Is NK on the verge of destroying the US?

What happened to the pompous expert? Why cant you give me an answer? How many miles will an EMP shut down all power?

Can you read? I put in huge red text so you can read it. It was in the post you quoted.

Here, I'll post it again!
There are numerous factors that go into how much damage it can cause.
If you read the web page, you would now know the answer.

I am beginning to believe you are intentionally being obtuse. You don't strike me as someone who could be that stupid naturally.
Just ballpark the maximum distance then. Youre the expert. Is it 3 miles, is it 30 miles, is it 300 miles, is it 3,000 miles? How far can an EMP knock out all power? I gave the figure of 3 miles earlier, when i was talking about non nuclear EMPs. You got all pompous about it, so lets hear YOUR number for NUCLEAR EMPs.

What part of the red text did you not understand? It depends on the size of the weapon (energy yield) , how high it was detonated (altitude) , the gamma ray output, interaction with the earth's magnetic field, and any electromagnetic shielding of the targeted systems.

Of course that information is in the second paragraph of the link I gave you. I'm sorry you gave up before reading it.
Why do you keep typing all those words, when all you have to type is a number? You talk a big game, but you have no fucking clue what youre talking about.

Listen shit for brains, there is no number!

Pick a weapon yield, pick and altitude you can detonate it at, determine the gamma ray yield of the weapon, and then determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field relative to the point of detonation. Then pick a point on the ground and what system you are targeting and how well it is shielded. Only then we can determine what level of damage will occur.

I am sorry that you apparently have such a limited education that you cannot fathom the complexities of these systems.
At the prime height with a 240 kiloton yield. How far will it knock out power?
Can you read? I put in huge red text so you can read it. It was in the post you quoted.

Here, I'll post it again!
There are numerous factors that go into how much damage it can cause.
If you read the web page, you would now know the answer.

I am beginning to believe you are intentionally being obtuse. You don't strike me as someone who could be that stupid naturally.
Just ballpark the maximum distance then. Youre the expert. Is it 3 miles, is it 30 miles, is it 300 miles, is it 3,000 miles? How far can an EMP knock out all power? I gave the figure of 3 miles earlier, when i was talking about non nuclear EMPs. You got all pompous about it, so lets hear YOUR number for NUCLEAR EMPs.

What part of the red text did you not understand? It depends on the size of the weapon (energy yield) , how high it was detonated (altitude) , the gamma ray output, interaction with the earth's magnetic field, and any electromagnetic shielding of the targeted systems.

Of course that information is in the second paragraph of the link I gave you. I'm sorry you gave up before reading it.
Why do you keep typing all those words, when all you have to type is a number? You talk a big game, but you have no fucking clue what youre talking about.

Listen shit for brains, there is no number!

Pick a weapon yield, pick and altitude you can detonate it at, determine the gamma ray yield of the weapon, and then determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field relative to the point of detonation. Then pick a point on the ground and what system you are targeting and how well it is shielded. Only then we can determine what level of damage will occur.

I am sorry that you apparently have such a limited education that you cannot fathom the complexities of these systems.
At the prime height with a 240 kiloton yield. How far will it knock out power?

There is no prime height! You obviously refuse to read the link. Where are you detonating it, as in what latitude and longitude? Are you looking to fry integrated circuits or blow transformers?

All of those variables figure into the calculations.

You do know that in the Manhattan Project the scientists had no idea how big the explosion would be. Too many variables and not enough data.

That is the same for EMPs considering we have tested any since before the partial test ban treaty in 1963.
Just ballpark the maximum distance then. Youre the expert. Is it 3 miles, is it 30 miles, is it 300 miles, is it 3,000 miles? How far can an EMP knock out all power? I gave the figure of 3 miles earlier, when i was talking about non nuclear EMPs. You got all pompous about it, so lets hear YOUR number for NUCLEAR EMPs.

What part of the red text did you not understand? It depends on the size of the weapon (energy yield) , how high it was detonated (altitude) , the gamma ray output, interaction with the earth's magnetic field, and any electromagnetic shielding of the targeted systems.

Of course that information is in the second paragraph of the link I gave you. I'm sorry you gave up before reading it.
Why do you keep typing all those words, when all you have to type is a number? You talk a big game, but you have no fucking clue what youre talking about.

Listen shit for brains, there is no number!

Pick a weapon yield, pick and altitude you can detonate it at, determine the gamma ray yield of the weapon, and then determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field relative to the point of detonation. Then pick a point on the ground and what system you are targeting and how well it is shielded. Only then we can determine what level of damage will occur.

I am sorry that you apparently have such a limited education that you cannot fathom the complexities of these systems.
At the prime height with a 240 kiloton yield. How far will it knock out power?

There is no prime height! You obviously refuse to read the link. Where are you detonating it, as in what latitude and longitude? Are you looking to fry integrated circuits or blow transformers?

All of those variables figure into the calculations.

You do know that in the Manhattan Project the scientists had no idea how big the explosion would be. Too many variables and not enough data.

