Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?

Your contempt for public opinion that does not comport with your ideological dogma is noted.
Sounds to me like Putin had a "Minor Incursion" into your pants and you and Joe Biden are ok with that.

You are caught in a love triangle with Iran, Russia, and China.....eventually you gotta choose a favorite, don't you Comrade Shipwreck?

Nice how Biden is making loopholes in Joe's Nukes for Oil Death Deal for Putin to let him sell weapons to Iran, help Iran develop Nukes and ICBMS, and launder oil and gas proceeds through China and Iran.

This makes Asterisk Joe a War Criminal, right?

Remember Joe also told Putin he could go ahead and invade Ukraine, so this smoke and mirrors dog and pony show is all for show. All the loopholes are in place to allow Putin and The Oligarchs continue to operate on behalf of The New World Order, and Joe and his cronies will cash in on it. If you think Putin is not part of that, you are mistaken. They are just playing a high level game of Cowboys and Indians, and Putin doesn't mind playing The Villain. Everybody gets rich on Dead $oldier$ for Dollar$!

I swear I am not a lying dog faced pony soldier!
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Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?
Escalating the military conflict and expanding the war to envelop most of Europe may not be the cleverest of strategies for the United States, or the coalition of democratic nations, including NATO that the President leads.

Given the effectiveness of the united response that is inflicting severe, punitive hardship upon Russia, precipitously fomenting widespread carnage would not appear to be the optimal response.
Escalating the military conflict and expanding the war to envelop most of Europe may not be the cleverest of strategies for the United States, or the coalition of democratic nations, including NATO that the President leads.

Given the effectiveness of the united response that is inflicting severe, punitive hardship upon Russia, precipitously fomenting widespread carnage would not appear to be the optimal response.
China Joe is a Russian and Chinese Agent.

Everyone knows that, just like they knew The Clintons were bought and paid for by whomever threw truckloads of cash their way at any particular time.
Escalating the military conflict and expanding the war to envelop most of Europe may not be the cleverest of strategies for the United States, or the coalition of democratic nations, including NATO that the President leads.

Given the effectiveness of the united response that is inflicting severe, punitive hardship upon Russia, precipitously fomenting widespread carnage would not appear to be the optimal response.
The Obama-Biden-Clinton Administration started the conflict. Joe is just continuing their work. Prior to their involvement, Russia and Ukraine were at peace.
Sounds to me like Putin had a "Minor Incursion" into your pants and you and Joe Biden are ok with that.

You are caught in a love triangle with Iran, Russia, and China.....eventually you gotta choose a favorite, don't you Comrade Shipwreck?

Nice how Biden is making loopholes in Joe's Nukes for Oil Death Deal for Putin to let him sell weapons to Iran, and launder oil and gas proceeds through China and Russia. This makes Asterisk Joe a War Criminal, right?

Remember Joe also told Putin he could go ahead and invade Ukraine, so this smoke and mirrors dog and pony show is all for show. All the loopholes are in place to allow Putin and The Oligarchs continue to operate on behalf of The New World Order, and Joe and his cronies will cash in on it. If you think Putin is not part of that, you are mistaken. They are just playing a high level game of Cowboys and Indians, and Putin doesn't mind playing The Villain. Everybody gets rich on Dead $oldier$ for Dollar$!

I swear I am not a lying dog faced pony soldier!
You appear to be in a tizzy because the American President is successful in organizing and coordinating a devastating international response to your "savvy genius"'s savage invasion of a weaker nation.

America's alienation from the global community and brown-nosing despots was ended by the American electorate in November, 2020.

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Trump Praises Xi

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You appear to be in a tizzy because the American President is successful in organizing and coordinating a devastating international response to your "savvy genius"'s savage invasion of a weaker nation.

America's alienation from the global community and brown-nosing despots was ended by the American electorate in November, 2020.

Why is your dirty diaper god helping Russia and Iran to create a Nuclear Holocaust in The Middle East?

Are you EmperorShitzHizPantz diaper sniffer?

Maybe you divine the corn kernels in Joe's pooh to direct US Foreign Policy? Probably would get better results that way then letting Kamel Toe Hoe, and Diaper Joe run things.
Why is your dirty diaper god helping Russia and Iran to create a Nuclear Holocaust in The Middle East?

Are you EmperorShitzHizPantz diaper sniffer?

Maybe you divine the corn kernels in Joe's pooh to direct US Foreign Policy? Probably would get better results that way then letting Kamel Toe Hoe, and Diaper Joe run things.
Your scatological fixation comports admirably with your ideological dogma.

