Is low self esteem the real problem socialists have?

I have known many successful people in my life, most were left leaning democrats. If they ever started talking politics, it was clear they got all their information from the liberal media. Maybe they felt guilty about their success, so to alleviate that guilt, they became libs.
I have known many successful people in my life, most were left leaning democrats. If they ever started talking politics, it was clear they got all their information from the liberal media. Maybe they felt guilty about their success, so to alleviate that guilt, they became libs.


It isn't guilt that we feel. It is a sense of common purpose and a desire to see the least of us given the opportunity to rise up. Liberal fiscal and social policy is based on the idea that we are all in this together...and we ought to act like it.
I have a friend who is constantly posting Marxist posts on Facebook. In his mind, the world is divided between capitalists who unfairly profit off the work of workers, and workers who are oppressed "wage slaves" and have no choice but to work or starve.

He is a cook at a restaurant, and based on previous posts he made, I have learned that his job is physically exhausting, mentally draining, and without much respect in the community. At least, that is the way he has presented it.

So I asked him if he considers himself a "wage slave" and he said yes.

So I told him I used to be a "wage slave" too, but now I'm an independent contractor and I now I run my business as an attorney.

And I suggested he start his own company too, so he could be a capitalist and not a "wage slave."

And all he has come back with is excuses for why it is impossible for him to start his own business.

At first I suggested he start his own restaurant, and he said he didn't have enough money, so then I said he could buy a catering truck, and then I suggested he start a catering service.

And a catering service would require only enough money to buy food for the first job, but still he insists he cannot do this. He thinks that government regulations or something else like that will make it impossible to start his own catering business.

And I told him about immigrants who started businesses with no money at all and made it big, and my friend who started a business in my garage, but still he insists that he does not have enough money to start a business.

So what is it with this guy? Is it lack of self esteem? Or is there something else at work here?
I think that maybe your "friend" was probably given too many participation awards in his safe space. He will never be able to cope in the rough,tough world of real life.
I think there are at least three kinds of liberals.

There are those who are born into wealth, or acquire wealth too easily, so they feel guilty about it, and become liberals as a way to buy off their conscience without giving to charity themselves.

Then there are religious people, who learn in church or synagogue that God wants us to help the poor. The liberals say they want to help the poor, so these religious people buy into liberalism as a way to buy off their conscience without giving to charity themselves.

Then there are people who struggle in life, and never accomplish much success, so they become bitter and angry at the "system" that keeps them down, so they buy into liberalism because liberals offer revenge against the "rich" and "corporations."

All three types of liberals are motivated by guilt and/or envy, and they tend not to be happy with life the way it is, and they are constantly demanding things change.

All three types of liberals are also motivated by a kind of selfishness. They want the government to take care of poor, instead of giving charity to themselves. Or they want the government to give them free money, taken away from people who earned it.
I am not bragging about my success. The fact is, I've had very limited success up until recently, and I recently figured out why. Now that I've fixed the problem, I am bringing in more clients and making more money. I believe that in one year, I will be very successful. The thing is, I never gave up trying.

don't worry, next week you'll be back here whining about how the mean old government is keeping you down.
I think there are at least three kinds of liberals.

There are those who are born into wealth, or acquire wealth too easily, so they feel guilty about it, and become liberals as a way to buy off their conscience without giving to charity themselves.

Then there are religious people, who learn in church or synagogue that God wants us to help the poor. The liberals say they want to help the poor, so these religious people buy into liberalism as a way to buy off their conscience without giving to charity themselves.

Then there are people who struggle in life, and never accomplish much success, so they become bitter and angry at the "system" that keeps them down, so they buy into liberalism because liberals offer revenge against the "rich" and "corporations."

All three types of liberals are motivated by guilt and/or envy, and they tend not to be happy with life the way it is, and they are constantly demanding things change.

All three types of liberals are also motivated by a kind of selfishness. They want the government to take care of poor, instead of giving charity to themselves. Or they want the government to give them free money, taken away from people who earned it.

There certainly is no end to posts in which barely functioning "conservatives" dish on what the believe liberals think.
All three types of liberals are motivated by guilt and/or envy, and they tend not to be happy with life the way it is, and they are constantly demanding things change.

