Is Jared Kushner the Antichrist?

Do you folks really want to have your minds blown?

Yes, there have been people who say (either jokingly or not) that Obama is the anti Christ.

Call it what you will, but there is one thing that I find...odd. that is his name itself. Why did barry soetoro go by the name Barack Obama?

In the Bible, there is a passage where Jesus says he beheld Satan falling from Heaven as lightning.

Well, if you look at the Hebrew translations for the words Barack and Obama, you find something interesting.

Barack (Baraq in Hebrew) means lightning and Bama means from Heaven or a high place. The letter "o" in the Hebrew language is often used to conjoin two things together.

So, Barack Obama, in Hebrew, translates to Lightning from the sky (or Heaven).

Top it off that Obama is now going to be the chair of the U.N. security council, it does present a perplexing idea.
jared? nahhh

he is a nothing really..... he is a weakling only..... you can tell just looking at him....yuck

but ...may be.....the real antichrist is the Barack Hussein aka the Barry Soetoro scum.....piece of s***....
I have to say here..... if I may.....

I have a BIG problem with Jared Kushner and also with the woman who will defend him till the end.... sadly..... Ivanka......

I have a problem with those two

I love and adore President Donald Trump !!! will do anything for him!

But those two liberal Manhattan limousine scum...... little Ivanka and poor idiotic Jared......

Get rid of them Mr President.
She would have pissed on our Constitution, taken our guns, flooded the country with mass migrations.,.

OOOh those damn immigrants, da damn migrants flooding our shores.,.,.,what do WE EEEEEEdoooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Before you condemn the shadow in the crowd oh ram, show me your birth certificate my dear irish ram

You are not going to like life under UN rule. The UN does not like us and punishing us makes their mouths water....

May I ask Irish Ram, my old friend,.,., who is "us" in your comment cause I know in my heart it ain't "we"
I have to say here..... if I may.....But those two liberal Manhattan limousine scum...... little Ivanka and poor idiotic Jared......

Get rid of them Mr President

If you don't like Ivanka & Jared because they are Jewish, I am sorry to be the one to tell you but Trump is Jewish too
I have to say here..... if I may.....But those two liberal Manhattan limousine scum...... little Ivanka and poor idiotic Jared......

Get rid of them Mr President

If you don't like Ivanka & Jared because they are Jewish, I am sorry to be the one to tell you but Trump is Jewish too

Where did I say I don't like them because they are Jewish? Show me where!

I said I don't like them because they are Manhattan limousine liberals. Learn to read!

And I also wrote the I adore President Trump ! :2up:

Go try to fight with somebody else.... I have no patience for ignorants like you....*yawn*
If you don't like Ivanka & Jared because they are Jewish,

I did't say that; you did & if you didn't sorry, my mistake. Personally I could care less if they are or are not. For that matter I could be Jewish as well.

Where did I say I don't like them because they are Jewish? Show me where!

I never said you did. Try not to read between the lines, ok

I said I don't like them because they are Manhattan limousine liberals. Learn to read!

Amazing, you say you don't like them because "they are Manhattan limousine liberals." and then in that same post you say--------

And I also wrote the I adore President Trump ! :2up:

Wake up women, Trump is the King of Manhattan limousine liberals.who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Go try to fight with somebody else.... I have no patience for ignorants like you....*yawn*

No, I like debating with you cause your so easssssy. I want a date !!
I love and adore President Donald Trump !!! will do anything for him!

I am sure you would then again; maybe you already have------
"On Friday afternoon, the Washington Post published a clip of Trump on a hot mic before an interview with Access Hollywood. In chatting with then-host Billy Bush, who is now co-host of NBC's Today show, Trump talked about kissing women and grabbing them between their legs (using far cruder language) without permission, because he's "attracted" to them like a "magnet.""
'You Can Do Anything': In 2005 Tape, Trump Brags About Groping, Kissing Women

Are you attracted to him in this way toooo?

just asking; no malice intended or implied
I love and adore President Donald Trump !!! will do anything for him!