Seeing the American people so supportive of their nation again being in harmony with the global community of democratic nations in opposition to savage aggression must be a powerful purgative for you.
Your scatological fixation comports admirably with your ideological dogma.

Seeing the American people so supportive of their nation again being in harmony with the global community of democratic nations in opposition to savage aggression must be a powerful purgative for you.
Why does Joe Biden want to create financial loopholes for Russia around the sanctions to sell weapons to Iran and help Iran to build Nuclear Weapons to annihilate Israel with?

Putin is simply wagging the dog for The DemNazi party and their Dirty Diaper god who is a failure. Putin has no better friend than EmperorShitzHizPantz and you too.
Why does Joe Biden want to create financial loopholes for Russia around the sanctions to sell weapons to Iran and help Iran to build Nuclear Weapons to annihilate Israel with?

Putin is simply wagging the dog for The DemNazi party and their Dirty Diaper god who is a failure. Putin has no better friend than EmperorShitzHizPantz and you too.
So many Republicans now clambering onto the Biden juggernaut in his defense of democracy and resolute punishment of Putin may foment conservatives recapturing the GOP from the RINOs of Trumpery, an invasive species that has festered since 2016.

The extremist Republican congressman from North Carolina decided to go off on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “Remember that Zelenskyy is a thug,” Cawthorn told supporters. “Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.”...
If Cawthorn had spoken, say, a month earlier, he might have earned the praise of Trump and gotten invited to trash Zelenskyy some more on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program. But that was before Zelenskyy had emerged as a heroic figure, standing up to Russia’s invasion of his country with a combination of eloquence and courage. “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he said to those who thought he should flee.
So former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove... used his Wall Street Journal column to let his readers know that Republicans like Cawthorn and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance (“I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another”) are outliers — and that the party is oh-so-very supportive of Zelenskyy.
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“Republican members of Congress, candidates and commentators
Trump’s isolationism and Kremlin apologetics are
out of sync with GOP voters."

So many Republicans now clambering onto the Biden juggernaut in his defense of democracy and resolute punishment of Putin may foment conservatives recapturing the GOP from the RINOs of Trumpery, an invasive species that has festered since 2016.

The extremist Republican congressman from North Carolina decided to go off on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “Remember that Zelenskyy is a thug,” Cawthorn told supporters. “Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.”...
If Cawthorn had spoken, say, a month earlier, he might have earned the praise of Trump and gotten invited to trash Zelenskyy some more on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program. But that was before Zelenskyy had emerged as a heroic figure, standing up to Russia’s invasion of his country with a combination of eloquence and courage. “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he said to those who thought he should flee.
So former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove... used his Wall Street Journal column to let his readers know that Republicans like Cawthorn and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance (“I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another”) are outliers — and that the party is oh-so-very supportive of Zelenskyy.
View attachment 617158
“Republican members of Congress, candidates and commentators
Trump’s isolationism and Kremlin apologetics are
out of sync with GOP voters."

If Joe Biden is doing carve outs in the Iran Nukes for Oil Death Deal so that Biden can continue to collude with Putin and The Ayatollah to give Iran Nukes, allow Iran to sell oil and profit from it's artificially elevated price, and allow Russia to avoid sanctions by laundering money, oil and gas through Iran and China, doesn't that make Joe Biden a War Criminal?

Besides that it was Obama-Biden-Clinton that started Ukraine Russia hostilities through The Podesta Group when they instigated a COUP in Ukraine. Prior to Biden and Obama's involvement Ukraine and Russia were at peace with each other.

You are on the wrong side of history, Comrade Shipwreck. Putin is no Angle but Obama-Biden-Clinton are The Devil.
If Joe Biden is doing carve outs in the Iran Nukes for Oil Death Deal so that Biden can continue to collude with Putin and The Ayatollah to give Iran Nukes, allow Iran to sell oil and profit from it's artificially elevated price, and allow Russia to avoid sanctions by laundering money, oil and gas through Iran and China, doesn't that make Joe Biden a War Criminal?

Besides that it was Obama-Biden-Clinton that started Ukraine Russia hostilities through The Podesta Group when they instigated a COUP in Ukraine. Prior to Biden and Obama's involvement Ukraine and Russia were at peace with each other.

You are on the wrong side of history, Comrade Shipwreck. Putin is no Angle but Obama-Biden-Clinton are The Devil.
Presumably, if Putin were to now tell Trump he is not invading Ukraine, Trump would not again take his word over that of America's intelligence services.

