Is low self esteem the real problem socialists have?

No, guy, i don't think you actually have a staff... that's my point. i think you are too mentally deranged to organize your sock drawer.

Joey, I really couldn't give two shits what you think to be totally honest. I was merely agreeing with your point. I underpay my incredible and amazing staff. There is no way I could pay them what they're worth for the job they do. Here's something else, I bet most successful capitalists will concur with me on this.
So what is it with this guy? Is it lack of self esteem? Or is there something else at work here?
Yeah, I've run into these types of people before, too. It may be a lack of self esteem, it may be cowardice, or it may be that they're just emoting out of frustration.

This is the kind of person who screams with glee over ignorant comments like "you didn't build that". They have no idea how difficult it is to start and grow a business, but even then, they're afraid to do it.

There's another level to it, too. I had a conversation with a guy who had the same attitude as your friend, BUT he said he "owned his own business". So I asked him how many employees he has. Zero. Well, sorry, that's still not the same. Just being able to hire your FIRST employee takes massive effort and risk, let alone more employees. But the "you didn't build that" folks don't know that.

If they don't have the aptitude or the balls to start their own business, fine. But they can take their ignorant criticisms and cram 'em.
I also have to share this... I recently opened a restaurant. Now... I have never been in the restaurant business before in my life. I've never worked in one, never managed one... nothing... zero experience with it. Here is what happened....

I ran across a really good deal on a couple of old abandoned storefronts along the railroad in a sleepy little one horse town in north Alabama. It used to be a thriving community but now it's essentially a ghost town.... nothing there. The interstate exit is about a mile up the road and there is plenty of commerce around the exit... but this is "downtown" in the old historic part. So I bought what amounts to about 850 square feet for around $20k. Actually, I bartered for it using some timber property I wasn't using... so really, no money out of pocket there. I also had some restaurant equipment I had acquired in another barter exchange for some old cars.

My original purpose of buying these buildings was to use them for storage. I was going to keep some of my nicer antique cars in there to protect from the elements but when I started measuring, they weren't going to be big enough to suit my needs. So I was up there doing this measuring and stuff and I got hungry and wanted something to eat... I looked around and realized, there really wasn't any place to get a bite to eat other than the typical fast food joints up by the interstate. I started thinking, you know... this would make a good place for a little coffee shop where you could grab a bite to eat... I had the equipment and so I started planning it out.

I can't tell you how many people told me I was crazy. There's no way you're going to make that fly in THAT location! There were some pitfalls, I had to basically redo the antiquated plumbing and wiring. I had to install handicap ramps and lighting... it took me about 6 months to pull it all together. I decided to make it a bistro because a bistro is informal, you can serve anything. I chose to specialize in European style cuisine and feature items you couldn't normally find... like lamb chops and schnitzel. The critics kept screaming... NO WAY! You'll NEVER make THAT work! To top it off, in the adjoining building, I decided to put in a stage and feature live music. Keep in mind, this is a little one-horse town in the middle of nowhere... it's in a DRY county, no booze! And AGAIN... the critics railed... how the hell are you going to get people in to watch live music and you can't even serve alcohol?

Well... turns out, in a dry county, the people are used to not having alcohol. They don't seem to mind it. We pack the place out on Friday and Saturday nights. Our first month, we did over $20k in business. No rent to pay... everything is paid for... we're looking good financially. People in three surrounding counties are talking about us and we have guests coming from 60 miles away to check it out. I'm tickled with the results, I never thought it would be so successful but if it closed today, people would still be talking about it for years to come.

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Success is 95% attitude.

Except real millionaires are busy going out there and cheating the people who do the actual work.

You are right... I am seriously cheating my dedicated staff who work their fucking asses off every day to make me look good. I don't pay them nearly enough for the tremendous job they do and effort they put in to my business. From my servers to my managers, dedicated and loyal young people who are motivated and eager to make it happen.

I hired a bang up 'rock star' of a chef who totally gets the vision of what we're doing and he's knocking it out of the park every week. He's working for about 1/3 of what he could make in a bigger city. I have no idea how I got so lucky landing such a gem.. he literally just, off the street, walked in the door the week of our opening, after our original chef fell through and I fearing we were going to have to fake it.

