Is Obama and Holder trying to start another Civil War?

They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.
So we should ignore the report and the fact racism exists in the city; your perception is delusional and ridiculous.
There is no denying racism exists in Ferguson. One BOTH sides of the argument.
hangover's premise here is valid. You are attacking the OP because he went "off the reservation"...There is not a thing hangover posted that is not true....
Since Obama came to office race relations have taken a nosedive. Anybody that doubts Obama wants another race war should watch his speech at the Selma anniversary. Have you noticed that everytime Holder speaks, cops get shot? Holder is another criminal thug working in the Obama mafia.

I watched the speech and I doubt it.

Yeah....he kept comparing the racism in the past, to today's events.

and then this: "We are in the midst of another civil rights movement"

Sure we are, and you'll have it no other way, and will keep pouring that gasoline on the fire until you have one.

The fire is all in your head. Perhaps a doctor can prescribe something for that.

Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.
This is what happens when the left and many in the media play the 'race card' like a broken record for the last six years in reaction to any criticism of Obie and Holder.

The race card. The phrase most commonly used by racists who want to justify themselves.
WRONG,,,,That's just a shit excuse. You lose on that point....
It is widely held and accepted that the race card is over used and has lost most of its meaning.
The reason this is undeniably true is simple. You libs use "racism" as a preemptive strike. You make this accusation without first attempting to uncover the facts.
For example...."you don't like ACA because you are a racist"...
Or "You side with the police. You are prejudiced against ( fill in name of minority group)"
"You oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. That's racist"...
"How dare you tell that person they should get a job....You must be a racist"...
"This year, there were no black nominees for the major Academy Awards because Hollywood is inherently racist"....
And of course Adolph Rupp was a racist because he did not recruit black kids to play basketball at UK...But John Thompson was NOT a racist when he coached at Georgetown even though he refused to recruit white players.
You don't get to call us racists anymore and make it stick. Because it's all 100% bullshit...
And don't go digging up some story about a bunch of fucking ignorant hayseeds beating up some black dude. In the larger picture that means one thing...THOSE people are racist. Not the entire Caucasian race. And certainly not the entire conservative movement. Unless of course you have convinced yourself that black conservatives are racist against black people. ..
Look, I have your number. You are one in a long line of nothing people who come on to these forums with nothing except a desire to stir up a lot of shit...So fuck off, Ya puke

There are blatant racists all over this forum, and then there are the tacit supporters of racism. They always sound more reasonable, don't they.
I watched the speech and I doubt it.

Yeah....he kept comparing the racism in the past, to today's events.

and then this: "We are in the midst of another civil rights movement"

Sure we are, and you'll have it no other way, and will keep pouring that gasoline on the fire until you have one.

The fire is all in your head. Perhaps a doctor can prescribe something for that.

Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.

Yeah, mayhem, that's why I voted for Obama. You just can't get enough mayhem these days, I want more.
They sure have fanned the flames of racism, by declaring that the Ferguson P.D. has widespread racism. This has inflamed hatred from the blacks and whites across the whole country.

Ferguson blacks are now demanding that the whole police department be fired. Yeah, anarchy is just what Ferguson needs. Holder's statement doesn't justify the firing of good cops. It only proves the the Ferguson blacks are not reasonable.

