Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?

It's all so cut and dried to the clueless. They never think a step beyond their initial reaction. Got it all figured out in a split second.
If a mindless lickspittle is told that it is a case of a savvy genius disciplining a corrupt Nazi regime, he will become a perpetual motion bobblehead, utterly oblivious to the contradictory documented reality.

In that alternative absurdist, universe, it is the coalition of democratic nations that is cast as evil, and its leader the designated target of their frenetic dung-flinging.

It is just another method of attacking democracy.

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Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?

Biden knows what would happen if he appealed to his radical college base and asked them to volunteer for the front line to die for him in Ukraine.

His devotees would tell him to go fuck himself.

Biden is being deliberate on the way he is acting... He wants EU to take the lead role... He doesn't want to lead and try and drag EU along, EU love saying to US 'There you go, you want it, you get it...

Putin banked on this. He assume that the allied countries would be fractured and divided. That was a reasonable guess - that is what normally happens. But this time around the allies presented a robust and united front. Even perennial foot draggers, Germany, agreed to come along and put a brave face on doing so.

How do we think that happened... Biden!!! Biden knows these countries very well, he has the most foreign experience of any US president.. The Trumpets are screaming but they don’t know what's going on...
I believe that part of Putin's thinking was that with his help and the disinformation campaign, Trump would be reelected and therefore he (Trump) would further weaken NATO. And that Trump would act as an agent of Russia as he always did. But Biden took him by surprise by winning and was putting NATO back together and so he had to act now or forget about it.
I watched a video which essentially indicates that Joe Biden is a type of "Manchurian Candidate" who is completely beholden to China and Russia as he and his family have taken millions from them over the years, and China and Russia both have embarrassing material on Hunter and Joe too, and essentially America through the Biden Administration is now a puppet nation. Obama-Biden-Clinton also double crossed Putin and Russia despite taking millions from Putin and making reassurances to him that they would not expand NATO any further nor interfere in there sphere of influence any longer.

These people are Globalists so there is a conflict of interests between their greed and their agenda, so even if they make you a deal not to interfere in Sovereign Affairs, that deal is worthless. They will take your money for a while, and they will return favors to you, but eventually they will stab you in the back. This is their pattern. They play both sides of the isle and sell themselves out to the highest bidder at the time but inevitably return to the Globalist Agenda regardless of who they have to betray to carry it out.

Our only chance to break free of that is to have a conservative majority in Congress. Note I did not say GOP, because there are some GOP just like in The DemNazi Party that are owned by China and Russia, or are globalists or have duality of interests but they are few and far between.

In the Democrat Party, the corruption is rampant. People like Pelosi, Schummer, Swalwell. Feinstein, Schiff, Nadler, AOC, Talib and most of the Democrat Leadership are all owned by China and Russia. Most of the West Coast is owned by China, and The East Coast Democrats have more of a Russian influence. There is a conflict though in The Democrat Party between carrying out The Globalist Agendas and taking Chinese and Russian Monies, and being beholden to their National Interests of those two nations. It's all about greed really, but their default in the end always seems to advance a Globalist Agenda.

And consider this: Joe Biden not only wants to give Iran Nukes, create a loophole deal for Putin to provide weapons to Iran, and launder their oil and gas through Iran, Biden wants to give Iran Billions of Dollars for these Russian Weapons purchases and also wants to buy Iran's oil. Then Biden is also going to allow Russia to sell their oil and gas through China. China will also be allowed to financially help Russia and will be shipping arms and munitions to Russia for things they cannot manufacture themselves do to the phony sanctions.

The Sanctions are 100% political. They look tough on the surface but everyone of them has a back door around them.

Lastly, remember it was Biden-Obama-Clinton that contracted with The Podesta Group and sent people like Manafort to Ukraine to create political unrest, to create protests-riots, and orchestrated a COUP in Ukraine to remove it's president. Ukraine was at peace with Russia before Obama-Biden got involved like they did in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Ukraine. Once their COUP in Ukraine was successful, then Ukraine was used as a puppet state to harass Russia with. I am no fan of Russia or Putin, but you have to understand Obama-Clinton-Biden are Globalists and Russia is opposed to Globalism. So was Libya, Egypt, Ukraine, and Syria.

Let's look at The Obama Administration's war on National Sovereignty a little further. Aside from the fact that these people continually try to weaken America's sovereignty, you have to realize that it doesn't just limit itself to our own back yard.