Our hostess is Class A... a smart and sophisticated little red head with glasses and 4.0 gpa who knows what she is doing and takes care of every customer who walks through the door. I have a breakfast manager who gets there at 5:30 a.m. in order to prepare for 7:00 opening but she only claims her salary from 7-12. She was down there every day while we were preparing to open, working for free to get {our} restaurant ready.

So you nailed it... absolutely! I am cheating my employees like you wouldn't believe.

You lay it on thick. I'll give you that.
Her. It's alright, I'm sure that envy and resentment of yours will treat you well at the end.

yup, a supposed millionaire who can't use simple grammar.

There is no flaw in my grammar above Sir. Though, admittedly the style is a bit more artistic and formal that the norm. One of my hobbies is writing so, at times, I might post under the influence of my muse. ~shrug~

She. Its not like I have slaves lol
Sorry. You were so irrational, I assumed you were a man.

You know next to nothing of me, merely that I support capitalism and excellism, and you proclaim /I/ am the arrogant one? I will never be a drag on society and the nation. I realize that my future is my own responsibility, to carry myself and my family. Unlike you, who apparently believes that you 'deserve' better than you have given yourself? Your million dollar home? You proclaim me a "ruling class," yet nothing I have said is anything about "ruling" over anyone, in fact, I am an individualist who celebrates the uniqueness of others. Whom is the irrational one, she who speaks her mind, or he who twists it to suit their hatreds?

mmm Define "abuse" JoeB, I am curious.


I am an individual in control of her own destiny. If I should fail to work and acquire the money I need to survive, then I would have failed myself, no one would have caused it on me, it would have been my fault. If one cannot pull through for themselves, then they most certainly cannot pull through for anyone else. And while I am okay, perhaps even keen, to provide a helping hand, I am adverse to having a chain put around my leg, forced drag along those who will not help themselves.

Ultimately, while they have my sympathy, it is a similar sympathy I would have for the gazelle who didn't out run the lioness. To me, the person who will not even help themselves, is the sickly, slow gazelle who failed to outrun the rest of the herd. While it can be sad, in the end it is better for everyone that the strong healthy gazelle be the ones to carry on the success of the herd as a whole. And so too with our society; we are becoming weak, in the mind, emotionally, economically, the entire herd is faltering because we keep slowing down so the weak can keep up, but the weak do not want to run. The pride does not slow down for our weak though, in fact, the more we slow, the stronger they will get. If the individual gazelle does not have the will to survive and succeed, then let them choose that path, and offer them a call of warning, but ignore their bleating when they do not run... and the lioness pounces.

But sometimes you don't control your own destiny. I am a 40 year old man and, through no fault of mine, have End Stage Renal Disease. Nothing I have done has caused this. The dialysis treatments to keep me alive costs around 87,000 dollars a year, an amount event a "millionaire" would need help with. I am thankful to live in a time when Kidney failure isn't a death sentence. Through private insurance and Medicare I am able to pay for my treatments. I fear the day social darwinist like you ever get control of the government.

Social Darwinist... I rather like the sound of that, if I am to be honest. Nature has been going through the concept of 'the strong shall survive' for far longer than the arrogance of man after all.

Still, you've got me quite wrong. I do not object to a hand-up for folks in your situation, help until you get a kidney transplant or whatever, I merely object to fully supporting generation after generation of folks who have no desire to be successful, no desire to succeed in life, and are ultimately of no benefit to... anyone really. The purpose of a nation is to work together for a common goal, not for 1% of its citizens to carry 70% of the nation on their back, then be told that they are not pulling their "fair share." It is deeply insulting to me, after all that my family has put into this country; money, blood, and tears for generations, to be told that: simply because we are successful, we are bad people. That, because I invested in an idea that I believed in, I am "all that is wrong with this nation." I despise this class warfare the democrats have brought forth, with its pine for socialism and hatred of capitalism. It angers me greatly because it is a lie, a deeply insulting lie, and, a very dangerous lie for this nation.
Joey, I really couldn't give two shits what you think to be totally honest. I was merely agreeing with your point. I underpay my incredible and amazing staff. There is no way I could pay them what they're worth for the job they do. Here's something else, I bet most successful capitalists will concur with me on this.

Well, just because they think slinging collard greens and pigs feet at the Redneck Cafe is better than working at the toxic waste dump, doesn't make you a nice person.