As opposed to Conservatives, who are kind of like battered wives. They accept the abuse and even blame themselves for it.
mmm Define "abuse" JoeB, I am curious.


I am an individual in control of her own destiny. If I should fail to work and acquire the money I need to survive, then I would have failed myself, no one would have caused it on me, it would have been my fault. If one cannot pull through for themselves, then they most certainly cannot pull through for anyone else. And while I am okay, perhaps even keen, to provide a helping hand, I am adverse to having a chain put around my leg, forced drag along those who will not help themselves.

Ultimately, while they have my sympathy, it is a similar sympathy I would have for the gazelle who didn't out run the lioness. To me, the person who will not even help themselves, is the sickly, slow gazelle who failed to outrun the rest of the herd. While it can be sad, in the end it is better for everyone that the strong healthy gazelle be the ones to carry on the success of the herd as a whole. And so too with our society; we are becoming weak, in the mind, emotionally, economically, the entire herd is faltering because we keep slowing down so the weak can keep up, but the weak do not want to run. The pride does not slow down for our weak though, in fact, the more we slow, the stronger they will get. If the individual gazelle does not have the will to survive and succeed, then let them choose that path, and offer them a call of warning, but ignore their bleating when they do not run... and the lioness pounces.
Ultimately, while they have my sympathy, it is a similar sympathy I would have for the gazelle who didn't out run the lioness. To me, the person who will not even help themselves, is the sickly, slow gazelle who failed to outrun the rest of the herd. While it can be sad, in the end it is better for everyone that the strong healthy gazelle be the ones to carry on the success of the herd as a whole.

Wow, you know, you might be on to something. Probably we need to start euthanizing the disabled. Bunch of losers Then all those old people. Because, hey those mansions and dressage horses aren't going to buy themselves.
You sound offended... Do you not have family to care for you when you get old? Tending to ones parents when their bodies or minds fail them is part of ones obligations in life, but that obligation is to ones /own/ family, not the entire world.
It has always been my opinion that people who support wealth redistributive economic policies are weak people.
mmm Define "abuse" JoeB, I am curious.


I am an individual in control of her own destiny. If I should fail to work and acquire the money I need to survive, then I would have failed myself, no one would have caused it on me, it would have been my fault. If one cannot pull through for themselves, then they most certainly cannot pull through for anyone else. And while I am okay, perhaps even keen, to provide a helping hand, I am adverse to having a chain put around my leg, forced drag along those who will not help themselves.

Ultimately, while they have my sympathy, it is a similar sympathy I would have for the gazelle who didn't out run the lioness. To me, the person who will not even help themselves, is the sickly, slow gazelle who failed to outrun the rest of the herd. While it can be sad, in the end it is better for everyone that the strong healthy gazelle be the ones to carry on the success of the herd as a whole. And so too with our society; we are becoming weak, in the mind, emotionally, economically, the entire herd is faltering because we keep slowing down so the weak can keep up, but the weak do not want to run. The pride does not slow down for our weak though, in fact, the more we slow, the stronger they will get. If the individual gazelle does not have the will to survive and succeed, then let them choose that path, and offer them a call of warning, but ignore their bleating when they do not run... and the lioness pounces.
This is why Americans kill each other on an industrial scale.
mmm Define "abuse" JoeB, I am curious.


I am an individual in control of her own destiny. If I should fail to work and acquire the money I need to survive, then I would have failed myself, no one would have caused it on me, it would have been my fault. If one cannot pull through for themselves, then they most certainly cannot pull through for anyone else. And while I am okay, perhaps even keen, to provide a helping hand, I am adverse to having a chain put around my leg, forced drag along those who will not help themselves.

