Is Liberalism a Mental Disorder ?

Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savage's book (which I have not read), or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ? We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions, was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.


Wholly shit...what a mind-bogglingly clueless post...where to begin?

You (I assume) are American. Freedom of religion is in the friggin' Constitution you ignoramus. One can allow people to practice a religion that they do not necessarily agree with.
Just because you support Muslim's right to exist and practice their religion...does NOT mean you support everything their 'God Club Manual' (the Quran) says.

Why do you not support slavery yet you support Christians as the Bible CLEARLY supports slavery MANY times:

'However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)'

Even killing your slave is okay.

'When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)'

Slavery – Evil Bible .com

And don't bother answering - I will not waste a second of my time reading it as you are FAR too clueless to waste any more of my time on.

BTW - and Christian morons who answer with the tired 'that is from the Old Testament' bullshit? My answer to that stupid point is: it is still in the Bible (the 'Christian God Club Manual').

Finally - I am neither lib nor con. And no one has a mental disorder just because they are lib or con.
What an absolutely stupid thing to suggest otherwise.
You really thought you had something going in this weak, hollow post didn't you ?

1. Islam is not a religion. That has been refuted 1000 times in this forum, for years (for your edification, since you're new here)

2. Islam is unconstitutional >> violation of Article 6, Section 2, part 1 (the Supremacy clause) So, NO, I (along with the Constitution) DON'T support Islam to exist in America. It should not. There should be no mosques, no Islamic centers, no Korans, no prayer rooms, no footwashing basins, etc. None.

3. I support Christianity as a faith of Christ, not necessarily of the Bible. I was raised as a kid a Catholic, which looks to the Pope, not the Bible as a source of inspiration. Almost all my life however, I have not been a Catholic, or attached to any religion, but just a non-denominational Christian.

4. Your philosophy here suggests that yes, you ARE liberal. And since you support Islam to exist in America, despite it's illegal supremacism (and scores of other law violations), do you simultaneously support womens' rights ? If so, how can that be possible ? (when Islam is a litany of oppression to women)

Since when has Islam not been a religion? 9-11?

The supremacy clause has nothing to do with his.

Last, the right for Muslims to live and exist in the US just like everyone else is what "liberals" support. That does not mean they support violence against women. This is why no one is answering that crazy shit you posted from Savage.

Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savage's book (which I have not read), or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ? We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions, was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.

Liberalism is not the problem. "Leftists" are. Liberals are intelligent decent people, "leftists" are pin headed clowns that believe their own bs and cannot be reasoned with. "leftists" do not believe in rational thought. Literally.

Seems that as we look at this thread and many others it is those on the right who have major problems with rational thought.
I will agree that some on the right do not meet my standard of rational thought. On the other hand, it is accepted on the left
that rational thought is a construct of European, patriarchal, colonial powers. Please reference gender studies courses. OK don't, it can only make you dumber.

The left speaking of being rational is absurdity.
Michael Savage - Wikipedia

Shift in political opinions[edit]

Savage introduced himself to certain writers in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco in the 1970s.[22] He befriended and traveled with Beat poets Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Stephen Schwartz Savage maintained a correspondence with Ginsberg consisting of ten letters and three postcards across four years, which is maintained with Ginsberg's papers at Stanford University.[11][23] One letter asked for Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti to come do a poetry reading, so others could "hear and see and know why I adore your public image."[13] Another acquaintance was poet and author Neeli Cherkovski, who says that Savage dreamed of becoming a stand-up comic in the mold of Lenny Bruce.[11]

Acquaintance Robert Cathcart says that by 1980, in his private conversations with Savage, he knew him to have conservative political views.[22] Schwartz stated Savage became alienated from the North Beach scene in the early 1980s. Savage had intense arguments with his liberal friends.[22] When asked about his shift in politics and other views, Savage replied, "I was once a child; I am now a man."[13]Savage has cited many occurrences in his life that helped shape his conservative views. Savage states that his opinions on welfare were partly shaped by his first job out of college as a social worker.[24] He described one incident in which his supervisor had him deliver a check to a welfare client to furnish their apartment, while his own apartment was furnished with cardboard boxes.[25] Another turning point occurred for him as a writer of health and nutrition books in the 1980s, when he experienced what he saw as "political opposition" after making the suggestion that the closure of homosexual bathhouses might be necessary in response to the emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic.[26]In 1994 his final health and nutrition manuscript, Immigrants and Epidemics, was rejected by publishers for being inflammatory.[27] In 1996, Savage applied to become the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. The University instead selected award-winning journalist and China scholar Orville Schell. Savage sued the University, contending discrimination for being conservative.[22] Savage later dropped the lawsuit.[28]
Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since.