Just saying.
There is no flaw in my grammar above Sir. Though, admittedly the style is a bit more artistic and formal that the norm. One of my hobbies is writing so, at times, I might post under the influence of my muse.

Yeah, I think we have a picture of your muse..


Still, you've got me quite wrong. I do not object to a hand-up for folks in your situation, help until you get a kidney transplant or whatever, I merely object to fully supporting generation after generation of folks who have no desire to be successful, no desire to succeed in life, and are ultimately of no benefit to... anyone really.

Yeah, so let's look at that. We've had 400 years of racism, slavery, Jim Crow, and when "those people" finally got into a position where they could make a decent living for themselves working at a factory, the shitheads you worship shipped the factory to Mexico or China. It's like you break someone's leg and then make fun of them when they can't run a marathon.
...they think slinging collard greens and pigs feet at the Redneck Cafe is better than...

First of all, we don't serve collards or pig's feet. We serve Euro-style cuisine. Our customers drop $100 on dinner. My staff doesn't worry about what it's better than, they are helping to make it great. I'm sure they don't plan to work there forever and they will all move on to bigger and better things. After all, that's what I plan to do. All along, my plan has been to build something up from nothing and sell it.

I've got maybe $40k invested in this whole thing and I was offered $175k for it last week.
I have a friend who is constantly posting Marxist posts on Facebook. In his mind, the world is divided between capitalists who unfairly profit off the work of workers, and workers who are oppressed "wage slaves" and have no choice but to work or starve.

He is a cook at a restaurant, and based on previous posts he made, I have learned that his job is physically exhausting, mentally draining, and without much respect in the community. At least, that is the way he has presented it.

So I asked him if he considers himself a "wage slave" and he said yes.

So I told him I used to be a "wage slave" too, but now I'm an independent contractor and I now I run my business as an attorney.

And I suggested he start his own company too, so he could be a capitalist and not a "wage slave."

And all he has come back with is excuses for why it is impossible for him to start his own business.

At first I suggested he start his own restaurant, and he said he didn't have enough money, so then I said he could buy a catering truck, and then I suggested he start a catering service.

And a catering service would require only enough money to buy food for the first job, but still he insists he cannot do this. He thinks that government regulations or something else like that will make it impossible to start his own catering business.

And I told him about immigrants who started businesses with no money at all and made it big, and my friend who started a business in my garage, but still he insists that he does not have enough money to start a business.

So what is it with this guy? Is it lack of self esteem? Or is there something else at work here?

There are probably lots of things that make someone think in a certain way, the chemicals in their bodies are probably the main one. Society needs different types of people to function, it needs selfish people, caring people, happy people, sad people, it all makes society something not like having robots.
There is no flaw in my grammar above Sir. Though, admittedly the style is a bit more artistic and formal that the norm. One of my hobbies is writing so, at times, I might post under the influence of my muse.

Yeah, I think we have a picture of your muse..


Still, you've got me quite wrong. I do not object to a hand-up for folks in your situation, help until you get a kidney transplant or whatever, I merely object to fully supporting generation after generation of folks who have no desire to be successful, no desire to succeed in life, and are ultimately of no benefit to... anyone really.

Yeah, so let's look at that. We've had 400 years of racism, slavery, Jim Crow, and when "those people" finally got into a position where they could make a decent living for themselves working at a factory, the shitheads you worship shipped the factory to Mexico or China. It's like you break someone's leg and then make fun of them when they can't run a marathon.

I neither drink nor do drugs as I dislike anything that colors my mind.

Now you paint me a racist out of the blue, with nothing to go off of at all? Perhaps /you/ should set down the glass...
Starting your own business requires effort. It's easier to complain than act. Low self esteem that thwarts ambition could be his reason for inaction. Perhaps simple laziness. Maybe as Kosh suggests, leftist conditioning.
I don't buy the "leftist conditioning" excuse (or rightist for that matter) but low IQ? Laziness/lack of ambition? Low self esteem? Yes, those are probably all applicable to some degree.
First of all, we don't serve collards or pig's feet. We serve Euro-style cuisine. Our customers drop $100 on dinner. My staff doesn't worry about what it's better than, they are helping to make it great. I'm sure they don't plan to work there forever and they will all move on to bigger and better things. After all, that's what I plan to do. All along, my plan has been to build something up from nothing and sell it.