Obama-Biden-Clinton paid Al Queda in Libya to assassinate Qadaffi who was 100% cooperating with US interests except that he refused to limit his oil production. Do you know who runs the Libyan Oil fields now? Russia. So you know what Benghazi was really about? Obama-Biden-Clinton was funneling money and weapons through Benghazi for Al Queda for the COUP planned in Libya, and when Al Queda found out where the money and weapons were being stored, then they attacked Benghazi. Why should they wait with their hands out for money and arms when they could just overrun the Benghazi outpost and take it all for themselves.

Obama-Biden-Clinton destabilized The Middle East. They financed terror operations in Gaza, they gave money to Al Nusra, and they financed ISIS in an attempt to remove Assad from Syria. And here is why. Assad like Qadaffi largely cooperated with The US, except for one thing. They did not listen to The Obama Administration when it came to limiting their Petro economy. Libya, and Syria also were going to do an end around the US Petro Dollar and were going to create an exclusive trade deal in The ME where Oil and Natural Gas would only be traded between them using GOLD as currency. Egypt was also interested in this deal.

So, hmm.... COUPs in Egypt, Syria, and Libya pop up almost simultaneously, and assassination attempts on the leaders of all three countries were plotted. Obama used ISIS in Syria, The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and Al Queda in Libya. And it did not stop there. Obama also went after Netanyahu, and gave aid to The PLO and Hamas through Iran. That is what the Pallets of Euros were for, to help Iran purchase Russian weapons, centrifuges, uranium, and Russian Scientists, to help them develop their Nuclear Program, rocket and missile technologies. Obama then financed political attacks on Netanyahu and interfered in Israel's elections to try to remove him from office. Much like the Russian Collusion False Charges all coming from The Obama Regime (Obama-Clinton-Biden) they also tried to associate Netanyahu with corrupt activities making molehills out of mountains and also tried to set Netanyahu's campaign up just like the tried to do with Trump even going so far as creating Fake Investigations investigating Fake Facts in an attempt to convict an innocent man.

These People are EVIL. You cannot believe a single thing they say, and everything they are doing is part of some skullduggery that if investigated would take you so far down the rabbit hole that you would never resurface.
If, as you claim, Putin has dirt on Biden, what is keeping him from revealing that? Or China? You bozos just keep regurgitating Trumpian conspiracy theories with nothing to back it up but more conspiracy theories. Bengazi? Really? LOL
By the way.....

These are the same morons who think "Green Energy" is actually viable and an immediate replacement for fossil fuels.
That the "answer" is for everyone to run down and buy a $60k EV and abandon everything oil based.
(Guess what?....EV's cannot be produced without TONS of crude OIL)
Oh, and that "Global Warming", Gay rights, abortion rights and "Climate Change" are omnipotent issues above all else.
We need not even mention that they support "Open Borders" do we?

Yeah, there's an ample supply of ignorance on BOTH sides.
Yeah, but the right has a big advantage because they have fools like you.
For whom? Oil interests,
Oil Interests? Of course not, public interest as well as utility.

You seem to have a false assumption that green energy somehow hurts Oil interests.

Oil interests profit tremendously from green energy. Oil interests;

1st, Oil interests are invested in all the mines where green. energy materials are mined.

2nd, Oil interests are invested or are the industry that processes the raw materials into green energy products.

3rd, Oil interests sell all the chemicals and energy used to process the raw materials into the products.

4th, and this one is the biggest, it is the oil interests that lend the money, (guaranteed against default by our tax money) to the green energy industry and to the countries that buy wind and solar plants.

Oil interests stand to make a trillion dollar profit!
Through banks they own or banks and wall st institutions, oil interests invest their money and green energy is the biggest investment in history. $100 trillion and more it is stated.

Oil interests are not worried one bit, they stand to make trillions on the world's largest scam in history.
Oil Interests? Of course not, public interest as well as utility.

You seem to have a false assumption that green energy somehow hurts Oil interests.

Oil interests profit tremendously from green energy. Oil interests;

1st, Oil interests are invested in all the mines where green. energy materials are mined.

2nd, Oil interests are invested or are the industry that processes the raw materials into green energy products.

3rd, Oil interests sell all the chemicals and energy used to process the raw materials into the products.

