Is Liberalism a Mental Disorder ?

'liberal' is merely the millennia's buzz word for>>>>

Certainly not every obstacle and failure, but for many, they DO get the blame, YES.





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What a failure of American political speech we have here. Ho lee sht.

Give yourselves a round of applause. Really. You deserve it.
OP poster, Been there done that. Are you the poster who was banned? See bottom.

Michael Savage is a paid instigator of snowflakes too dumb to realize 'dark money' is playing them as inequality demonstrates to anyone who thinks for a moment. But sometimes the fool is happy for all he needs is to hate the other, it is a simple formula and it worked our in 2016.

Thank a Liberal

Why "liberals" shun the term using "progressives" instead...

"Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas—an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions, seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives. This open eye for possible alternatives which need to be scrutinized before we can determine which is the best grounded is profoundly disconcerting to all conservatives.... Conservatism clings to what has been established, fearing that, once we begin to question the beliefs we have inherited, all the values of life will be destroyed." Morris Raphael Cohen, The Faith of a Liberal

Conservatives believe, an old post but still relevant. Conservative Beliefs

And college for Snowflakes: APP - Education For A Republican

Banned poster: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
Money ? The overwhelming amount of it in the 2016 campaign, went to your criminal avatar hero. (and mostly from Wall St)

And now that we have all your illustrious and oh-so-profound philosophy, you join the ranks of other lefty loons here in this thread, who find yourselves unable to respond to the 7 contradictions of the OP.

Let us know when you think you're capable of discussing the TOPIC, as defined in the OP. We'll be here.
And now that we have all your illustrious and oh-so-profound philosophy, you join the ranks of other lefty loons here in this thread, who find yourselves unable to respond to the 7 contradictions of the OP.

Let us know when you think you're capable of discussing the TOPIC, as defined in the OP. We'll be here.

Any political stripe can be painted contradictory ,and summarily demonized

YOUR prospective doesn't make YOUR political philosophy any more morally superior than any other judgemental fool on this soul suckin' machine

And here I thought Trumpians believed that Liberalism is a religion. I think that every time Trumpians ham handedly try to define Liberalism, they fall woefully short of any comprehension of real political ideas. Lacking real political beliefs of their own, they are baffled by those who do.

Liberals don't fall for cults of personality. Liberals recognize truth versus lies and reject rumor as truth, accusations as evidence and bullying as compassion. From the 'examples' drawn in the OP, it is clear that Trumpians have a one track mind devoid of nuance. What a shame. But, enjoy your moment in the sunlight of power. This too will end. Andbecause your power is wrapped up in one man, history shows that when your moment ends, it will end messy.
How can it be said that liberals have A belief, when they hold multiple beliefs, which CONTRADICT one another (as cited in the OP)

I'm still waiting for a single liberal to take on these contradictions.
Any political stripe can be painted contradictory ,and summarily demonized

YOUR prospective doesn't make YOUR political philosophy any more morally superior than any other judgemental fool on this soul suckin' machine

FALSE! Glossing over clear contradictions, by smearing them with generalizing, is nonsense. You just don't have the guts to take on these contradictions, and speak to them, that's all.

. So you hide in the bushes of generalization. No cigar, pal.

Nothing is being "painted", and "political stripes" aren't the contradictions. Liberal POSITIONS on the issues are. Nice try, Mr Deflection.
And here I thought Trumpians believed that Liberalism is a religion. I think that every time Trumpians ham handedly try to define Liberalism, they fall woefully short of any comprehension of real political ideas. Lacking real political beliefs of their own, they are baffled by those who do.

Liberals don't fall for cults of personality. Liberals recognize truth versus lies and reject rumor as truth, accusations as evidence and bullying as compassion. From the 'examples' drawn in the OP, it is clear that Trumpians have a one track mind devoid of nuance. What a shame. But, enjoy your moment in the sunlight of power. This too will end. Andbecause your power is wrapped up in one man, history shows that when your moment ends, it will end messy.
How can it be said that liberals have A belief, when they hold multiple beliefs, which CONTRADICT one another (as cited in the OP)

I'm still waiting for a single liberal to take on these contradictions.
Support for human rights is not a binary state. The rights of the LGBTQ community does not supersede the rights of Americans to believe in Islam. Nor do the rights of foreigners who are not breaking laws by merely being Muslims supersede the rights of Americans who are not breaking laws for being homosexual.

Why do you think that rights and respect must be suspended if no one is breaking a law? Simply because one group disagrees with another, either or both of their protections need not be suspended.
4. Your philosophy here suggests that yes, you ARE liberal. And since you support Islam to exist in America, despite it's illegal supremacism (and scores of other law violations), do you simultaneously support womens' rights ? If so, how can that be possible ? (when Islam is a litany of oppression to women)
Why are you pretending you care anything at all about women's rights? In just the last week I've watched you try to (unsuccessfully I might add) drum of support and animus against black people, the PROMISE program, Affirmative Action, at least one woman, and now Islam, on Eid Al-Fitr no less.

All you do is throw crap at a wall hoping something, ANYTHING will stick. You're harboring a lot of anger, maybe you're the one we should be keeping an eye on, for all we know you're building up to be the next Vegas shooter or Tim McVeigh.
Support for human rights is not a binary state. The rights of the LGBTQ community does not supersede the rights of Americans to believe in Islam. Nor do the rights of foreigners who are not breaking laws by merely being Muslims supersede the rights of Americans who are not breaking laws for being homosexual.

