Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?

How would I know? You do not either ya media fed liar.
Public records of course.

"Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan. There were seven conditions applicable to the Taliban and eight conditions applicable to the United States. While the Taliban did not attack US forces, which was one of the conditions, it failed to fully honor, any, any other condition under the Doha agreement.

Gen. Milley: (31:22)
And perhaps most importantly, for US national security, that Taliban has never renounced Al-Qaeda or broke its affiliation with them. We the United States adhered to every condition."

So now you know.
I've never belonged to either party. I don't understand the point of "belonging" to a party, because all I ever see is the intellectual dishonesty of spinning for one's tribe. I'd rather just take each issue as they come, with honesty, and without viewing the world through some one-sided lens. And without having to LIE. And my disdain has only increased over the last 20 years or so.

Right now our "system" incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses and behaviors of its participants. Unless and until we fix that, neither party has a reason to fix itself.

The Dems are plenty bad enough, and I've had more than my share of squabbles with the Left here over the years. But what has happened to the other party is absolutely unique in our nation's history, and that's where my focus is.
What, ideologically, has changed about the Republican Party has changed that you would swap your vote? It sounds like you’ve had issues with both parties, but are you just disgusted with trump? Or is it something else in the party?
What, ideologically, has changed about the Republican Party has changed that you would swap your vote? It sounds like you’ve had issues with both parties, but are you just disgusted with trump? Or is it something else in the party?
My concern with the party is the shameless and craven way they have enabled this/him. Either aggressively or with their silence.

Otherwise, this isn't even about politics for me. It's sociological. I would never have dreamed that such a large portion of our populace would fall for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. My concern is not about him, it's about US, and what about us is so broken and empty and needy that this could have happened.

The issues are entirely separate. I've even put a link in my sig that goes over many of my positions for the Trumpsters here, who are convinced I'm an evil left wing commie just because I think this is a goddamn cult. This is bigger than politics, as far as I'm concerned.
No. They have no bottom. If they ever accept a fact
( I know!), they just create new lies. QANUT HQ is a busy place.😎
Last time, the Loser pleasured himself watching outnumbered police being attacked as he ignored advisors, family, media enablers, and others pleading with him to call off his goons for four hours.

He won't be given that opportunity again.
You do not either ya media fed liar.
Which media reports that? Where else have you heard it? Nowhere. They too ignore it. Why? Because the powers that be want the History of the Failed Afghan Nation Building Exercise to be all about Biden's exit, not their failed policy of interventionism. That way they can do it again in a decade or two.
My concern with the party is the shameless and craven way they have enabled this/him. Either aggressively or with their silence.

Otherwise, this isn't even about politics for me. It's sociological. I would never have dreamed that such a large portion of our populace would fall for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. My concern is not about him, it's about US, and what about us is so broken and empty and needy that this could have happened.

The issues are entirely separate. I've even put a link in my sig that goes over many of my positions for the Trumpsters here, who are convinced I'm an evil left wing commie just because I think this is a goddamn cult. This is bigger than politics, as far as I'm concerned.
Dupes are always dupes, but it is all the Republican politicians who, while privately acknowledging the truth, out of fear cannot summon the testicular fortitude to publicly call the Loser's election lies lies that makes the GOP a party driven by cowardice, consequently contemptuous of justice as well as democracy, eroding the very foundation of the nation.
My concern with the party is the shameless and craven way they have enabled this/him. Either aggressively or with their silence.

Otherwise, this isn't even about politics for me. It's sociological. I would never have dreamed that such a large portion of our populace would fall for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen. My concern is not about him, it's about US, and what about us is so broken and empty and needy that this could have happened.

The issues are entirely separate. I've even put a link in my sig that goes over many of my positions for the Trumpsters here, who are convinced I'm an evil left wing commie just because I think this is a goddamn cult. This is bigger than politics, as far as I'm concerned.
Ok, so this is about the affect trump has had on the party. Is that enough to make you compromise your ideological principles and vote against them? It sounds like your are, or used to be a Republican, which means you believed in Republican principles, but trump has made you turn from those principles and start supporting democrat principles.

I don’t care who you vote for, but, the problem with both sides is, they don’t vote for their beliefs, they vote for a person. Judging from the hatred and all the bickering here at usmb, I wonder how many here have any ideological principles or are they just about “owning” the other side.

I get it, some people don’t like trump, and I always hear people talk about “trumpism” and all that, and I try to get them to tell me what they mean by “trumpism”, because I think what they mean by that term is simply just right wing ideology, which is not “trumpism”, it’s just the views that the Republican Party has had for decades, but the left has found their new catch phrase as a way to insult people on the right, and a way to try to intimidate them. They just label everything on the right as “trumpism”, it’s the very reason why I get labeled a trumper….even though I’ve said many times that I’m not a trump supporter.

