Is NK on the verge of destroying the US?

Some of you people really DID fall asleep. An EMP attack is real! I thought you people were all about science? Obviously, not. The most noted scientist on this is Dr Peter Pry. (Pry is how I believe you spell his name) He, and in all fairness, many others; have shown how it takes next to nothing to shut down our electrical grid. Only 1 of 3 nukes has to be over the mainland, the other 2 out to sea, and power would be lost for most of the country for 6 to 12 months. Cars would no longer start, without power, water pumping stations would stop, refrigeration would cease, and the 1st to die would be those in large cities as all supply chains would stop.

You have to understand, that in this kind of attack, anything with any type of circuit board we stop working, even if you could power it up with a generator.

This is NOT fantasy, and if you think it is, you are only lying to yourselves! CONSIDER---------> Nothing in your home with circuit boards would work, including all your vehicles, and anything left would have no power as the grid would collapse.

Don't argue about it until you look it up! It is real! I mean seriously, do any of you think that NK and Iran would threaten such an attack knowing it doesn't work? How dumb are you to believe that? It is some of YOU people who do not understand that their threat is sound science, and unless you understand their threat, you have no idea how big of a problem we are facing with them, and Iran!
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
Are you retarded or just uninformed? Do you know how many fucking EMPs it would take to cover the entire US? It would take 10s of thousands, probably more.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

Even if we weren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out, when a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high and they absolutely kill people and destroy cities. What would be the fucking point of detonating a nuke up high if it isnt going to get the job done?. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.
You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?
You are either lying about your job (which appears likely), or you are just stupid. What would be the point of detonating these expensive nukes in the air if it isnt going to kill people? You are way out of your depth, liar.
Tens of thousands ? Somebody start a go-fund-me for them. QUICK !
A really big EMP could be detonated in the air and it could stretch as far as 3 miles. Assuming (for the sake of argument) North Korea had the ability to launch airborne EMPs all across the US with impunity, it would take THOUSANDS of them to cover the entire US. EMPs detonated on the ground will fry electronics within a few hundred yards. So yeah, its gonna take a fuck ton of them to get the job done. :laugh:

You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'
Um. You need to read the first sentence of that article, dipshit.

Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year.
You need to research more. 3 miles? Try again.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high and they absolutely kill people and destroy cities. What would be the fucking point of detonating a nuke up high if it isnt going to get the job done?. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.
A high altitude nuclear explosion is detonated between 20 and 30 miles above the Earth.

The whole point of a high altitude nuclear explosion is to generate an EMP. The original intent was to use them as satellite killers.

The EMP from a test high altitude nuclear explosion in 1962 damaged electronic circuits on the Earth 800 miles away.
Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?

You are either lying about your job (which appears likely), or you are just stupid. What would be the point of detonating these expensive nukes in the air if it isnt going to kill people? You are way out of your depth, liar.

I was a graduate of the Navy Nuclear Weapons School, Naval Missile School, and Anti-Submarine Warfare Evaluator Schools, all of which dealt with nuclear weapons. You just need to do a little Google research to find out how wrong you are. Look up the EMP test called Starfish Prime.
Starfish Prime - Wikipedia

The weapon has to be detonated high in the atmosphere in order for the EMP to induce the voltages in electronics and electrical systems to do the damage.
Starfish Prime caused an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), which was far larger than expected, so much larger that it drove much of the instrumentation off scale, causing great difficulty in getting accurate measurements. The Starfish Prime electromagnetic pulse also made those effects known to the public by causing electrical damage in Hawaii, about 1,445 kilometres (898 mi) away from the detonation point, knocking out about 300 streetlights,[6] setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a telephone company microwave link. The EMP damage to the microwave link shut down telephone calls from Kauai to the other Hawaiian islands.

Starfish Prime - Wikipedia
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?

You are either lying about your job (which appears likely), or you are just stupid. What would be the point of detonating these expensive nukes in the air if it isnt going to kill people? You are way out of your depth, liar.

I was a graduate of the Navy Nuclear Weapons School, Naval Missile School, and Anti-Submarine Warfare Evaluator Schools, all of which dealt with nuclear weapons. You just need to do a little Google research to find out how wrong you are. Look up the EMP test called Starfish Prime.
Starfish Prime - Wikipedia

The weapon has to be detonated high in the atmosphere in order for the EMP to induce the voltages in electronics and electrical systems to do the damage.
I was in charge of the EHF communication terminals which were designed to be our primary communications in a nuclear war.