Um, frankly, dude, that actually IS disturbed. How did Obama "Support" the Ft. Hood shooter? He had him arrested, tried and sentenced to death.

How does that qualify as "support" by you?

Here's the real problem with Nidal Hasan. It was a wonderful case of "Officer's Country". No matter what the officers are caught doing, other officers give them a pass. Saw it when I was in the service.
OP poster, Been there done that. Are you the poster who was banned? See bottom.

Michael Savage is a paid instigator of snowflakes too dumb to realize 'dark money' is playing them as inequality demonstrates to anyone who thinks for a moment. But sometimes the fool is happy for all he needs is to hate the other, it is a simple formula and it worked our in 2016.

Thank a Liberal

Why "liberals" shun the term using "progressives" instead...

"Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas—an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions, seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives. This open eye for possible alternatives which need to be scrutinized before we can determine which is the best grounded is profoundly disconcerting to all conservatives.... Conservatism clings to what has been established, fearing that, once we begin to question the beliefs we have inherited, all the values of life will be destroyed." Morris Raphael Cohen, The Faith of a Liberal

Conservatives believe, an old post but still relevant. Conservative Beliefs

And college for Snowflakes: APP - Education For A Republican


Banned poster: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
The politocal penduelum has swung so far right that today's liberals were yesteryears conservatives...

(a sure sign of mental instability)
I consider hardcore partisan ideology to be an affliction that affects perceptions and thought processes. I don't know if that qualifies as a "mental disorder" necessarily.

It creates some kind of intellectual prism through which virtually all input passes, and another through which analysis and reason further distort.

It infects both ends of the spectrum, of course. That's why their behaviors can be so similar.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from opposite ends can look at exactly the same information and truly, literally "see" two entirely different things. And they are being completely sincere and honest in their perceptions and analysis. <<< That's the key. They're being serious, because that's what they perceive.
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I consider hardcore partisan ideology to be an affliction that affects perceptions and thought processes. I don't know if that qualifies as a "mental disorder" necessarily.

One that constantly diverts to labels qualifies


(a sure sign of mental instability)
I consider hardcore partisan ideology to be an affliction that affects perceptions and thought processes. I don't know if that qualifies as a "mental disorder" necessarily.

It creates some kind of intellectual prism through which virtually all input passes, and another through which analysis and reason further distort.

It infects both ends of the spectrum, of course. That's why their behaviors can be so similar.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from opposite ends can look at exactly the same information and truly, literally "see" two entirely different things. And they are being completely sincere and honest in their perceptions and analysis. <<< That's the key. They're being serious, because that's what they perceive.
Very true. The hardcore on the left and right have many similarities. They do appear to be controlled by their fears and hatred of their fellow man.

The thing is these hardcore partisans pollute the political discourse and distort it too. I believe most are inflamed by the media sources they consume. These media sources are controlled and run by the ruling class. The ruling class has a vested interest in dividing Americans and so far, have been amazingly successful.
(a sure sign of mental instability)
I consider hardcore partisan ideology to be an affliction that affects perceptions and thought processes. I don't know if that qualifies as a "mental disorder" necessarily.

It creates some kind of intellectual prism through which virtually all input passes, and another through which analysis and reason further distort.

It infects both ends of the spectrum, of course. That's why their behaviors can be so similar.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from opposite ends can look at exactly the same information and truly, literally "see" two entirely different things. And they are being completely sincere and honest in their perceptions and analysis. <<< That's the key. They're being serious, because that's what they perceive.
Very true. The hardcore on the left and right have many similarities. They do appear to be controlled by their fears and hatred of their fellow man.