Anyway, just seems like one would be more supportive of a party or an ideology than just a person. After all, it’s the ideology that most people are attracted to.
What's "THE TRUTH" that we're supposed to get our panties all atwist for?
Your having your panties all atwist is your concern.

Meanwhile, 91 felony counts based upon corroborated documentation and the sworn testimony of a steadily increasing cast of his Republican intimates has him soiling his.

Screen Shot 2023-10-24 at 7.57.32 AM.png

Threatening officers of the court and juries of his peers and their families does not appear to be working.
Ok, so this is about the affect trump has had on the party. Is that enough to make you compromise your ideological principles and vote against them? It sounds like your are, or used to be a Republican, which means you believed in Republican principles, but trump has made you turn from those principles and start supporting democrat principles.

I don’t care who you vote for, but, the problem with both sides is, they don’t vote for their beliefs, they vote for a person. Judging from the hatred and all the bickering here at usmb, I wonder how many here have any ideological principles or are they just about “owning” the other side.

I get it, some people don’t like trump, and I always hear people talk about “trumpism” and all that, and I try to get them to tell me what they mean by “trumpism”, because I think what they mean by that term is simply just right wing ideology, which is not “trumpism”, it’s just the views that the Republican Party has had for decades, but the left has found their new catch phrase as a way to insult people on the right, and a way to try to intimidate them. They just label everything on the right as “trumpism”, it’s the very reason why I get labeled a trumper….even though I’ve said many times that I’m not a trump supporter.

Anyway, just seems like one would be more supportive of a party or an ideology than just a person. After all, it’s the ideology that most people are attracted to.
As I said, this isn't about parties or ideology or a person. Or politics. And as I've said, I've never belonged to a party.
Your having your panties all atwist is your concern.

Meanwhile, 91 felony counts based upon corroborated documentation and the sworn testimony of a steadily increasing cast of his Republican intimates has him soiling his.

Threatening officers of the court and juries of his peers and their families does not appear to be working.
LOL if you think Trump is soiling his panties over this partisan nonsense by your party. It's going to pay for his reelection.
Ok, so this is about the affect trump has had on the party. Is that enough to make you compromise your ideological principles and vote against them? It sounds like your are, or used to be a Republican, which means you believed in Republican principles, but trump has made you turn from those principles and start supporting democrat principles.

I don’t care who you vote for, but, the problem with both sides is, they don’t vote for their beliefs, they vote for a person. Judging from the hatred and all the bickering here at usmb, I wonder how many here have any ideological principles or are they just about “owning” the other side.

I get it, some people don’t like trump, and I always hear people talk about “trumpism” and all that, and I try to get them to tell me what they mean by “trumpism”, because I think what they mean by that term is simply just right wing ideology, which is not “trumpism”, it’s just the views that the Republican Party has had for decades, but the left has found their new catch phrase as a way to insult people on the right, and a way to try to intimidate them. They just label everything on the right as “trumpism”, it’s the very reason why I get labeled a trumper….even though I’ve said many times that I’m not a trump supporter.

Anyway, just seems like one would be more supportive of a party or an ideology than just a person. After all, it’s the ideology that most people are attracted to.
Both parties are owned by the same money. Trump is not, and that is something they can’t have
Should I take that to mean you believe Don is a functioning thinker? The guy who surrounded himself with felons. Is on the verge of having his NY biz licenses revoked. Has been indicted 4 times for various crimes. Hired and fired cabinet members faster than shit goes through a goose. Is so lacking in self-control he keeps violating gag orders. Thinks swallowing disinfectant is a good idea. And.......

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What I said is that you have nothing that fits that bill.

If Trump goes, we have people who can at least sound smart to fill in.
Schidt flap lies again.
You may not be keeping up with developments, Sunshine, but the Loser-in-Denial has been charged with 91 felony counts based upon documented evidence and sworn testimony, and he will face juries of his peers.

Of course, I make no presumptions as to whether he will be convicted or acquitted on any or all counts.

Even if you are peevish, please respect American democracy, law and order, and our system of justice.


Your having your panties all atwist is your concern.

Meanwhile, 91 felony counts based upon corroborated documentation and the sworn testimony of a steadily increasing cast of his Republican intimates has him soiling his.

Threatening officers of the court and juries of his peers and their families does not appear to be working.
I’m fairly certain that “threat” was directed at anyone trying to bring a lawsuit against him.

“going after” him would not be something a jury or a judge would do, so the “threat” was obviously not directed at them. “Going after” him would be anyone who tries to being a lawsuit against him.

So, let’s at least be honest about it.
You may not be keeping up with developments, Sunshine, but the Loser-in-Denial has been charged with 91 felony counts based upon documented evidence and sworn testimony, and he will face juries of his peers.

Of course, I make no presumptions as to whether he will be convicted or acquitted on any or all counts.

Even if you are peevish, please respect American democracy, law and order, and our system of justice.

You're just a tv fed imbecile.

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