At last, one might hope so.
Trump and Putin by law are not allowed to discuss such things with each other... Otherwise you have violations of The Logan Act such as John Kerry committed with impunity when he served as an Iranian Agent trying to undermine US Policy, on behalf of insurrectionists, seditious COUP leaders, Obama, Clinton and Biden.

The Asterisk Joe Regime coddles terrorists just like The Obama Regime. Joe's Faux Presidency is just Obama Bin Lying's 3rd Term and is just as treasonous as Obama's 1st and 2nd terms. Both Joe and Obama and Clinton should have been tried under Treason and Corruption Charges long ago before being allowed to lead us in to a planned Great Reset and the destruction of anything good and virtuous such as Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Human Freedoms.

Joe Biden is nothing but North Korea's, China's, Russia's and Iran's Prostitute and they pass this wooden headed slut around like a football.

Presumably, if Putin were to now tell Trump he is not invading Ukraine, Trump would not again take his word over that of America's intelligence services.

At last, one might hope so.

Presumably, if Putin were to now tell Trump he is not invading Ukraine, Trump would not again take his word over that of America's intelligence services.

At last, one might hope so.
Presumably, if Putin were to now tell Trump he is not invading Ukraine, Trump would not again take his word over that of America's intelligence services.

At last, one might hope so.
Trump and Putin by law are not allowed to discuss such things with each other... Otherwise you have violations of The Logan Act such as John Kerry committed with impunity when he served as an Iranian Agent trying to undermine US Policy, on behalf of insurrectionists, seditious COUP leaders, Obama, Clinton and Biden.

The Asterisk Joe Regime coddles terrorists just like The Obama Regime. Joe's Faux Presidency is just Obama Bin Lying's 3rd Term and is just as treasonous as Obama's 1st and 2nd terms. Both Joe and Obama and Clinton should have been tried under Treason and Corruption Charges long ago before being allowed to lead us in to a planned Great Reset and the destruction of anything good and virtuous such as Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and Human Freedoms.

Joe Biden is nothing but North Korea's, China's, Russia's and Iran's Prostitute and they pass this wooden headed slut around like a football.This pathetic groveling before Purit is not going over well in either party:
Groveling to appease Putin is no longer going over well in either Party:

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Not saying there won't be pain while we free ourselves and the world of fossil fuels. But we've had electric cars since the turn of the twentieth century. And, we've always had wind and Hydro and Thermal and solar etc. We are in the grips of big oil, gas and coal and we need to move away from that. Blame it on Biden if it makes you feel better but as I said, the corporations are the real villains. Did you complain when Trump's tariffs caused farmers to suffer or when he had to spend taxpayer money to try to fix a problem of his own making? Many of those family farms still went under.
Family farms make up less than 2% of that market now, they are all corporate farms now. So you only hate a specific corporation, not all corporations, interesting
I do hours of research looking at the exact materials it takes to manufacture polysilicon or process the silica. I go to the websites of the heavy industry that provide the basic materials that build green energy. I read the websites from green energy to oil companies that build wind and solar energy.

My interest comes from living in California watching these get built

I also work in the energy industry
In what capacity do you work in the industry?
Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

Not even a No Fly Zone for Ukraine?

It’s really weird how us on the right get called a “Putin propagandist” or “Russian Agent” for merely saying we shouldn’t be involved in this war. But these same people who call us these things never say the same thing about Biden.

I mean let’s get serious, the lefties are right, you either fully support Ukraine or you support Russia. So why aren’t we doing more? Why is Biden doing almost nothing to help them? He thinks some sanctions are going to stop Putin? I love paying $5 a gallon to “stick it to Putin” as much as the next guy, but is it going to stop the war?

If simple farmers and Instagram models are winning against the Russians, then imagine how fast and easy it would be for us to win a war against Russia. Biden is a great Commander-in-Chief and Blinken is a military genius, just look at how well they got us out of Afghanistan. And their response to Iran’s missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq, just have the media ignore it say the consulate wasn’t the target, ingenious! We can trust these guys to win a war against nuclear Russia.

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?
Is theHawk an alien from Uranus? Evidence suggests that she is!
Escalating the military conflict and expanding the war to envelop most of Europe may not be the cleverest of strategies for the United States, or the coalition of democratic nations, including NATO that the President leads.

Given the effectiveness of the united response that is inflicting severe, punitive hardship upon Russia, precipitously fomenting widespread carnage would not appear to be the optimal response.
It's all so cut and dried to the clueless. They never think a step beyond their initial reaction. Got it all figured out in a split second.

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