Why do you think that rights and respect must be suspended if no one is breaking a law? Simply because one group disagrees with another, either or both of their protections need not be suspended.
Now that you've dumped this mish mash on us, would you tell us how one can support Islam, while simultaneously supporting the RIGHTS (you like to talk about) of woman, gays, animals, and people in general ?
4. Your philosophy here suggests that yes, you ARE liberal. And since you support Islam to exist in America, despite it's illegal supremacism (and scores of other law violations), do you simultaneously support womens' rights ? If so, how can that be possible ? (when Islam is a litany of oppression to women)
Why are you pretending you care anything at all about women's rights? In just the last week I've watched you try to (unsuccessfully I might add) drum of support and animus against black people, the PROMISE program, Affirmative Action, at least one woman, and now Islam, on Eid Al-Fitr no less.

All you do is throw crap at a wall hoping something, ANYTHING will stick. You're harboring a lot of anger, maybe you're the one we should be keeping an eye on, for all we know you're building up to be the next Vegas shooter or Tim McVeigh.
Not hard to detect YOUR anger, overflowing out of your post here.

1. I care about ALL people's rights - that is, rights they should have.

2. I haven't drummed animus against black people at all. That is ridiculous. I may have spoken against Black Privilege, sure. But that's not against black PEOPLE.

3. Yes, of course I've spoken against the PROMISE Program. it is an abomination, that has covered up criminal records, allowed criminals to buy guns, and has resulted in the Parkland massacre. Anyone supporting this craziness, truly is in mental disorder. Perfect example.

4. Yes, I oppose Affirmative Action (and you should too). AA is simply racial discrimination, illegal, in opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Law. It is a notion that says that it's OK to racially discriminate, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. All the lowlifes who support this national disgrace, disgrace themselves.

5. You've now joined the crowd of liberals who have failed to meet the challenge of the 7 examples of the contradictions mentioned in the OP.

6. Your mention of Eid Al-Fitr indicates you support Islam. If that's true, how do you reconcile supporting Koran 4:34 (wife beating), with womens' rights ? No deflections, please.
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I'm sure there are many mental health issues involved, especially with the significant suicide rates and self destructive behavior of the bed wetters.

However, it seems to me most of them are just fuckin stupid.

Deliberately stupid.

I don't want to give them any excuses or consider their condition to be something out of their control like some psychosis that makes them a victim or other than responsible for just being stupid.

No one has to believe in utopian fairy tales, Santa Marx, global whining, gun control or incompetent meat puppet faggots. These assholes choose to believe in that shit.

Since the release of radio legend, Dr. Michael Savage's 20th book, in 2005, Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder, this topic has been discussed in bars, parks, fishing piers, coffeehouses, and just about everywhere. Savage makes many interesting points in his book, but I will point out some of my own just off the top of my head, which may be mentioned in Savage's book (which I have not read), or not.

I will go on record that yes, I believe liberalism is a mental disorder. So does this mean that I'm saying that I, myself (a liberal for 40 years), was mentally disturbed for most of my life ? We'll, I'm afraid so. Yes, it does.

Thankfully, in 2009, after the shocking Fort Hood, TX attack by jihadist Nidal Hasan that killed 13 US Army troops, and was fully supported by then POTUS Barrack Obama, I finally saw the light, and turned conservative, which I've been ever since. Being an Army veteran myself, seeing these troops mowed down while unable to defend themselves in one of Obama's nutcase gun-free zones, was just too much. Obama's inaction, despite pleas from Fort Hood Army brass to dishonorably discharge Hasan, was the first sign among others to come later, of Obama's jihadism.

How liberals could go on to vote for this man in 2012, after all his jihadist actions, was beyond belief, and beyond sanity. But there are many other aspects to the liberalism-mental disorder connection. Many of these have to do with liberals contradicting themselves (a sure sign of mental instability). Here's a few examples >>

1. Support gay rights, while simultaneously supporting Muslims.

2. Supporting women's rights, while simultaneously supporting Islam.

3. Supporting animal rights while simultaneously supporting Islam.

4. Supporting gun control, while simultaneously supporting the south Florida PROMISE Program.

5. Supporting jobs for Americans while simultaeously supporting illegal immigration.

6. Opposing racial discrimination, while simultaneously supporting Affirmative Action.

7. Supporting due process of law, while supporting unfounded accusations against political candidates (ex. Donald Trump, Roy Moore)

These are just a few examples. Some posters likely will have some others to cite, of well known and lesser known subjects.


Support for human rights is not a binary state. The rights of the LGBTQ community does not supersede the rights of Americans to believe in Islam. Nor do the rights of foreigners who are not breaking laws by merely being Muslims supersede the rights of Americans who are not breaking laws for being homosexual.

Why do you think that rights and respect must be suspended if no one is breaking a law? Simply because one group disagrees with another, either or both of their protections need not be suspended.
Now that you've dumped this mish mash on us, would you tell us how one can support Islam, while simultaneously supporting the RIGHTS (you like to talk about) of woman, gays, animals, and people in general ?
I support the rights of people to worship as Muslims. The same rights protected for those who wish to worship as Presbyterians or Catholics or Seventh Day Adventists.

I support the rights of the LGBTQ community. They are not breaking laws and their rights must be protected and upheld.

If Group A disagrees with Group B, as long as no one I saw breaking a law, why should either group's rights be suspended?

Your incredulity betrays an inability to accept divergent views and groups. Would you be satisfied with a homogeneous society? Does diversity pose a mental hurdle that you cannot clear?

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