Is Obama and Holder trying to start another Civil War?


Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
You gotta look it from the "Jonesing for a legacy" viewpoint.

Obama understands His track record of failure isn't going to earn Him more than a footnote in history - and a very small one at that.

On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln's place in history is the most prominent of all presidents. Lincoln freed the salves and Obama wants to enslave working Americans to His pet no go on that account.

But then Lincoln DID start a civil war......

So that is looking very attractive to America's First Kenyan Emperor as He contemplates a bleak future with no "legacy".

But wait! The original civil war started with an American flag being shot up. This time it'll be what, an ISIS flag under fire?
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.

Obama sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate a white cop shooting a young black man and sent ZERO FBI agent to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of two white cops. What kind of message does that send to the Ferguson community?

That is a ridiculous comment.

Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
so you don't feel an advocate can assist in increasing the anger of the people they advocate for? You don't feel that elected congress people using the "hands up don't shoot" sign before speaking on the floor helped incite anger over something that, at that time, had not been proven to be true?
There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
so you don't feel an advocate can assist in increasing the anger of the people they advocate for? You don't feel that elected congress people using the "hands up don't shoot" sign before speaking on the floor helped incite anger over something that, at that time, had not been proven to be true?

It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.

Obama sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate a white cop shooting a young black man and sent ZERO FBI agent to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of two white cops. What kind of message does that send to the Ferguson community?

That is a ridiculous comment.
Why is it ridiculous? It seems to be saying that the death of Michael Brown was more important to the federal government than the attempted murder of two police officers in the same town....and part of the same situation.

It is ridiculous and transparent for you to blow it off as a ridiculous statement.
That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
so you don't feel an advocate can assist in increasing the anger of the people they advocate for? You don't feel that elected congress people using the "hands up don't shoot" sign before speaking on the floor helped incite anger over something that, at that time, had not been proven to be true?

well, then we will never agree on this then.
My son is a white cop. Idiot.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
so you don't feel an advocate can assist in increasing the anger of the people they advocate for? You don't feel that elected congress people using the "hands up don't shoot" sign before speaking on the floor helped incite anger over something that, at that time, had not been proven to be true?

well, then we will never agree on this then.

I knew that already. You can't grasp the nuance.

Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

in bold?

Pretty much explains your position in this debate.

Even the findings of the Justice Department didn't convince you.

But you still are sure that Bush cherry picked the intel with no proof at all.

Love the hypocrisy.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
so you don't feel an advocate can assist in increasing the anger of the people they advocate for? You don't feel that elected congress people using the "hands up don't shoot" sign before speaking on the floor helped incite anger over something that, at that time, had not been proven to be true?

well, then we will never agree on this then.

I knew that already. You can't grasp the nuance.
actually, I don't think I am the one having an issue with grasping anything.

Let me ask you come we DONT hear the anger of similar situations where the likes of Sharpton and Holder do NOT make a showing? Why, when someone dies at the hands of a cop, before the investigation is complete, do we NOT hear about riots and fires and shootings and looting until the likes of a Sharpton show up?
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.
Whutt? !?!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.
So we should ignore the report and the fact racism exists in the city; your perception is delusional and ridiculous.
Actually, I heard recently that the report was not accurate....Ferguson, per capita, has a lower than national average traffic citations to minorities. Is this true? I don't know. But I did hear it during a debate between two opposing advocates on TV and I did not hear the opposition in the debate refute it.
This is one of the things I like about you: your willingness to discuss and with that, your desire for more information.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.
So I guess you must agree that people...even African not put credence in what the President says.


You aren't making sense.

If you were not a racist in 2007, you are not a racist in 2015. The President and the AG have not created racists. They have upset racists by their very existence and positions of authority. They have upset racists by shining a light upon them.

Anyone who LISTENED to the speech that the President made last weekend would not try to accuse the man of being divisive.

The FACT that the Ferguson PD is rife with bigots and has not fairly enforced the law is not the fault of the POTUS or the AG. An investigation was done and the results announced. That is the way things work.
Spot -on!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.

Obama sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate a white cop shooting a young black man and sent ZERO FBI agent to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of two white cops. What kind of message does that send to the Ferguson community?

That is a ridiculous comment.

I agree that it was ridiculous to send 40 FBI agents to investigate a single shooting. At least they were able to get all of the cops e-mails and a few of them had racist remarks. Now, if they could get all of Hillary's e-mails they might be able to prove her inattention to her job cost 4 Americans at Benghazi their lives.
I agree that it was ridiculous to send 40 FBI agents to investigate a single shooting. At least they were able to get all of the cops e-mails and a few of them had racist remarks. Now, if they could get all of Hillary's e-mails they might be able to prove her inattention to her job cost 4 Americans at Benghazi their lives.

Are you CAH-RAAAAZY!!!!?

That would mean waging war on women.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.

Obama sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate a white cop shooting a young black man and sent ZERO FBI agent to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of two white cops. What kind of message does that send to the Ferguson community?

That is a ridiculous comment.

I agree that it was ridiculous to send 40 FBI agents to investigate a single shooting. At least they were able to get all of the cops e-mails and a few of them had racist remarks. Now, if they could get all of Hillary's e-mails they might be able to prove her inattention to her job cost 4 Americans at Benghazi their lives.

They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.

What was uncovered demands a total redoing of that racist, bigoted town. Enough already.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.

Obama sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate a white cop shooting a young black man and sent ZERO FBI agent to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of two white cops. What kind of message does that send to the Ferguson community?

That is a ridiculous comment.

I agree that it was ridiculous to send 40 FBI agents to investigate a single shooting. At least they were able to get all of the cops e-mails and a few of them had racist remarks. Now, if they could get all of Hillary's e-mails they might be able to prove her inattention to her job cost 4 Americans at Benghazi their lives.


First let's get Boosh for his inattention getting over 3000 killed on 9/11.....not to mention the other 4000+ soldiers due to his problem with geography and attacking the wrong country.

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