What Holder and Obama have done is not going to end well for blacks, whites or the country. The bigots think they're winning now because of this. But they will regret it too.
So we should ignore the report and the fact racism exists in the city; your perception is delusional and ridiculous.
Actually, I heard recently that the report was not accurate....Ferguson, per capita, has a lower than national average traffic citations to minorities. Is this true? I don't know. But I did hear it during a debate between two opposing advocates on TV and I did not hear the opposition in the debate refute it.
They stats are skewed because not only in Ferguson about 70% minority, it would make sense that a high percentage of the outside traffic going through town would be minority drivers.
The thing is, the residents just don't like being pulled over and cited for traffic violations.
Here's an example. A news item showed up on the news here. A man who is black was pulled over an cited for traffic violations. He made a complaint to the local NAACP chapter claiming tge officer stopped him because he is black and the officer was disrespectful, etc...The stop occurred last September. Do the math on the time line.
Anyway, the local media picked up the story. One station made the effort to get ALL of the facts. They filed an FOIA request of the PD in question. A copy of the video was furnished. The video showed two things. One , a courteous officer and it showed details justifying the stop. The SUV had a tail light out and the car came back no valid registration.
When a reporter attempted to contact the man, he refused to take questions from the reporter. The NAACP chapter spokesperson who was shown the video did a bit of a mea culpa.
Here's the kicker...The man stopped was a church minister.
This is what happens when the left and many in the media play the 'race card' like a broken record for the last six years in reaction to any criticism of Obie and Holder.

The race card. The phrase most commonly used by racists who want to justify themselves.
WRONG,,,,That's just a shit excuse. You lose on that point....
It is widely held and accepted that the race card is over used and has lost most of its meaning.
The reason this is undeniably true is simple. You libs use "racism" as a preemptive strike. You make this accusation without first attempting to uncover the facts.
For example...."you don't like ACA because you are a racist"...
Or "You side with the police. You are prejudiced against ( fill in name of minority group)"
"You oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. That's racist"...
"How dare you tell that person they should get a job....You must be a racist"...
"This year, there were no black nominees for the major Academy Awards because Hollywood is inherently racist"....
And of course Adolph Rupp was a racist because he did not recruit black kids to play basketball at UK...But John Thompson was NOT a racist when he coached at Georgetown even though he refused to recruit white players.
You don't get to call us racists anymore and make it stick. Because it's all 100% bullshit...
And don't go digging up some story about a bunch of fucking ignorant hayseeds beating up some black dude. In the larger picture that means one thing...THOSE people are racist. Not the entire Caucasian race. And certainly not the entire conservative movement. Unless of course you have convinced yourself that black conservatives are racist against black people. ..
Look, I have your number. You are one in a long line of nothing people who come on to these forums with nothing except a desire to stir up a lot of shit...So fuck off, Ya puke

There are blatant racists all over this forum, and then there are the tacit supporters of racism. They always sound more reasonable, don't they.
All over?.....Yeah right. You don't even exaggerate with any skill
This is what happens when the left and many in the media play the 'race card' like a broken record for the last six years in reaction to any criticism of Obie and Holder.

The race card. The phrase most commonly used by racists who want to justify themselves.
WRONG,,,,That's just a shit excuse. You lose on that point....
It is widely held and accepted that the race card is over used and has lost most of its meaning.
The reason this is undeniably true is simple. You libs use "racism" as a preemptive strike. You make this accusation without first attempting to uncover the facts.
For example...."you don't like ACA because you are a racist"...
Or "You side with the police. You are prejudiced against ( fill in name of minority group)"
"You oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. That's racist"...
"How dare you tell that person they should get a job....You must be a racist"...
"This year, there were no black nominees for the major Academy Awards because Hollywood is inherently racist"....
And of course Adolph Rupp was a racist because he did not recruit black kids to play basketball at UK...But John Thompson was NOT a racist when he coached at Georgetown even though he refused to recruit white players.
You don't get to call us racists anymore and make it stick. Because it's all 100% bullshit...
And don't go digging up some story about a bunch of fucking ignorant hayseeds beating up some black dude. In the larger picture that means one thing...THOSE people are racist. Not the entire Caucasian race. And certainly not the entire conservative movement. Unless of course you have convinced yourself that black conservatives are racist against black people. ..
Look, I have your number. You are one in a long line of nothing people who come on to these forums with nothing except a desire to stir up a lot of shit...So fuck off, Ya puke

There are blatant racists all over this forum, and then there are the tacit supporters of racism. They always sound more reasonable, don't they.
All over?.....Yeah right. You don't even exaggerate with any skill

I'm sure you have far more expertise with exaggeration.
Of course you'd be a Charles Manson follower.

