Is Obama and Holder trying to start another Civil War?

It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.
Whutt? !?!

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Yupp, that's what I said......never mind how many years the white bigots in Ferguson have been taking advantage of the it's Obama that is stirring up shit....damn, when are conservatives going to take responsibility for their own crap? The only ones that feel it has caused more segregation is the racist bigots saying that it does....because it does for them. In other words, this isn't endearing the bigots to blacks, in fact, it is making them hate them more.....
They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.

Well yeah...
Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.

Obama sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to investigate a white cop shooting a young black man and sent ZERO FBI agent to Ferguson to investigate the shooting of two white cops. What kind of message does that send to the Ferguson community?

That is a ridiculous comment.

I agree that it was ridiculous to send 40 FBI agents to investigate a single shooting. At least they were able to get all of the cops e-mails and a few of them had racist remarks. Now, if they could get all of Hillary's e-mails they might be able to prove her inattention to her job cost 4 Americans at Benghazi their lives.


First let's get Boosh for his inattention getting over 3000 killed on 9/11.....not to mention the other 4000+ soldiers due to his problem with geography and attacking the wrong country.

Why didn't you mention to Bush that a group of Jihadists were going to hijack some aircraft on 9-11? He could have had security deny anyone from flying who looked like they were from the middle east that day and from then on.
Bush crossed the t's and dotted the i's before invading Iraq by going to Congress and the UN.
Everyone with half a brain knows that 9-11 is a special day for terrorists to attack and extra security should have been in place, especially in Benghazi where all of the European countries and the Red Cross had the common sense to get out of the country.
They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.

Has it ever occurred to you to think before you speak. Apparently you never thought about that or anything else. You just parrot the same stupid shit you hear from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. Did you ever have an original thought of your own? Or are you really this dim? Fanned the flames of racism across the whole nation? Says who? You?
Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc and their incessant race baiting reminds me of Charles Manson and Helter Skelter...maybe ole Charlie was right after all

You've got to stop drinking before noon.


You would have sounded a little smarter if you'd said: childishly redundant.

I don't really care, child. Now go bother someone else, I have no time or interest in your little game.
Has it ever occurred to you to think before you speak. Apparently you never thought about that or anything else. You just parrot the same stupid shit you hear from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. Did you ever have an original thought of your own? Or are you really this dim? Fanned the flames of racism across the whole nation? Says who? You?

Um... Would ya do me a solid here, sis?

In the above cliche you just offered up, as a means to criticize collective reasoning... would ya point out the part of that which originated with you?

I've scanned it several times and the evidence seems to indicate that you're guilty there of PRECISELY the crime that you're asserting.

Which, if you're keeping score, doesn't work out well at ALL for YOU!
"Is Obama and Holder trying to start another Civil War?"


But many on the right are seeking to foment a generally hostile National environment concerning race for some perceived partisan gain.
Has it ever occurred to you to think before you speak. Apparently you never thought about that or anything else. You just parrot the same stupid shit you hear from FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. Did you ever have an original thought of your own? Or are you really this dim? Fanned the flames of racism across the whole nation? Says who? You?

Um... Would ya do me a solid here, sis?

In the above cliche you just offered up, as a means to criticize collective reasoning... would ya point out the part of that which originated with you?

I've scanned it several times and the evidence seems to indicate that you're guilty there of PRECISELY the crime that you're asserting.

Which, if you're keeping score, doesn't work out well at ALL for YOU!

You haven't scanned shit or done anything. When you come up with something original or intelligent let me know.
Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc and their incessant race baiting reminds me of Charles Manson and Helter Skelter...maybe ole Charlie was right after all

You've got to stop drinking before noon.


You would have sounded a little smarter if you'd said: childishly redundant.

I don't really care, child. Now go bother someone else, I have no time or interest in your little game.

It's never too late to begin your education.
Obama, Holder, Sharpton, etc and their incessant race baiting reminds me of Charles Manson and Helter Skelter...maybe ole Charlie was right after all

You've got to stop drinking before noon.


You would have sounded a little smarter if you'd said: childishly redundant.

I don't really care, child. Now go bother someone else, I have no time or interest in your little game.

It's never too late to begin your education.

Ignored....I'm weary of your stupid ass and childish attempts at insults.
You've got to stop drinking before noon.


You would have sounded a little smarter if you'd said: childishly redundant.

I don't really care, child. Now go bother someone else, I have no time or interest in your little game.

It's never too late to begin your education.

Ignored....I'm weary of your stupid ass and childish attempts at insults.

Thank God for small blessings.
They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.
The problem is the Ferguson PD would be hard pressed to find willing and qualified minority candidates who would require Basic law Enforcement Training( 600 hours in North Carolina for example and 800 hours in New Jersey) to fill the slots.
The problem in Ferguson is at least two fold..
As with many small to medium sized communities, Ferguson uses the police force as a tool to generate revenue.
Two, the level of frustration on the part of the officers, seeing and having to deal with miscreants of all kinds, having residents of troublesome areas plead for more patrols. And when the PD turns on the pressure to clean up said area, there are people who become incensed over the presence of law enforcement.
So the cops start hating their jobs and become dismissive and even indifferent to the people they are paid to serve and protect.
Ferguson is an odd place. The population is moslty minority, but the government and community participation rate among minorities, particularly blacks, is abysmal.
It is as though they want it both ways...The complain there aren't enough black cops, but they don't want the job either.
As far as elected officials, it is the same thing,. The blacks complain they are not represented in government, but they don't run for office.
What the hell is the city supposed to do?
Maybe they should just shut down the local PD and let the County Sheriff's Dept or the state police handle it....If they think its bad now, just imagine cops with ZERO interest in the community....
Again, they cannot have it both ways.
They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.

Since Obama came to office race relations have taken a nosedive. Anybody that doubts Obama wants another race war should watch his speech at the Selma anniversary. Have you noticed that everytime Holder speaks, cops get shot? Holder is another criminal thug working in the Obama mafia.

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