Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?

Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

Not even a No Fly Zone for Ukraine?

It’s really weird how us on the right get called a “Putin propagandist” or “Russian Agent” for merely saying we shouldn’t be involved in this war. But these same people who call us these things never say the same thing about Biden.

I mean let’s get serious, the lefties are right, you either fully support Ukraine or you support Russia. So why aren’t we doing more? Why is Biden doing almost nothing to help them? He thinks some sanctions are going to stop Putin? I love paying $5 a gallon to “stick it to Putin” as much as the next guy, but is it going to stop the war?

If simple farmers and Instagram models are winning against the Russians, then imagine how fast and easy it would be for us to win a war against Russia. Biden is a great Commander-in-Chief and Blinken is a military genius, just look at how well they got us out of Afghanistan. And their response to Iran’s missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq, just have the media ignore it say the consulate wasn’t the target, ingenious! We can trust these guys to win a war against nuclear Russia.

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?
it’s clear Joey Xiden is an agent of China…how he treats Putin is how the Chairman wants him to.
Who was Trump gonna start a war with? His friend and benefactor Putin? Trump did something worse. He withdrew American forces fighting ISIS in Syria to allow Russia and Turkey to slaughter our allies and to allow ISIS that were captured to escape. He started a war of words with all of our NATO allies and threatened to pull America out and destabilize all of western and eastern Europe. In other words, he created an environment that was the long held dream of Putin. But you don't see any of that? That's Biden's fault? And inflation is the natural result of deregulating corporate America and allowing the predatory gouging that's happening right now. And both parties are responsible for their cowtowing to their corporate masters.
Democrats should really make up their minds what is causing all the inflation

First it is due to Covid, then it is due to Putin, but you say it was the deregulation.

Then Biden during the State of the DIsunion says people simply need to keep costs down because that is what is causing it.

Meanwhile, you ignore the massive spending by government causing all this over the years, as well as the government shut downs and restrictions during Covid that has caused this.

But feel free to blame Orange man for all the worlds problems

Besides, January 6th.
Listening to you Repubtards is how we got sucked into the Iraq quagmire that killed 10,000+ US citizens & showed Putin that no country will stop another's military adventurism.

Putin has already threatened the US & NATO nuclear war. The only other option Biden has is a preliminary nuclear attack on Moscow & Russia's entire Nuclear Arsenal hoping few of their missiles get through to US.

Are you sure half of Russia's Nuclear Submarine fleet is not now sitting around the entire US coastline? As of the most recent data exchange on September 1, 2020, the Russian Federation declared 1,447 deployed strategic warheads. Is your bunker stocked up so your children can survive a 4 year nuclear winter?
So just because Putin has 1,447 nukes ready to fire we should just shout, “Better red than dead,“ throw our hands up and surrender?
Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

Not even a No Fly Zone for Ukraine?

It’s really weird how us on the right get called a “Putin propagandist” or “Russian Agent” for merely saying we shouldn’t be involved in this war. But these same people who call us these things never say the same thing about Biden.

I mean let’s get serious, the lefties are right, you either fully support Ukraine or you support Russia. So why aren’t we doing more? Why is Biden doing almost nothing to help them? He thinks some sanctions are going to stop Putin? I love paying $5 a gallon to “stick it to Putin” as much as the next guy, but is it going to stop the war?

If simple farmers and Instagram models are winning against the Russians, then imagine how fast and easy it would be for us to win a war against Russia. Biden is a great Commander-in-Chief and Blinken is a military genius, just look at how well they got us out of Afghanistan. And their response to Iran’s missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq, just have the media ignore it say the consulate wasn’t the target, ingenious! We can trust these guys to win a war against nuclear Russia.

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?
I wish you lot would make up ypur mind. First you bash Biden for "starting a war" then you bash Biden for NOT starting w war.

Do you really want to escalate this? Because that is what you are calling for...
Democrats should really make up their minds what is causing all the inflation

First it is due to Covid, then it is due to Putin, but you say it was the deregulation.

Then Biden during the State of the DIsunion says people simply need to keep costs down because that is what is causing it.

Meanwhile, you ignore the massive spending by government causing all this over the years, as well as the government shut downs and restrictions during Covid that has caused this.

But feel free to blame Orange man for all the worlds problems

Besides, January 6th.
It's all of the above. But what it isn't is what you righties want everyone to think, that it's all on Biden. You assign way too much power on one man to run the American economy. The current situation is about Covid and gouging and kicking people while they are down. But the constant overall inflation and the income gap is on corporate America and unbridled greed and politicians who are in the pockets of those corporations. And, News Flash! Spending isn't a one party exercise. 2.2 trillion gift to the 10% is a prime example. The GOP likes to whine about spending and the deficit while Dems are in charge but their memories suddenly fail them when they are in power. At those times it's, deficit spending? What are you talking about? Who? Us?

Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?​

Nah, I think Russian agents ain't this dumb and incompetent. LOL, Putin doesn't have to do squat, Joe and the democrats will fuck this country up by themselves.
There are no facts you present. Only propaganda for your Marxist Globalist Masters.
I realize that empirical data and documented facts give you the jim jams.

One endearingly childish aspect of trumpery is the need to lash out with the puerile,

Screen Shot 2021-07-31 at 5.18.10 PM.png

"I know your are,
but what am I?"

Whatever the evidence of wrongdoing, baselessly accuse your adversary of it.

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