Is NK on the verge of destroying the US?

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
NK is going to hit the west coast. You watch and see. And at the same time, Iran will be hitting the east coast. Like a stick stirring the ant pile but we will be the ants. Sure, we can nuke NK, but in the many people live in Calif, Oregon, Washington coastal areas? Not just people dying either. Much will be affected that in turn affect the rest of the USA, especially if hit on the east coast at the same time and obviously NK has some backup ready and willing to get this started. NK is an asshole but he isn't stupid.
An emp would destroy the grid and most electronic circuitry unless the hardware is protected ie faraday. NK is just the periphery. China and Russia want the throne. Our naval commanders are now training using the constellations.
This whole thing reminds me of the Y2K scare. A bunch of hand wring over nothing.
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!

It's a theory that's never been proven. A couple of lights went out in Hawaii after a nuke test . No real evidence a disaster movie emp would do much of anything.
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
An emp would destroy the grid and most electronic circuitry unless the hardware is protected ie faraday. NK is just the periphery. China and Russia want the throne. Our naval commanders are now training using the constellations.

Cuba and most of the middle east would be fine since Cuba is still in the 1950s and ME is still enjoying 7th century living.
No, it's a bluff. That ridiculous nation N. Korea has been pulling this bullshit for over 20-something years! Whenever these c*nts want attention, they troll the US with their pathetic nuke threats. With our own several thousand nukes, we could easily vaporize that country out of human memory without taking a deep breath. The fact that we haven't, after after these threats, is proof as to how humane and patient we Americans are. Sane Americans see the Norks as a baby-tantrum children.
Know any thing about the Korean war? (police action) not defending there beloved little leader he is not good to his own people. but knowing about that war could give you more understanding about what's going on.
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
The emp danger is real (and it would only take one missile not the absurd amount mentioned) and we have been warned about it for the last two decades from George Norey and Art Bell. With that said the two of them have also made it clear that it will probably happen if not from an attack but because of a sun storm. So actually nature. The whole thing should be pretty fucking horrible beyond belief and comprehension because apparently the electrical grids will all catch fire. At that point not only would the firemen be helpless there would be no way to contact them to tell them, "Yo! Guess what's up?!". So, um, yeah. Good luck!
The emp danger is real (and it would only take one missile not the absurd amount mentioned) and we have been warned about it for the last two decades from George Norey and Art Bell. With that said the two of them have also made it clear that it will probably happen if not from an attack but because of a sun storm. So actually nature. The whole thing should be pretty fucking horrible beyond belief and comprehension because apparently the electrical grids will all catch fire. At that point not only would the firemen be helpless there would be no way to contact them to tell them, "Yo! Guess what's up?!". So, um, yeah. Good luck!
Actually I think it could be great fun ! People committing mass murder over cans of tuna and Spaghetti-O'z. Whats not to love ? Like the movies, but free !
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!

Those 1-3 nukes would have to be huge. NK is producing firecrackers in comparison.

Nobody said it doesn't work. It is virtually impossible to produce one of these weapons without testing them, and that doesn't work underground.
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!

Those 1-3 nukes would have to be huge. NK is producing firecrackers in comparison.

Nobody said it doesn't work. It is virtually impossible to produce one of these weapons without testing them, and that doesn't work underground.

Who knows what they have? Russia and China have armed them, and perhaps are calling the shots as well.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

There can be no nationwide EMP.

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?
EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !

EMPs don´t kill people.
People kill people. EMP means no Mastercard and no McDonalds. Mass suicide shall commence !
There can be no nationwide EMP.

They're ramping up the fear machine. Get ready for war ladies and gentlemen.

Well the defense contractors just got no joy from Obama... He went around fixing problems without blowing them up...

Yeah, he REALLY fixed problems.

Libya, Syria, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan are now peaceful little hamlets of justice and righteousness.

According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

EMP attacks are a Hollywood thing . Don't believe the hype .

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!

Those 1-3 nukes would have to be huge. NK is producing firecrackers in comparison.

Nobody said it doesn't work. It is virtually impossible to produce one of these weapons without testing them, and that doesn't work underground.

Who knows what they have? Russia and China have armed them, and perhaps are calling the shots as well.

So that is why the North Korean Air Force is flying bombers designed at the end of WWII?


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