That is the same for EMPs considering we have tested any since before the partial test ban treaty in 1963.
If there is no prime height for shutting down power, then you can pick one. How far will it shut down power? This should be an easy question for a "nuclear officer". You talked a big game, now back it up. This is your last chance to not look like youre full of shit.
In light of the breaking news of how Comey and Obama knew about the Russian bribery Scandal yet covered it up and protected them for 7 years, maybe someone should investigate call me and Obama for having allowed North Korea to develop nuclear weapons and missile technology capable of striking the United States on their watch why they helped finance, fund, arm, and support terrorists in the Middle East...
Is NK on the verge of destroying the US?

No, China is by duping the US in the 1970s to trade her economic trade base to China's near complete control. North Korea is just their bulldog they hide behind to rattle the US's nerves as her economy topples to its knees. China and Russia are using North Korea to flex and frighten, hoping the US will do something stupid that will hurt our economy more.
EMPs don´t kill people.

When every computer chip device stops working people will die.
Cars won't run, phones won't work, the power grids will disconnect
Think of Puerto Rico, but even worse.

Oh much worse, weather would be a major contributor to deaths.
Whta people don't understand is that without the grid - nothing works. Nothing.
No water, no gas, no sewage and - NO FOOD.
Imagine you live in Chicago with 2.7 million people...MINIMUM requirement for survivable potable drinking water is 1 quart. You will suffer, you will not be able to work etc. to keep hydrated...but you can live on 1 quart a day. That means Chicago alone would REQUIRE about 5,000,000 gallons per week of drinkable water...with no ability to transport/distribute water. Then let's imagine the amount of food required for areas that have 10,000 people living per square mile (or more)....unimaginable starvation.
When Russia launched its Tsar bomb, the windows in 900 km distance exploded.

Russian test (#184) a 300 kiloton bomb would create a Severe level 1 EM pulse for 1,900 km
Tiny North Korean bombs cannot destroy US food production. Since NK announced recently that there will be no more diplomacy until the country has rockets that can reach the US, we can assume they have no rockets that are far reaching and reliable enough.
According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

Are we that dependent on electricity that only 10% of us are strong enough to survive?

Yes, particularly urban areas. It would be better to die than live through the unimaginable hell in cities.
As my post stated above, imagine the amount of food required for cities with 10,000 people or more living in one square mile. These areas would run out of food in less than a week. Then what?
If he is going to strike, now would be the time. We are all so divided that we would not stand in unity to defend this country. Everyone would be on this side or that side or the other side according to political party, skin color, morals or lackthereof, etc.
All anyone has to do is take out the power grid and Negans will rise everywhere.

I don’t know that I agree. Not afraid of zombies. Dunno, maybe I’m being naive.
Zombies have nothing to do with it. Its HUMANS you have to worry about.

They are the same as me. I’ll admit, I have reservations, but I’m not really worried. Not at first anyway.
What part of the red text did you not understand? It depends on the size of the weapon (energy yield) , how high it was detonated (altitude) , the gamma ray output, interaction with the earth's magnetic field, and any electromagnetic shielding of the targeted systems.

Of course that information is in the second paragraph of the link I gave you. I'm sorry you gave up before reading it.
Why do you keep typing all those words, when all you have to type is a number? You talk a big game, but you have no fucking clue what youre talking about.

Listen shit for brains, there is no number!

Pick a weapon yield, pick and altitude you can detonate it at, determine the gamma ray yield of the weapon, and then determine the strength of the earth's magnetic field relative to the point of detonation. Then pick a point on the ground and what system you are targeting and how well it is shielded. Only then we can determine what level of damage will occur.

I am sorry that you apparently have such a limited education that you cannot fathom the complexities of these systems.
At the prime height with a 240 kiloton yield. How far will it knock out power?

There is no prime height! You obviously refuse to read the link. Where are you detonating it, as in what latitude and longitude? Are you looking to fry integrated circuits or blow transformers?

All of those variables figure into the calculations.

You do know that in the Manhattan Project the scientists had no idea how big the explosion would be. Too many variables and not enough data.

That is the same for EMPs considering we have tested any since before the partial test ban treaty in 1963.
If there is no prime height for shutting down power, then you can pick one. How far will it shut down power? This should be an easy question for a "nuclear officer". You talked a big game, now back it up. This is your last chance to not look like youre full of shit.

I said I was a nuclear weapons officer. I don't design them or build them. I know how to use nuclear weapons in battle. Since my weapons were not EMP capable.

You can keep arguing about this topic but you might as well ask me what the last digit of pi is! No one knows for certain. That is why I provided the links to show you just that. If you want to put your fingers in your ears and scream "La, la, la, la, la!" at the top of your lungs, you would probably accomplish more.

We stop testing these weapons when I was 2 years old. Does that give you a clue?
According to this article, NK can use nukes to do an EMP attack, which may devastate 90% of the US population.

Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'

What the...........

Are we that dependent on electricity that only 10% of us are strong enough to survive?

Yes, particularly urban areas. It would be better to die than live through the unimaginable hell in cities.
As my post stated above, imagine the amount of food required for cities with 10,000 people or more living in one square mile. These areas would run out of food in less than a week. Then what?

It would mean that nearly 100% of people living in urban areas would just die. That seems highly unrealistic, especially because they wouldn't die immediately, but over time.

I would think that our nation would be able to deal with this disaster enough to save at least half of them... but then again, with the current administration, probably not.

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