4th, and this one is the biggest, it is the oil interests that lend the money, (guaranteed against default by our tax money) to the green energy industry and to the countries that buy wind and solar plants.

Oil interests stand to make a trillion dollar profit!
Through banks they own or banks and wall st institutions, oil interests invest their money and green energy is the biggest investment in history. $100 trillion and more it is stated.

Oil interests are not worried one bit, they stand to make trillions on the world's largest scam in history.
Then they should be chomping at the bit to help pass a green energy bill. Especially since there is so much more opportunity to gouge the American People like they have always done. Why then do they spread money around to targeted congress members to kill any and all bills to even get started with less polluting and as you said, more profitable forms of energy? Seems like the opposite of what they have always done. Self defeating? Breaking with their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. Even long before there was a real push to alt energies they were doing everything to convince America of the in-viability of moving away from fossil fuels. There were electric cars as far back as the turn of the 20th century and they also killed the GM EV-1 project. If either choice is profitable why opt for the most polluting one. And if there is such enormous profits to be realized then surely they have the money to develop ways to control whatever pollutants that would be produced in the mining process. I can't believe that they would forego 100 trillion dollars just because of some start up costs. Where is their respect for the planet?
Why then do they spread money around to targeted congress members to kill any and all bills to even get started with less polluting and as you said,
I never ever said green, Solar, wind energy is clean.

Solar and Wind are top polluters. Whenever you have to build a massive, enormous, amount more than before. You increase pollution.
I never ever said green, Solar, wind energy is clean.

Solar and Wind are top polluters. Whenever you have to build a massive, enormous, amount more than before. You increase pollution.
I don't know what you are trying to sell here. But I'm not buying the story about alt energies being the devil in disguise. I think you're a shill for big oil.
Why then do they spread money around to targeted congress members to kill any and all bills to even get started with less polluting and as you said, more profitable forms of energy?
I never said green was more profitable or less polluting. I prefer to keep things fact oriented and I don't twist people's words. No need with the issues to discuss.

Oil companies do target bills that contain carbon taxes. Everybody in the USA should be against the government schemes to make green energy seem cheap. Adding a tax on carbon, which we need for life every intelligent person shod be against.
Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

Not even a No Fly Zone for Ukraine?

It’s really weird how us on the right get called a “Putin propagandist” or “Russian Agent” for merely saying we shouldn’t be involved in this war. But these same people who call us these things never say the same thing about Biden.

I mean let’s get serious, the lefties are right, you either fully support Ukraine or you support Russia. So why aren’t we doing more? Why is Biden doing almost nothing to help them? He thinks some sanctions are going to stop Putin? I love paying $5 a gallon to “stick it to Putin” as much as the next guy, but is it going to stop the war?

If simple farmers and Instagram models are winning against the Russians, then imagine how fast and easy it would be for us to win a war against Russia. Biden is a great Commander-in-Chief and Blinken is a military genius, just look at how well they got us out of Afghanistan. And their response to Iran’s missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq, just have the media ignore it say the consulate wasn’t the target, ingenious! We can trust these guys to win a war against nuclear Russia.

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?
Is this like a parody post? My dad had me watch the Pink Panther when I was a kid. It was just as funny as this line of thinking.
I don't know what you are trying to sell here. But I'm not buying the story about alt energies being the devil in disguise. I think you're a shill for big oil.
The oil companies profit from green energy, they are not against this new market for the commodities they are invested in.

A shill, can't you counter me with facts instead of trying to attack my character. I have yet to attack you yet this is now twice you have maligned me.
they are all incorporated, nearly all farms out, you need to look a little deeper than that sonny. My family farm is incorporated
Here ya go, Sonny LOL

This from fivethirtyeight dot com.

Corporate farms are important in specific farming niches. Corporations have more of a presence in cattle feedlots, fruit and nut farms, and the chicken industry, according to James MacDonald, chief of the Structure, Technology and Productivity branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service. Even in those sectors, though, family farms typically account for a large majority of production.

BTW to incorporate is not the same as being part of corporate America. It simply protects family farmers from certain personal liabilities. Okay son?
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Joe Biden's IQ is about 75 points too low to even qualify as a Russian agent.
The oil companies profit from green energy, they are not against this new market for the commodities they are invested in.

A shill, can't you counter me with facts instead of trying to attack my character. I have yet to attack you yet this is now twice you have maligned me.
Then go away if the truth upsets you.

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