Is medical marijuana good medicine?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Is medical marijuana good medicine?


The Los Angeles City Council voted Tuesday to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in the city, the culmination of years of controversy over the sale of pot here. Meanwhile, in Oakland, a federal crackdown closed the nation's largest dispensary amid protests and demonstrations. But authorities rarely seem to address the real issue about marijuana in California: Is it good medicine?

Some proponents of medical marijuana argue that pot is "natural" and therefore better, or at least no worse, than legally prescribed drugs, which may be addictive and may carry dangerous side effects. But natural is not the standard for whether a drug is safe and effective.

Marijuana advocates also say that physicians who warn against marijuana merely want to push prescriptions. But just because some doctors practice bad medicine with legal drugs doesn't make marijuana good medicine. In most cases, it isn't.

Anyone who wants to get a medical marijuana card knows there are unscrupulous doctors who will give you a recommendation with few questions asked. Without doubt, medical marijuana hands a get-out-of-jail-free card to people who just want to get high. Those who get a card and indulge in the infrequent use of marijuana will probably experience few problems. But the situation is different with chronic marijuana use.

Marijuana acts on cannabinoid receptors in the brain. These receptors, which are the most prevalent in the nervous system, influence just about every bodily function, including memory, attention, disposition, arousal, motivation, perception, appetite and sleep.

Many chronic marijuana users insist that marijuana is not addictive the way alcohol and other drugs are. However, neuroscience, animal studies, clinical reports of withdrawal in humans and epidemiology all show that marijuana is potentially addictive.

PHOTOS: L.A.'s marijuana dispensaries by type

As to its benefits, controlled clinical studies show they exist, but they are limited. Marijuana can effectively treat neuropathic pain, and it has been shown to improve appetite and reduce nausea in cancer and AIDS patients.

But other generally accepted ideas about marijuana's effectiveness don't hold up.

The Glaucoma Research Foundation disputes the idea that medical marijuana is good medicine for the disease. "The high dose of marijuana necessary to produce a clinically relevant effect," the foundation's website explains, makes it a poor choice for the treatment of glaucoma, especially given its "significant side effects" and the availability of safer effective drugs.

In addition, those who use marijuana to treat mental health symptoms might be surprised to learn that studies show it not only may not help such symptoms, it may cause them.

Increased funding for research may lead to a better understanding of the impact cannabis has on our bodies, but for now the claims that the drug is effective in the treatment of multiple disorders as distinct as lupus and anxiety seem far-fetched at best. It seems more likely that for some people, getting high just makes them feel better, the way a drink or two might. You would be shocked, however, if in response to a diagnosis of lupus, your doctor suggested you "take two drinks and call me in the morning."

Is medical marijuana good medicine? -
HG, have you ever known an Afro boy who didn't use pot? (be careful about pissing on your credibility)

Medical pot is a joke. It may have some benefits, but these benefits can be had from other drugs, including THC pills. These medical pot stores are a joke, headshops covered by only the thinnest veil of medical purpose. Afros are a joke.

Medical pot laws are nothing but the fruit of people who long for legalized recreational marijuana. Pot should be legal, but it shouldn't be gained with a shithead approach.
HG, have you ever known an Afro boy who didn't use pot? (be careful about pissing on your credibility)

Medical pot is a joke. It may have some benefits, but these benefits can be had from other drugs, including THC pills. These medical pot stores are a joke, headshops covered by only the thinnest veil of medical purpose. Afros are a joke.

Medical pot laws are nothing but the fruit of people who long for legalized recreational marijuana. Pot should be legal, but it shouldn't be gained with a shithead approach.

Jesus you are thick, people of every race use pot jack ass. Don't even try to sit here and say white people don't smoke.:eusa_liar:
This is my opinion on it...

I think "smoking your medicine" is silly.... BUT... if it were legal and not so GAWD DAMNED expensive, because its illegal, folks would not have to smoke it.

I know first hand that marijuana helps with my back pain... but I also know that if you cough wrong... your back will pay a very steep price.

As for cancer and AIDS patients... it works great for appetitie.

Weed is a bag of mixed blessings.
First of all marijuana isn't medicine. It doesn't cure anything and in fact it's continued use probably has the same cancer factor as cigarettes. Marijuana is just another pain killer for mild as well as psychological and imagined pain.
Medical marijuana was the wrong way to go right from the start.

What folks don't realize is that the early tests for medical usage of pot was funded by an anti-drug government which would pay for anti-drug research very generously - the propaganda machine working at peak efficiency. The samples actually tested were pretty much rope-quality hemp which made it nearly impossible to accurately disprove the government's stance. Most medical research on pot is either non-existent or highly suspect. Since a lot of doctors are being introduced to the anecdotal evidence of herbal/holistic remedies, the "Hell, it can't hurt" position is what won out.

But it's still wrong because it's still not the whole truth.
Medical marijuana was the wrong way to go right from the start.

What folks don't realize is that the early tests for medical usage of pot was funded by an anti-drug government which would pay for anti-drug research very generously - the propaganda machine working at peak efficiency. The samples actually tested were pretty much rope-quality hemp which made it nearly impossible to accurately disprove the government's stance. Most medical research on pot is either non-existent or highly suspect. Since a lot of doctors are being introduced to the anecdotal evidence of herbal/holistic remedies, the "Hell, it can't hurt" position is what won out.

But it's still wrong because it's still not the whole truth.
I'm recalling one government sponsored "scientific study" back in the 70s in which five laboratory chimps were used to prove that inhaling marijuana smoke was harmful. It turned out the study was conducted by immobilizing the chimps, attaching respiratory masks to them and pumping enough marijuana smoke into their lungs to suffocate them -- which in fact it actually did to one of them.

