe four stiff drinks and a good vacation. I think we may both need a mental health day! Politics has become to much for you and freaking divorce court has me on edge. I hope calmer days are in the near future my freind!
Satan indwells. He has 0 power to resurrect. A mortal head wound is mortal. Kennedy did not survive his head wound. It was mortal. But this man appears to be dead but is not. Satan takes over before the man dies, and the man's recuperation is seen as miraculous. Had the man not been taken over by Satan, his fate would be the same as Kennedy's. Because Satan indwells, he'll preform miracles that the world will attribute to the man. Even God's elect will trust him for 3+1/2 years. He will rise among the ranks of the UN and become it's leader.
None of these prophesies have happened yet. So, with what criteria do you eliminate Kushner and Obama?

Obama's Bid For U.N. Secretary-General Has Begun | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
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Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me?

Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist.

But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor.

Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.

This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest
A lot of skyscrapers don't have a 13th floor. The owners of that property should have INSISTED it be 664 or 668.
We came and built a town, and were so welcome, one had to go home and gather Irishmen to America for the women to marry. Your Irish shaming won't work. I don't live in the past.

When there was room we took in the tired and poor, and masses. And those that came were proud to be considered American. They came legally, and they came ready to embrace our Constitution. They worked long and hard to make it here.
That is not what is happening now.
Now we are broke, have no jobs, masses are coming here illegally wanting free everything. Our cities are cramped and overflowing, there are shit maps in Ca.....
These people shiting all over our country aren't homeless, they just prefer ours to there own.
How many do you think we should allow? 1 million Syrians? 6 million Iranians? 12 million Mexicans? Is there a chocking point for you?
Now we are broke, have no jobs, masses are coming here illegally wanting free everything. Our cities are cramped and overflowing,
I thought, thanks to Trump, our economy was doing better than it ever has? I thought our unemployment levels were at historic lows and that all over the country -- contrary to our cities being overflowing --employers are having trouble finding workers.
Broke? No jobs? Cities overflowing? What planet are you on?
Broke countries are borrowers. Once we were lenders.
No jobs creates rust belts, college grads living in basements.
Masses of illegals and immigrants in California are responsible for shit maps.
What planet do you live on?
In a year besieged with Obama's resistance campaign, Trump has lowered unemployment, especially in the black community. Has halted the open border policy and is courting businesses back home. I have a feeling that if we revisit this 3 years down the road, his impact on our economy will be widely applauded.

And none of this is germane to the topic. Do you think Kushner is or is not the anti-christ?
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........... Kennedy did not survive his head wound. ............

Yea, a lot of people think that ... since that is what the Government told us. Well, wait and see.

In the meantime if a prominent (world famous) Roman Catholic (besides JFK) gets a terrible head wound and becomes thought to be dead for a while, then amazes the world by reappearing and goes on to become world dictator and be worshiped .... then I'll concede I was wrong about JFK and I'll believe the Beast is this other person that had the terrible head wound and is being worshiped (by the lost).

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