I am sure you would then again; maybe you already have------
"On Friday afternoon, the Washington Post published a clip of Trump on a hot mic before an interview with Access Hollywood. In chatting with then-host Billy Bush, who is now co-host of NBC's Today show, Trump talked about kissing women and grabbing them between their legs (using far cruder language) without permission, because he's "attracted" to them like a "magnet.""
'You Can Do Anything': In 2005 Tape, Trump Brags About Groping, Kissing Women

Are you attracted to him in this way toooo?

just asking; no malice intended or implied

:rolleyes-41: bye bye....ok?
Broke countries are borrowers. Once we were lenders.
No jobs creates rust belts, college grads living in basements.
Masses of illegals and immigrants in California are responsible for shit maps.
What planet do you live on?
In a year besieged with Obama's resistance campaign, Trump has lowered unemployment, especially in the black community. Has halted the open border policy and is courting businesses back home. I have a feeling that if we revisit this 3 years down the road, his impact on our economy will be widely applauded.

And none of this is germane to the topic. Do you think Kushner is or is not the anti-christ?
No, I don't.
I bet trump will be impeached before the end of this year.
Now I know it is against the rules to bet $$$; so my bet is; if Trump is impeached you will call me da-master whenever you address one of my posts.
If he is not, I will do the same for you.
I bet trump will be impeached before the end of this year.
Now I know it is against the rules to bet $$$; so my bet is; if Trump is impeached you will call me da-master whenever you address one of my posts.
If he is not, I will do the same for you.

What is it that is going to bring him down? Stormy Daniels, Russian collusion, or some other yet to be named scandal?

You know, Trump held it together for around 10 months, but here lately, it looks like his administration is coming apart at the seams.
I bet trump will be impeached before the end of this year.............

Eh, that's too easy.

Will "sovereign" USA still exist within 6 months would be a better question for any prognosticators.
Will New York City have been nuked within 6 months ?

I'm not going to venture a guess because I'm too prone to 'jump the gun' and have been burned before !
Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me?

Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist.

But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor.

Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.

This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest
Who spawned this guy?

In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to Democratic political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[11] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[12] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with him, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[13] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner's act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther's husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[14][15][16][13] He was sentenced to two years in prison,[14] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[17][18] before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[17][18][19] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[20]

As a result of his convictions, Kushner was disbarred, prohibited from practicing law in New Jersey,[21] New York,[22] and Pennsylvania.[23]

New York City real estate[edit]
After being released from prison, Kushner shifted his business activities from New Jersey to New York City. In early 2007, Kushner Companies bought the 666 Fifth Avenue building in Manhattan for US$1.8 billion.[24] He and his family are estimated to have a net worth of $1.8 billion.[1] He has employed two fellow inmates he became acquainted with in prison.[25]
Aw..................hell with it...............if other people can start conspiracy theories because they cherry pick information, why not me?

Remember a few years back when various Christian crazies were trying to say that Obama may be the Antichrist? Well....................unfortunately for them, there was never anything concrete that could link Obama to Satan and his being the Antichrist.

But think about this........................Jared Kushner came out of obscurity, and has had a meteoric rise to fame by being Trump's closest advisor.

Kushner also owns a property at 666 5th Ave in NYC. Coincidence? Or is Kushner the Antichrist? Remember, the Antichrist is going to whisper in the ears of world leaders and bring about Armageddon. Kushner already has the ability to do that as Trump's representative.

This NYC Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest
If you are going to do it do it right you do not have nearly all the things are are to point to like his involment in RFID that are now being installed in people hands and fore heads. You look around there are some people who have done this work for you. I cann't remember where i saw it but there are some you tube videos that will give nearly forty minutes of evidence supporting this theory, Also plenty of you tube video calling Trump our savior. In mind my doubt full but who knows out of the few 100 bilion people who walked the face of the earth since time began, he is as good a candidate as any.
Is Jared Kushner the Antichrist?

Probably not.
Is Jared Kushner a cheating Douchebag?

Probably so.

Well, I didn’t rule out that Kushner may indeed be the Anti-christ. My thing is that if you’re going to nominate the Kush as the anti-christ…where does that leave Gloria Allred and Tucker Carlson, or whomever it is at XM radio and I-heart-fucking-media that insists on playing Billy Joel?

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