The thing is these hardcore partisans pollute the political discourse and distort it too. I believe most are inflamed by the media sources they consume. These media sources are controlled and run by the ruling class. The ruling class has a vested interest in dividing Americans and so far, have been amazingly successful.
Sure. They enjoy the most influence, and cause the most destruction, because they're the angriest and the loudest. That's another part of the affliction.

Hardcore partisan ideology causes blindness in one eye. So they go through life seeing only their side, and lash out at anything that invades their field of vision.

And they're enabled, pushed really, by those on their "side" who have a vested professional interest in keeping these people angry, myopic, and aggressive.

Psychology shows that Democrats and Republicans can’t even agree on objective reality
Can't We All Just Get Along? What Psychology Tells Us About Political Gridlock
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Since when has Islam not been a religion? 9-11?

The supremacy clause has nothing to do with his.

Last, the right for Muslims to live and exist in the US just like everyone else is what "liberals" support. That does not mean they support violence against women. This is why no one is answering that crazy shit you posted from Savage.
1. SINCE many years ago, countries in ten world have not accepted Islam to be a religion. Example - Italy Likewise, most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion. Are you only just discovering this now ? Another example of liberals being the most information-deprived people in America, due to the liberal OMISSION media they cling to.

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

2. The Supremacy Clause outlaws Islam, as it does all supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself, of course)

3. Supporting Islam most certainly DOES mean you support violence against women. Part of Islam is Koran 4:34 (wife-beating),, You support Islam, you support wife-beating. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to create your own facts.

Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! |

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
You show yourself to be the one with the mental disorder. This is only contradictions are in the mind of Savage and loons like yourself. I say things don't exist because they don't.
No, poster boy. The contradictions are all there in the OP. Plain as day. Nothing could be more obvious and irrefutable. If you choose to display your mental disorderlieness, with extreme denial, ...NOT MY PROBLEM.
Seems that as we look at this thread and many others it is those on the right who have major problems with rational thought.
Deflect, Deny, Divert, ho hum. We're 56 posts into the thread and there's been no discussion of the OP content (PROMISE Program, gun control, illegal aliens & jobs, gays, animals, due process, etc). Just diversion rhetoric.
Michael Savage - Wikipedia

Shift in political opinions[edit]

Savage introduced himself to certain writers in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco in the 1970s.[22] He befriended and traveled with Beat poets Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Stephen Schwartz Savage maintained a correspondence with Ginsberg consisting of ten letters and three postcards across four years, which is maintained with Ginsberg's papers at Stanford University.[11][23] One letter asked for Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti to come do a poetry reading, so others could "hear and see and know why I adore your public image."[13] Another acquaintance was poet and author Neeli Cherkovski, who says that Savage dreamed of becoming a stand-up comic in the mold of Lenny Bruce.[11]

Acquaintance Robert Cathcart says that by 1980, in his private conversations with Savage, he knew him to have conservative political views.[22] Schwartz stated Savage became alienated from the North Beach scene in the early 1980s. Savage had intense arguments with his liberal friends.[22] When asked about his shift in politics and other views, Savage replied, "I was once a child; I am now a man."[13]Savage has cited many occurrences in his life that helped shape his conservative views. Savage states that his opinions on welfare were partly shaped by his first job out of college as a social worker.[24] He described one incident in which his supervisor had him deliver a check to a welfare client to furnish their apartment, while his own apartment was furnished with cardboard boxes.[25] Another turning point occurred for him as a writer of health and nutrition books in the 1980s, when he experienced what he saw as "political opposition" after making the suggestion that the closure of homosexual bathhouses might be necessary in response to the emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic.[26]In 1994 his final health and nutrition manuscript, Immigrants and Epidemics, was rejected by publishers for being inflammatory.[27] In 1996, Savage applied to become the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. The University instead selected award-winning journalist and China scholar Orville Schell. Savage sued the University, contending discrimination for being conservative.[22] Savage later dropped the lawsuit.[28]
The thread is about liberal contradictions, not Michael Savage. he is merely a supporting theme in the thread.
Michael Savage - Wikipedia

Shift in political opinions[edit]

