Is NK on the verge of destroying the US?

Probably not.

I can't say the same about us destroying ourselves
If he is going to strike, now would be the time. We are all so divided that we would not stand in unity to defend this country. Everyone would be on this side or that side or the other side according to political party, skin color, morals or lackthereof, etc.
All anyone has to do is take out the power grid and Negans will rise everywhere.
EMPs don´t kill people.

Not directly they don't.

Try killing off all the power grids indefinitely, or at least, that is according to what the article is saying.
I think the Alzheimers are exaggerating the North Korean threat. If US threats make NK launch a nuke, it was effectively the US government that provoked it, therefor the Alzheimer Congress. Also, North Korean rockets are not that developed as the warmongers claim. Was the North Korean technology played down previously (read the article), it is now being exaggerated. North Korean long range missiles like the Unha 3 which looks very developed and are a huge achievement for a troubled nation, indeed, can only carry a very small payload. In fact, the Unha 3 can carry not more than a 100 kilograms payload what would constitute a very small nuke. They are currently developing such small nukes. The missile can only reach parts of the US. The other point is that the quantity of missiles is unclear and probably small. So a nationwide blackout is all but likely. It´s utter bullshit. A NK nuke launch would be an act of desperation in case the US starts annihilating the country for example when Trump feels like that.
Is NK on the verge of destroying the US?

not as fast as RW's are on the verge of destroying themselves.

So everyone agrees the article is incorrect?

I got a better question------> if you research, it would cost in the neighborhood of 40 to 50 billion to harden the electrical grid from EMP attack. Our government has known about this for at least 20 years. Congress would not allocate the funds.

So let me ask----------> if we are paying taxes of over 2 TRILLION dollars a year, don't you think an INFRASTRUCTURE investment of 40 or 50 billion to stop 90% of our population from perishing is worth it?

Why didn't it happen? Ask GW, Obama, and probably Clinton! Hell, maybe even HW and Reagan too! We watch these fools fight over what to do with OUR MONEY, and they don't do the number 1 defensive thing?

On another note, let me spell this out for all of you----------> THIS IS A REAL THREAT! So now, how many of you think it is a stellar idea to allow Iran to get nukes? You see the threat Mickey Mouse North Korea is with the ability of exploding just 3 I believe the magic number is, and it doesn't have to hit one of us, just knock out the grid!

Americans have been asleep FAR to long, and those that just woke up are wondering what the hell happened! As I said, you need to ask FORMER Presidents, NOT Trump. Remember, when MOST of you went to sleep, you had defeated the Soviet Union without firing a shot. Now you got some tin horn dictator that can probably kill you and your family, and he doesn't even have to be accurate with his missiles.

You think Trump is crazy? I got news for you------------>if YOU are one of the people who didn't know this could happen, then YOU are the CRAZY one. And to think you are just going to keep kissing NK ass, along with Iranian derriere and it is all going to go away, you are only fooling yourselves, and setting up the US for a disaster. FORCE them to harden the grid ASAP, then put these rogue regimes out of business, or be blackmailed the rest of your existence, along with your children too!
If he is going to strike, now would be the time. We are all so divided that we would not stand in unity to defend this country. Everyone would be on this side or that side or the other side according to political party, skin color, morals or lackthereof, etc.
All anyone has to do is take out the power grid and Negans will rise everywhere.

I don’t know that I agree. Not afraid of zombies. Dunno, maybe I’m being naive.
No. A small poor starving nation is no threat whatsoever to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't. Americans need to start being more skeptical of Warmonger flights of fancy.
So everyone agrees the article is incorrect?

I doubt it’s wrong.

So you think that NK can kill off about 90% of Americans?

I think they could get the ball rolling. Look back to that big ass blackout they had around when 9/11 happened? That was only a few days. Even if they could only black say California out for more then a month. Hospitals would by necessity have to focus on folks who will do better recovering. Lots dead here. No heat? Lots more there. No AC? Lots there. No traffic signals? I know for a fact 2/3ds of Houston would do right off. It’s a more credible threat then anything else really and NK wouldn’t even have to launch a missile. Can’t say how many, but a shit ton would die.
So everyone agrees the article is incorrect?

I doubt it’s wrong.

So you think that NK can kill off about 90% of Americans?

North Korea is resorting to cannibalism to survive. It is not a credible threat to the US. All this Warmongering is completely unnecessary. Americans shouldn't fall for it.

North Korea doesn’t have to do it. If they FID do it, they only need shoot a missile or two close enough. So it only gets a City or two, and that would be enough. The dying would go on for months .

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