Is letting 8,000,000 illegals into the US adding to inflation (Poll)

Is Joe Biden's "open border" policy contributing to inflation?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Law of Supply and Demand". When demand goes up and supply is unchanged, prices rise.

This OP is suggesting that part of the inflation problem is that the Biden administration is letting in ~10,000 migrants a day.

Those 8,000,000 or so migrants need to eat, buy things, and use services that we pay for with our tax dollars.

When you go to the grocery store realize that you aren't just paying for your family's food, you are also paying for the migrant's food.

The "supply" of food is the same, but the "demand" is increasing every day that the border is open.

Inflation is falling slowly. But if the border isn't closed will inflation keep falling, or will it start rising?

Here is the current inflation rate. 3.1% compounded by the prior inflation rates. Is Biden's open border policy contributing to inflation?

View attachment 877143
Except immigrants are the ones harvesting our fields, working in meat processing plants, etc. They are generally paid less than others. If not for them our food would likely cost more, not less.
Certainly isn't helping.

8 million is a lot of people. Now think everywhere from border agents being paid, to then being shipped somewhere, then housing, food, etc and all the people that have to be paid in between, plus costs of water and electricity and gas, and all of the other things (were not even counting time spent on the illegals). If all of that addded up to 1 dollar per illegal that's still 8 million dollars. But we know that isn't true, it costs 10,000 times more than that per illegal easily.
Actually, tax revenues have gone up every year. The tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues. Spending was out of control. We can't do massive cuts in spending willy nilly as that will cause an economic collapse. The best thing to do is hold future spending to today's levels and let the economy grow. Yes, entitlements need to be fixed. As far as your #3 goes:

I don't know about your first bullet point. I'm mostly against that.

I'm ok with your second and third points. Would also means test SS, I don't care that the rich paid into it.

Don't know about raising the medicare tax and co-pays. I'd have to think about that. Maybe, maybe not. One thing we have never done is fix the cost of exploding health care costs. The left only want to address that problem by stiffing everyone at the top instead of finding ways to cut health care costs to everyone, including Big Pharma, providers, and insurance companies. Only cutting costs for Americans doesn't control rising health care costs.

I also don't know about your last bullet point. There are good points and bad points to taxing gains differently. I would favor really looking at the nuts and bolts of it instead of making a decision based on emotions.
1. I call bullshit that the tax cuts did not decrease revenues. If the economy grows, with or without tax cuts, then tax revenue increases from the 2% or so bigger economy, not just because of the tax cuts. We need more revenue not more tax cuts.

2. The 2019 Budget of $4.5T seems like the last sane budget.
From wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.5T = $3.0T deficit
2019 $4.5T - $3.5T = $1.0T deficit
2018 $4.1T - $3.3T = $0.8T deficit

3. My financial transaction tax works well in the EU. It raises revenue, that is a very good thing.

4. Agreed on the 2nd & 3rd items

5. We need to fix Medicare which will be bankrupt in 2028 unless it is "fixed".

6. Removing the capital gains tax break is necessary. Income is income. The $34T Debt needs to get reduced.

7. One more revenue enhancer is to make everyone part of Social Security. Now there are some local government folks not paying SS tax. That needs to stop.
Except immigrants are the ones harvesting our fields, working in meat processing plants, etc. They are generally paid less than others. If not for them our food would likely cost more, not less.
Bullshit. If they are they are working illegally. Those employers need to be arrested and fined.
If anything, an influx of poor immigrants would cause prices to go down. Inflation is mostly caused by all the deficit spending.
Certainly isn't helping.

8 million is a lot of people. Now think everywhere from border agents being paid, to then being shipped somewhere, then housing, food, etc and all the people that have to be paid in between, plus costs of water and electricity and gas, and all of the other things (were not even counting time spent on the illegals). If all of that added up to 1 dollar per illegal that's still 8 million dollars. But we know that isn't true, it costs 10,000 times more than that per illegal easily.
The number I heard is $500b and counting. Where is that money coming from? The GOP House had better not give one fucking dollar towards paying sanctuary cities for those migrants. Send the Biden Crime Family the bill.
1. I call bullshit that the tax cuts did not decrease revenues. If the economy grows, with or without tax cuts, then tax revenue increases from the 2% or so bigger economy, not just because of the tax cuts. We need more revenue not more tax cuts.