It was also learned that the marijuana used in most if not all of these "government studies" is taken from seized evidence plants most of which is grossly contaminated with toxic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones.
First of all marijuana isn't medicine. It doesn't cure anything and in fact it's continued use probably has the same cancer factor as cigarettes. Marijuana is just another pain killer for mild as well as psychological and imagined pain.

First off, you're on the wrong foot logically.
Pot doesn't cure anything that we know of, due to a lack of studies and a lot of reliance on anecdotal reports. We just don't have enough evidence to make the claim that it doesn't "cure". However, "cure" is only one aspect of medical treatment - controlling symptoms is the other side of the equation. Ibuprophen doesn't "cure" headaches, it controls the symptoms of headaches. And pot is used to control a lot of different symptoms. So is jasmine tea.

The 2nd part of your statement that pot carries the same cancer risks as cigarettes has been proven and refuted so many times now that it's nearly impossible to believe either story. The biggest issue seems to be the inhalation of particulates produced by burning a substance (ANY substance), since this simply breaks down the complex structure into constituent materials - some of which MAY contribute to the probability of cancer. Evaporation techniques that are used now may actually improve the safety issues.

There's one other issue that we need to keep in mind - especially when we touch on the negative medical side-effects of using weed. Every drug - whether it works or not - has a certain risk of side-effects. Ibuprophen (for example) can cause your liver to fail, leading to a very painful death. And, have you been watching the medicine ads on TV with the 20 seconds of what you use it for followed by 40 seconds of how it could make your life a living hell?

Pot is a LOT more than a mild pain-killer. Some evidence has suggested that the psychotropic qualities touch the areas in the brain related to the thought of God, something that would explain the spiritual usage by some cultures.
First of all marijuana isn't medicine. It doesn't cure anything and in fact it's continued use probably has the same cancer factor as cigarettes. Marijuana is just another pain killer for mild as well as psychological and imagined pain.
First of all you really don't know what you're talking about -- and I don't say that to offend. It's simply a fact.

Anything which imparts a confirmed palliative effect on a biological affliction or ailment may be regarded as a medicine -- even if the AMA chooses not to formalize it as such. One example of this is the simple fact that marijuana is best described as an extremely potent, natural tranquilizer, possibly the most effective tranquilizer available -- and it is not addictive, nor can one overdose on it.

Another confirmed medical application of marijuana is that of enabling chemotherapy patients to swallow and digest food without the usual vomiting effect. This well established benefit is unquestionably a bona fide medical application.

Those are just two rather well-known medical applications of marijuana. There are many more. If you wish to remain ignorant of the facts and rely on the spurious propaganda put forth by the anti-marijuana special interests that's up to you. But if you wish to educate yourself and know what you're talking about, why not do some simple research? Here is a good place to start: Introduction

As for the erroneous notion about smoking marijuana having the same cancer factor as cigarettes, consider the following simple fact as just one example of why you couldn't be more wrong. If you look closely at any commercially available cigarette you will see a series of faint lines circling its entire length. These lines are dried potassium nitrate which is applied to the paper to keep the cigarette burning. Inhaling potassium nitrate is carcinogenic. This chemical is not present on Bambu or any other cigarette rolling paper.

Also consider how many chemicals are added to commercially manufactured tobacco. Many of these components are known carcinogenics. Cleanly grown marijuana contains none of these chemicals.

So it's up to you whether you prefer to continue parroting Reefer Madness nonsense or to know what you're talking about. As a final thought, I do not recommend smoking marijuana -- or anything else. But smoking is not the only way to enjoy the benefits of marijuana, nor is it the best way. And that is a very important thing to know.
it's more carcinogenic and at higher levels than smoking, but the libnutters claims its natural.

Whether you like my findings or not, you have your answer and something most can't come to grips with but there is change before it's too late.
It helps lots of people with their aliments. Seen a guy with MS get high and stopped his violent shakes. And all medicines have side effects but weed isn't addictive and in no way do I have to smoke to survive.
I haven't had the balls to try it since retiring from the Navy. There are plenty of dealers in my newly depressed neighborhood so access isn't a problem. I guess the main reason I don't do it is due to my HS teaching job. We don't have to do the whiz quiz (believe it or not) but the hypocracy of the deed would get to me. I do believe though that MJ offers some medical value.
Doesn't have to be 'medical'.

And, it can be eaten; no need to smoke.
Yes, Marijuana certainly has a varitey of medical uses.

No it cannot be simply replaced with THC pills.

The thereputic benefits of marijuana come from the complex mixture of cananoids, including the cananoid named THC.

This complex mixture of cananoids (I'm told there are ober 4,000 types) is not the same for every different type of marijuana either, which is why some hemp has some medical benefits, and other types of marijuana offer different benefits.

The simple fact that marijuana has no known level of toxicity makes it rather unique in the arsenal of modern materia medica.

Its benefits, and its uses are just now becoming evident as the uses for medical marijuana are being discovered.

I also note, with more than a little satisfaction, that in places where medical marijuana are legal and easily obtained, that the cost of illegal marijuana is falling because the market no longer has to purchase that inferior dirt weed now that medical grade marijuana is available legally.
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They are limited but existent. Chemo patients and HAART patients. However, this has been lost in the stupidity of it being prescribed for soft pathologies because people want to get high.

I used to support MM. I no longer do.
Marijuana prohibition is useless repression.

Enforcement of the laws is 100% waste.

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