Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?

It's all of the above. But what it isn't is what you righties want everyone to think, that it's all on Biden. You assign way too much power on one man to run the American economy. The current situation is about Covid and gouging and kicking people while they are down. But the constant overall inflation and the income gap is on corporate America and unbridled greed and politicians who are in the pockets of those corporations. And, News Flash! Spending isn't a one party exercise. 2.2 trillion gift to the 10% is a prime example. The GOP likes to whine about spending and the deficit while Dems are in charge but their memories suddenly fail them when they are in power. At those times it's, deficit spending? What are you talking about? Who? Us?
Biden has way more to do with our situation than corporations do. He targeted the energy market the first day in office and hasn't stopped. So all projected feedstocks and lower prices got scrapped right away, now we are forecasting higher priced feedstocks and it has to be recovered or we close our doors. When the price of fuel goes up, all goods and services that requires transportation will go up as well. It is bad now that the cost to transport is more than the cost of the product being transported in some cases.
It's called Hermanism. PEE WEE politics.
So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?
If Biden was doing anything else other than what he is currently doing, you would bitch about that too. It's part of the Cult Playbook.
If Biden was doing anything else other than what he is currently doing, you would bitch about that too. It's part of the Cult Playbook.
Well yes, if he was committing US troops to Ukraine I would be complaining, because I don’t support that. I am not complaining that he isn’t sending troops now, in case you didn’t catch that.

So that blows up your whole narrative.
Well yes, if he was committing US troops to Ukraine I would be complaining, because I don’t support that. I am not complaining that he isn’t sending troops now, in case you didn’t catch that.

So that blows up your whole narrative. FUCK OFF Hawk.
You were discussing the No Fly Zone.

What do you want Biden to do? About the No Fly Zone?
Biden has way more to do with our situation than corporations do. He targeted the energy market the first day in office and hasn't stopped. So all projected feedstocks and lower prices got scrapped right away, now we are forecasting higher priced feedstocks and it has to be recovered or we close our doors. When the price of fuel goes up, all goods and services that requires transportation will go up as well. It is bad now that the cost to transport is more than the cost of the product being transported in some cases.
Not saying there won't be pain while we free ourselves and the world of fossil fuels. But we've had electric cars since the turn of the twentieth century. And, we've always had wind and Hydro and Thermal and solar etc. We are in the grips of big oil, gas and coal and we need to move away from that. Blame it on Biden if it makes you feel better but as I said, the corporations are the real villains. Did you complain when Trump's tariffs caused farmers to suffer or when he had to spend taxpayer money to try to fix a problem of his own making? Many of those family farms still went under.
Not saying there won't be pain while we free ourselves and the world of fossil fuels. But we've had electric cars since the turn of the twentieth century. And, we've always had wind and Hydro and Thermal and solar etc. We are in the grips of big oil, gas and coal and we need to move away from that. Blame it on Biden if it makes you feel better but as I said, the corporations are the real villains. Did you complain when Trump's tariffs caused farmers to suffer or when he had to spend taxpayer money to try to fix a problem of his own making? Many of those family farms still went under.
Move away from fossil fuels to alternatives, which only the rich corporations and corrupt politicians can give us.

At that, alternatives don't work.

Stupidity is green
Move away from fossil fuels to alternatives, which only the rich corporations and corrupt politicians can give us.

At that, alternatives don't work.

Stupidity is green
Okay then it'll be an even swap and without the pollution of the planet. Still sounds good. Nice to know you are an energy expert. BTW regular folks can build a windmill and install solar but we can't drill our own oilfield or mine our own coal. And we can build in Thermal elements to help heat our homes. And the best part is that we can do all of this right here in America.
This is a direct quote from Trump on the Jeanine Pirro Tunnel of Towers Foundation Radio show on Sunday March 13th as he and she discussed the reasons for Putin's action against Ukraine.
TRUMP: "You say what's the purpose of this. They had a country, you could see it was a country where there was a lot of LOVE." "And WE'RE doing it because, you know, somebody wants to make his country larger, or he wants to put it back the way it was."

This is the guy who you right-wing morons thought would push back against Putin? Thank goodness that there is truth in Freudian Slips because there is never truth from Trump voluntarily. Remember whe he said in Helsinki that he can't see why interference in the 2016 elections could possibly be Putin? Then tried to backtrack and say he meant, "I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be!" That correction made no logical sense at all.
Okay then it'll be an even swap and without the pollution of the planet. Still sounds good. Nice to know you are an energy expert. BTW regular folks can build a windmill and install solar but we can't drill our own oilfield or mine our own coal. And we can build in Thermal elements to help heat our homes. And the best part is that we can do all of this right here in America.
Sadly, you need thousands and thousands of wind mills and at that the are still weaker than everything else. The output of solar and wind is tiny.

Green requires miles upon miles of land destroying trees, plants, farmland, or delicate desert.

Cost is trillions, a $100 trillion.

Cost is extreme because of all the steel concrete fiberglass polysilicon copper that must be used. More material than anything else ever produced

Solar and wind are complete failures
Sadly, you need thousands and thousands of wind mills and at that the are still weaker than everything else. The output of solar and wind is tiny.

Green requires miles upon miles of land destroying trees, plants, farmland, or delicate desert.

Cost is trillions, a $100 trillion.

Cost is extreme because of all the steel concrete fiberglass polysilicon copper that must be used. More material than anything else ever produced

Solar and wind are complete failures
Where do you get your figures from?
Where do you get your figures from?
I do hours of research looking at the exact materials it takes to manufacture polysilicon or process the silica. I go to the websites of the heavy industry that provide the basic materials that build green energy. I read the websites from green energy to oil companies that build wind and solar energy.

My interest comes from living in California watching these get built

I also work in the energy industry
What you give us is Hatred of America and nothing else.
Inexplicably, you are confusing American patriots with weird worshipers who crap on our democratic institutions, and attack outnumbered police protecting democracy against their ugly tantrumps.

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Losers rail against the President of the United States leading NATO and other democracies in defense of Ukraine, but the anomalies who trust the degenerate Putin over America's own intelligence services are precious few and diminishing.

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Putin puppets in America are repugnant to decent folks.

Inexplicably, you are confusing American patriots with weird worshipers who crap on our democratic institutions, and attack outnumbered police protecting democracy against their ugly tantrumps.

Losers rail against the President of the United States leading NATO and other democracies in defense of Ukraine, but the anomalies who trust the degenerate Putin over America's own intelligence services are precious few and diminishing.

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Putin puppets in America are repugnant to decent folks.

Spoken like a true Commie Tard spreading his hatred for America as far and wide as he can. No one cares about your evidence of sentiment manipulation.
Polls are for fools.

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