I've got maybe $40k invested in this whole thing and I was offered $175k for it last week.

Wait, is this your Fine Dining Establishment?

I neither drink nor do drugs as I dislike anything that colors my mind.

Now you paint me a racist out of the blue, with nothing to go off of at all? Perhaps /you/ should set down the glass...

scratch a conservative, find a racist. Always.
I neither drink nor do drugs as I dislike anything that colors my mind.

Now you paint me a racist out of the blue, with nothing to go off of at all? Perhaps /you/ should set down the glass...
No worries, EC, and don't take having the Race Card played on you by a far Lefty, especially JoeB131, personal. It's what they do when either they have nothing intelligent to say or actively seek to derail a topic they cannot refute.

Exhibit A:
Scratch a conservative, find a racist. Always.

No worries, EC, and don't take having the Race Card played on you by a far Lefty, especially JoeB131, personal. It's what they do when either they have nothing intelligent to say or actively seek to derail a topic they cannot refute.

No, I just don't think you are being all that clever when you say "Welfare people' instead of the N-word. the fact you all think you are is kind of depressing.

The reality is that as much as your side whines about "Those people" being on welfare, the two biggest government expenditures- Social Security and Medicare- are middle class entitlements.
It is fascinating how, almost invariably, progressives are miserable and frequently angry........and lets face it, very clear that many of the progressives on this site are social oddballs with distinctly extreme positions. I always credited that too having to deal with a lot of social abuse they experienced in the formative years.......a perpetual state of obstinate!! Very evident if you check the content of the posts of the progressives on this thread. Connecting the dots, one would think there are clearly some self-esteem issues.
I find that an interesting link to make JoeB. I don't think that welfare = black at all... My step-son Ty's family is easily as well off as my own. I've never thought less of them for the color of their skin. In fact, I've oft joked with Ty's grandparents, re them trying to get their daughter back with my husband (because she's an idiot and divorced him.) Hell I razz her about it too, tell her she's an idiot, that we have a king but she'd have to share, that I'd make her forget about him... She's just gorgeous, dem legs, those thighs, I could los- *coughs* uhm, where were we... oh yea I'm a racist...

I can honestly say that not a single one of the black folk I know is poor, not one. Admittedly, there's not too many 15 maybe 20 families, but they hate it up here, they say it's too cold. Either way, I know more poor white folk than I do black folk, sad part is most of the poor white folk I know are Veterans. That's disheartening...
I can honestly say that not a single one of the black folk I know is poor, not one. Admittedly, there's not too many 15 maybe 20 families, but they hate it up here, they say it's too cold. Either way, I know more poor white folk than I do black folk, sad part is most of the poor white folk I know are Veterans. That's disheartening...

ah, the retreat of the bigot.... "Some of my best friends are...."
I have a friend who is constantly posting Marxist posts on Facebook. In his mind, the world is divided between capitalists who unfairly profit off the work of workers, and workers who are oppressed "wage slaves" and have no choice but to work or starve.

He is a cook at a restaurant, and based on previous posts he made, I have learned that his job is physically exhausting, mentally draining, and without much respect in the community. At least, that is the way he has presented it.

So I asked him if he considers himself a "wage slave" and he said yes.

So I told him I used to be a "wage slave" too, but now I'm an independent contractor and I now I run my business as an attorney.

And I suggested he start his own company too, so he could be a capitalist and not a "wage slave."

And all he has come back with is excuses for why it is impossible for him to start his own business.

At first I suggested he start his own restaurant, and he said he didn't have enough money, so then I said he could buy a catering truck, and then I suggested he start a catering service.

And a catering service would require only enough money to buy food for the first job, but still he insists he cannot do this. He thinks that government regulations or something else like that will make it impossible to start his own catering business.

And I told him about immigrants who started businesses with no money at all and made it big, and my friend who started a business in my garage, but still he insists that he does not have enough money to start a business.

So what is it with this guy? Is it lack of self esteem? Or is there something else at work here?

Tell you what, that question will be answered if you can answer this one, are the supporters of Trump, frustrated hillbillies who lack brains or racist white men who lack period?

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