2. The 2019 Budget of $4.5T seems like the last sane budget.
From wiki:
2023 $6.1T - $4.4T = $1.7T deficit
2022 $6.3T - $4.9T = $1.4T deficit
2021 $6.8T - $4.0T = $2.8T deficit
2020 $6.5T - $3.5T = $3.0T deficit
2019 $4.5T - $3.5T = $1.0T deficit
2018 $4.1T - $3.3T = $0.8T deficit

3. My financial transaction tax works well in the EU. It raises revenue, that is a very good thing.

4. Agreed on the 2nd & 3rd items

5. We need to fix Medicare which will be bankrupt in 2028 unless it is "fixed".

6. Removing the capital gains tax break is necessary. Income is income. The $34T Debt needs to get reduced.

7. One more revenue enhancer is to make everyone part of Social Security. Now there are some local government folks not paying SS tax. That needs to stop.
Not that Republicans are actually good when it comes to the nation's finances but, democrats, in particular, every time they get $1 in extra tax revenue they want to spend it. In fact, for every $1 in tax revenue collected, democrats want to spend 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. Every time they want to raise taxes they already have in mind a plan to spend it. Take the IRA bill Biden signed into law. He outfoxed Joe Manchin into signing the bill, which was supposed to help pay off 500 billion dollars of the national debt. About a week or two after that Biden forgave student loan debt, which would have cost the government about that very same 500 billion dollars. None of this even addresses Democrats wanting to spend 50 trillion dollars fighting mother nature, somehow claiming we will actually save money by spending 50 trillion dollars.

Are immigrants eligible for state benefit programs?

In some states, yes. Twenty-six states make immigrants eligible for state-funded benefit programs. Most of these states either offer assistance to families or provide access to healthcare to otherwise uninsured immigrants. Examples of these programs are New York’s Safety Net Assistance, California’s CalFresh Food Assistance Program, and California’s Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI).
JUST keep blaming one political party for all the mess as usual.
AND nothing will change for the better for the average AMERICAN.
We are having to spend hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars on illegals...all that money is borrowed with interest payments for years to come.
Not that Republicans are actually good when it comes to the nation's finances but, democrats, in particular, every time they get $1 in extra tax revenue they want to spend it. In fact, for every $1 in tax revenue collected, democrats want to spend 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. Every time they want to raise taxes they already have in mind a plan to spend it. Take the IRA bill Biden signed into law. He outfoxed Joe Manchin into signing the bill, which was supposed to help pay off 500 billion dollars of the national debt. About a week or two after that Biden forgave student loan debt, which would have cost the government about that very same 500 billion dollars. None of this even addresses Democrats wanting to spend 50 trillion dollars fighting mother nature, somehow claiming we will actually save money by spending 50 trillion dollars.
Apparently no one in DC is aware of the cliff the US is headed for.
Not just a fiscal cliff, but a real one.
Rating agencies keep lowering US debt, soon it will be "junk".
Do you have any idea what it would look like if the US dollar collapses?
I'm picturing Greece & Venezuela.
Apparently no one in DC is aware of the cliff the US is headed for.
Not just a fiscal cliff, but a real one.
Rating agencies keep lowering US debt, soon it will be "junk".
Do you have any idea what it would look like if the US dollar collapses?
I'm picturing Greece & Venezuela.
I'm picturing times where the Great Depression looks like a tea party.
Apparently no one in DC is aware of the cliff the US is headed for.
Those idiots are fully aware, they just don't care. Remember the culture is as long as you got yours, screw everyone else. That's at the local, state and Federal government level. Everyone is out to mooch, bribe, extort all they can for their personal wealth while the rest of the country burns.
Those idiots are fully aware, they just don't care. Remember the culture is as long as you got yours, screw everyone else. That's at the local, state and Federal government level. Everyone is out to mooch, bribe, extort all they can for their personal wealth while the rest of the country burns.
I seem to recall when both parties' policy was "deficits don't matter".

Chair Powell is not ringing the alarm bell loud enough. Him saying "the current path is unsustainable" is NOT ringing any alarm bell.

He needs to say something like, "unless we reduce the Debt and Deficit ASAP very bad things will happen soon."

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