Savage introduced himself to certain writers in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco in the 1970s.[22] He befriended and traveled with Beat poets Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Stephen Schwartz Savage maintained a correspondence with Ginsberg consisting of ten letters and three postcards across four years, which is maintained with Ginsberg's papers at Stanford University.[11][23] One letter asked for Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti to come do a poetry reading, so others could "hear and see and know why I adore your public image."[13] Another acquaintance was poet and author Neeli Cherkovski, who says that Savage dreamed of becoming a stand-up comic in the mold of Lenny Bruce.[11]

Acquaintance Robert Cathcart says that by 1980, in his private conversations with Savage, he knew him to have conservative political views.[22] Schwartz stated Savage became alienated from the North Beach scene in the early 1980s. Savage had intense arguments with his liberal friends.[22] When asked about his shift in politics and other views, Savage replied, "I was once a child; I am now a man."[13]Savage has cited many occurrences in his life that helped shape his conservative views. Savage states that his opinions on welfare were partly shaped by his first job out of college as a social worker.[24] He described one incident in which his supervisor had him deliver a check to a welfare client to furnish their apartment, while his own apartment was furnished with cardboard boxes.[25] Another turning point occurred for him as a writer of health and nutrition books in the 1980s, when he experienced what he saw as "political opposition" after making the suggestion that the closure of homosexual bathhouses might be necessary in response to the emerging HIV/AIDS epidemic.[26]In 1994 his final health and nutrition manuscript, Immigrants and Epidemics, was rejected by publishers for being inflammatory.[27] In 1996, Savage applied to become the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. The University instead selected award-winning journalist and China scholar Orville Schell. Savage sued the University, contending discrimination for being conservative.[22] Savage later dropped the lawsuit.[28]
The thread is about liberal contradictions, not Michael Savage. he is merely a supporting theme in the thread.
Yes, Agree... However, he's been touting this mantra for decades... & I'm comfortable w/ him claiming some ownership... "Borders.. Language.. Culture.." the UK might ban U but your welcome to crash at my pad any time Dr. Savage... lol
Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savage's book (which I have not read), or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ? We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions, was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.

And here I thought Trumpians believed that Liberalism is a religion. I think that every time Trumpians ham handedly try to define Liberalism, they fall woefully short of any comprehension of real political ideas. Lacking real political beliefs of their own, they are baffled by those who do.

Liberals don't fall for cults of personality. Liberals recognize truth versus lies and reject rumor as truth, accusations as evidence and bullying as compassion. From the 'examples' drawn in the OP, it is clear that Trumpians have a one track mind devoid of nuance. What a shame. But, enjoy your moment in the sunlight of power. This too will end. Andbecause your power is wrapped up in one man, history shows that when your moment ends, it will end messy.
Um, frankly, dude, that actually IS disturbed. How did Obama "Support" the Ft. Hood shooter? He had him arrested, tried and sentenced to death.

How does that qualify as "support" by you?

Here's the real problem with Nidal Hasan. It was a wonderful case of "Officer's Country". No matter what the officers are caught doing, other officers give them a pass. Saw it when I was in the service.
Here's another glaring example of the information-deprivation of liberals emanating from their attachment to liberal OMISSION media. Back in 2009, when conservative media when blasting the Obama guilt of Fort Hood, day in and day out, not a word of the subject was uttered on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, New York times, Washington Post, etc.

OK, Mr lost on this subject. The officers in Fort Hood not only did not give Hasan a "pass", every last one of them (rank of major and above) called for a dishonorable discharge. During the year of 2009, when Hasan was ignoring Army rules, teaching jihad to the troops, quoting from the Koran, instead of lecturing Army psychology, wearing middle eastern clothes, interrupting Army activity to do daily prayers and wash his feet, Obama was receiving complaints constantly.

HIS JOB was to DD Hisan, not allow him to continue jihading. Against all superior officers' orders, Hasan kept on jihading. Why ? Answer is one word >> Obama.

Eery conservative in America has known this crystal clear for 9 years, and liberals are walking around clueless ("who ?...hah ?....wha ?) They are living in a cocoon of ignorance, maintained by OMISSION media.

Dude, the "support" was the months BEFORE the shooting, not after. :rolleyes:

PS - "Um" is not a word. Speak correct English, please.

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