Ultimately, while they have my sympathy, it is a similar sympathy I would have for the gazelle who didn't out run the lioness. To me, the person who will not even help themselves, is the sickly, slow gazelle who failed to outrun the rest of the herd. While it can be sad, in the end it is better for everyone that the strong healthy gazelle be the ones to carry on the success of the herd as a whole. And so too with our society; we are becoming weak, in the mind, emotionally, economically, the entire herd is faltering because we keep slowing down so the weak can keep up, but the weak do not want to run. The pride does not slow down for our weak though, in fact, the more we slow, the stronger they will get. If the individual gazelle does not have the will to survive and succeed, then let them choose that path, and offer them a call of warning, but ignore their bleating when they do not run... and the lioness pounces.
This is why Americans kill each other on an industrial scale.
You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Just look at the trend over the decades.
I have a friend who is constantly posting Marxist posts on Facebook. In his mind, the world is divided between capitalists who unfairly profit off the work of workers, and workers who are oppressed "wage slaves" and have no choice but to work or starve.

He is a cook at a restaurant, and based on previous posts he made, I have learned that his job is physically exhausting, mentally draining, and without much respect in the community. At least, that is the way he has presented it.

So I asked him if he considers himself a "wage slave" and he said yes.

So I told him I used to be a "wage slave" too, but now I'm an independent contractor and I now I run my business as an attorney.

And I suggested he start his own company too, so he could be a capitalist and not a "wage slave."

And all he has come back with is excuses for why it is impossible for him to start his own business.

At first I suggested he start his own restaurant, and he said he didn't have enough money, so then I said he could buy a catering truck, and then I suggested he start a catering service.

And a catering service would require only enough money to buy food for the first job, but still he insists he cannot do this. He thinks that government regulations or something else like that will make it impossible to start his own catering business.

And I told him about immigrants who started businesses with no money at all and made it big, and my friend who started a business in my garage, but still he insists that he does not have enough money to start a business.

So what is it with this guy? Is it lack of self esteem?
I am not bragging about my success. The fact is, I've had very limited success up until recently, and I recently figured out why. Now that I've fixed the problem, I am bringing in more clients and making more money. I believe that in one year, I will be very successful. The thing is, I never gave up trying.

don't worry, next week you'll be back here whining about how the mean old government is keeping you down.
Do you ever get tired of being a nasty person?
You sound offended... Do you not have family to care for you when you get old? Tending to ones parents when their bodies or minds fail them is part of ones obligations in life, but that obligation is to ones /own/ family, not the entire world.

yes, I'm offended by people who support shit that has already proven to NOT WORK.

We have Medicare and Social Security for a reason, that reason being that we don't want to make families choose between their children and their parents.
I have a friend who is constantly posting Marxist posts on Facebook. In his mind, the world is divided between capitalists who unfairly profit off the work of workers, and workers who are oppressed "wage slaves" and have no choice but to work or starve.

He is a cook at a restaurant, and based on previous posts he made, I have learned that his job is physically exhausting, mentally draining, and without much respect in the community. At least, that is the way he has presented it.

So I asked him if he considers himself a "wage slave" and he said yes.

So I told him I used to be a "wage slave" too, but now I'm an independent contractor and I now I run my business as an attorney.

And I suggested he start his own company too, so he could be a capitalist and not a "wage slave."

And all he has come back with is excuses for why it is impossible for him to start his own business.

At first I suggested he start his own restaurant, and he said he didn't have enough money, so then I said he could buy a catering truck, and then I suggested he start a catering service.

And a catering service would require only enough money to buy food for the first job, but still he insists he cannot do this. He thinks that government regulations or something else like that will make it impossible to start his own catering business.

And I told him about immigrants who started businesses with no money at all and made it big, and my friend who started a business in my garage, but still he insists that he does not have enough money to start a business.

So what is it with this guy? Is it lack of self esteem? Or is there something else at work here?
Do you ever get tired of being a nasty person?

No, I never get tired of exposing Right Wingers for the phony, heartless hypocrites they are. The people who talk about Jesus all day, but seem to forget he said to take care of the poor. I never get tired of exposing your racism, misogyny and homophobia. I never tire of pointing out that you guys are the biggest fucking dupes in the world because you keep grabbing your ankles when the one percent fucks you.

Any other dumb questions.
All three types of liberals are motivated by guilt and/or envy, and they tend not to be happy with life the way it is, and they are constantly demanding things change.

As opposed to Conservatives, who are kind of like battered wives. They accept the abuse and even blame themselves for it.

So... you think socialism is the answer?

Please post a link to a successful socialist nation...

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