Is Obama a Freemason?


Jun 5, 2010
He disregards the bible and what it stands for. He is single handedly ruining our great country!

[ame=]YouTube - Barak Obama's a free mason[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - The PROOF: Barack Obama is a FREEMASON[/ame]
Nope. Just sayin

Cool. My dad was a 32 degree Mason. He was also a voting delegate to the Republican Party, a star football and basketball player, a Air Force Vet, and a member of the VFW and a lot of other organizations. :thup:
Who cares? Truth is I never think about the Masons because it never interested me. Therefore I could care less if Obama is a Free Mason. Just as I could care less what religion the guy on the next block is. It just doesn't matter.
My dad is also a 32nd Degree Mason, Shriner, etc. In fact, this week was The Grand Lodge week. He's still down there as we speak...:)
Just because he stole a ring doesn't make him a Freemason.

Now you sir, are a true American! I salute you!

Don't forget the Muslim/Marxist/not born here comments too

{Lol, I like how syreen thanked you! :lol: }
Sure, why not? He already is a Muslim Communist Kenyan, so why not a Freemason as well?
They are Satan's Synagogue, that's why they want to separate church and state. They can't convince everybody they are Christians. It's nothing new, why bring it up now? My grandfather was one for 50 years. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead in their house of lies. Over 4 million of them in this country, more than all other countries combined. I can see why others think this country is evil. But just for the record, I didn't vote for him. He's a liar without shame. I would guess he joined them for all the brownie points he could get. They have to believe his lies. The real problem with that is, it has cheapened a once great country. Democracy only succeeds if men of integrity are running it. There hasn't been any in the last 40 years. So why bring it up now? It's expected of this country.
Is Owe Bama a Free Mason? The answer to that question is "I don't know". Is Owe Bama an asshole? The answer to that question is YES. I'm pretty sure of that.
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