Is Liberalism a Mental Disorder ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savage's book (which I have not read), or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ? We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions, was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.

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Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savages book (which I have not read) or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ?We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.




Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savages book (which I have not read) or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ?We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.


Yes. Crazies read books by other crazies.
Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savages book (which I have not read) or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ?We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.




More proof of unhinged liberalism.

Note the lack of discussion of OP content.

Why discuss the unhinged lunacy of Michael Savage?
Why discuss the unhinged lunacy of Michael Savage?

Maybe you would be admitting your own "unhinged lunacy". Why NOT discuss the 7 contradictions cited in the OP ? Proof of liberalism being a mental disorder.
Isn't Savage the fat goofy guy that England kicked out of their country for being an idiot?
Why discuss the unhinged lunacy of Michael Savage?

Maybe you would be admitting your own "unhinged lunacy". Why NOT discuss the 7 contradictions cited in the OP ? Proof of liberalism being a mental disorder.

Because his opinion does not represent contradictions to anyone but him and any other loon like him.
Savage changed his name because it is originally Michael Weiner lol.
So ? :dunno:
He changed his name to savage to sound tough when the guy truly is just a weiner.

Michael Alan Weiner (born March 31, 1942), better known by his professional name Michael Savage.

Seems to be a true statement.

Since 2009, Savage has been barred from entering the United Kingdom, for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred."

Another true comment.

Gotta wonder if he's related to Anthony Weiner. And does he have the same "hobby." :abgg2q.jpg:
Anybody can pretend to be a tough guy if you can cut the other person's microphone. savage does it, anybody can.
I've heard Savage give callers much more time to speak, than I even care to listen to them. Quite a bit more than Mike Gallagher.

But what's this ?....a deflection from the content of the OP ? How about the 7 examples ?
Savage changed his name because it is originally Michael Weiner lol.
So ? :dunno:
He changed his name to savage to sound tough when the guy truly is just a weiner.

Michael Alan Weiner (born March 31, 1942), better known by his professional name Michael Savage.

Seems to be a true statement.

Since 2009, Savage has been barred from entering the United Kingdom, for "seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred."

Another true comment.

Gotta wonder if he's related to Anthony Weiner. And does he have the same "hobby." :abgg2q.jpg:
Dude is so much of an asshole he was kicked out of a country. Doesn't even use his real name and chose a tough sounding fake one. The right loves the guy and all the bs he spews and repeat the bs like lemmings. Sounds about right.
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