They were EMP hardened, taking advantage of the fact the gamma burst from a nuke precedes the EMP pulse generated by the gamma rays. So if the terminal detected a gamma burst, it would shut down before the arrival of the EMP pulse.

I'm sure many other strategic assets are similarly protected. At least I hope so.
Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?
You are either lying about your job (which appears likely), or you are just stupid. What would be the point of detonating these expensive nukes in the air if it isnt going to kill people? You are way out of your depth, liar.

You are so far over your head in this topic it is fucking hilarious. :lol:
2 big EMP protection lies - Patriot Headquarters Blog

Most cars would not be affected by an EMP:
For example, it has been widely assumed for some time now that battery-operated vehicles including cars and trucks would be disabled by an EMP. Logically, and certainly on paper, that assumption is correct. But a number of real-world experiments, including those conducted by the U.S military, have not confirmed that assumption. Many cars have proven to be resistant to the effects of EMP simulators, other than cars with fiberglass bodies, those located near large stretches of metal and possibly newer models with many IC circuits. One theory is that a car’s metal body is partially insulated by the rubber tires that are in contact with the ground.
A non nuclear EMP? Then tell us, how far can an NNEMP travel?

Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high and they absolutely kill people and destroy cities. What would be the fucking point of detonating a nuke up high if it isnt going to get the job done?. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.
A high altitude nuclear explosion is detonated between 20 and 30 miles above the Earth.

The whole point of a high altitude nuclear explosion is to generate an EMP. The original intent was to use them as satellite killers.

The EMP from a test high altitude nuclear explosion in 1962 damaged electronic circuits on the Earth 800 miles away.

Well, I reckon we will all find out soon enough.
Who was discussing non-nuclear EMPs?

Only you as far as I can tell. Maybe I missed a post.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high and they absolutely kill people and destroy cities. What would be the fucking point of detonating a nuke up high if it isnt going to get the job done?. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.
A high altitude nuclear explosion is detonated between 20 and 30 miles above the Earth.

The whole point of a high altitude nuclear explosion is to generate an EMP. The original intent was to use them as satellite killers.

The EMP from a test high altitude nuclear explosion in 1962 damaged electronic circuits on the Earth 800 miles away.

Well, I reckon we will all find out soon enough.
If North Korea detonated a high altitude nuke, it would not just affect the US. And even if it did only affect US assets, the subsequent destruction to the world economy would affect everyone on Earth.

We need to aggressively pursue an anti-ballistic missile program.
This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

If we aren't talking about basic EMP devices, who fucking cares if the power is out if a god damn nuke flattens everything? Do you even think before you post? Use some logic, idiot.

An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?
You are either lying about your job (which appears likely), or you are just stupid. What would be the point of detonating these expensive nukes in the air if it isnt going to kill people? You are way out of your depth, liar.

You are so far over your head in this topic it is fucking hilarious. :lol:
Popular Science thinks this claim is bullshit . Take it up with them and let me know how that goes. :laugh:

No, North Korea Can't Kill 90 Percent of Americans
An EMP device is a nuclear weapon that is exploded high in the atmosphere. It doesn't kill anyone directly, because unless it goes off right near the ISS, there are no people up there!

I suggest you catch a clue lest you appear dumber than a box of hammers.
Airborne nukes aren't detonated miles high. You need to read more on this subject. You are way out of your depth.

OK, shit for brains! I served my first three years in the Navy as a nuclear weapons officer. You are clueless!

You also apparently have reading comprehension problems.

In the red text above you said:

"This thread is based on an article that mentions exactly ZERO nuclear weapons."

From the link you provided:

"Congress was warned Thursday that North Korea is capable of attacking the U.S. today with a nuclear EMP bomb that could indefinitely shut down the electric power grid and kill 90 percent of "all Americans" within a year."

Now, do you want to retract your idiocy or let it stand for all the world to see?
You are either lying about your job (which appears likely), or you are just stupid. What would be the point of detonating these expensive nukes in the air if it isnt going to kill people? You are way out of your depth, liar.

You are so far over your head in this topic it is fucking hilarious. :lol:
Popular Science thinks this claim is bullshit . Take it up with them and let me know how that goes. :laugh:

No, North Korea Can't Kill 90 Percent of Americans

I never said the claim wasn't bullshit. You just had no clue as to what you were talking about. Now, do you admit talking out of your ass on the topic and apologize for questioning my integrity?

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