Now there's food for thought!

No doubt that if Manson had access to drones he would be as much a threat to innocent women and children as Your New Messiah!

Fortunately Manson has no such access.

So the risk is less than half what it might be.....
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It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Look at you! Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise. That's a silly point of view.
So I guess you must agree that people...even African not put credence in what the President says.


You aren't making sense.

If you were not a racist in 2007, you are not a racist in 2015. The President and the AG have not created racists. They have upset racists by their very existence and positions of authority. They have upset racists by shining a light upon them.

Anyone who LISTENED to the speech that the President made last weekend would not try to accuse the man of being divisive.

The FACT that the Ferguson PD is rife with bigots and has not fairly enforced the law is not the fault of the POTUS or the AG. An investigation was done and the results announced. That is the way things work.
Right....Hey genius. Just because one does not or no longer chooses to believe everything they were told or has the same thoughts about issues regarding race, does not make them a racist.
Your post wasn't even a good rationalization.
Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise.

The first half black President caused the racist to go ape shit right out of the gate. It was apparent even when he was just a candidate.
Path of least resistance....Not only are you a vapid poster. You cannot think for yourself. You bought the narrative. As long as it coincides with your ideology, the narrative becomes truth.
Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise.

The first half black President caused the racist to go ape shit right out of the gate. It was apparent even when he was just a candidate.

Our nutters....and a few others are trying to say that the POTUS has riled up the negroes by talking about incidents if racism. If only he would say nothing.....the country would miraculously become less racist.

Such weak bullshit.
Twisted non logic.....
With that statement you fan the flames of racial division.
Admit it...You WANT the division. You WANT the violence and unrest to continue. It feeds your agenda.
This is what happens when the left and many in the media play the 'race card' like a broken record for the last six years in reaction to any criticism of Obie and Holder.

The race card. The phrase most commonly used by racists who want to justify themselves.
WRONG,,,,That's just a shit excuse. You lose on that point....
It is widely held and accepted that the race card is over used and has lost most of its meaning.
The reason this is undeniably true is simple. You libs use "racism" as a preemptive strike. You make this accusation without first attempting to uncover the facts.
For example...."you don't like ACA because you are a racist"...
Or "You side with the police. You are prejudiced against ( fill in name of minority group)"
"You oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants. That's racist"...
"How dare you tell that person they should get a job....You must be a racist"...
"This year, there were no black nominees for the major Academy Awards because Hollywood is inherently racist"....
And of course Adolph Rupp was a racist because he did not recruit black kids to play basketball at UK...But John Thompson was NOT a racist when he coached at Georgetown even though he refused to recruit white players.
You don't get to call us racists anymore and make it stick. Because it's all 100% bullshit...
And don't go digging up some story about a bunch of fucking ignorant hayseeds beating up some black dude. In the larger picture that means one thing...THOSE people are racist. Not the entire Caucasian race. And certainly not the entire conservative movement. Unless of course you have convinced yourself that black conservatives are racist against black people. ..
Look, I have your number. You are one in a long line of nothing people who come on to these forums with nothing except a desire to stir up a lot of shit...So fuck off, Ya puke

There are blatant racists all over this forum, and then there are the tacit supporters of racism. They always sound more reasonable, don't they.
All over?.....Yeah right. You don't even exaggerate with any skill

I'm sure you have far more expertise with exaggeration.
Hey look at that! A comeback.....

Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

Yeah..Earmuffs. You have them on to protect yourself from the facts. Facts that defy your agenda.
Buying the line that Obama has caused racial tensions to rise.

The first half black President caused the racist to go ape shit right out of the gate. It was apparent even when he was just a candidate.

Our nutters....and a few others are trying to say that the POTUS has riled up the negroes by talking about incidents if racism. If only he would say nothing.....the country would miraculously become less racist.

Such weak bullshit.
Twisted non logic.....
With that statement you fan the flames of racial division.
Admit it...You WANT the division. You WANT the violence and unrest to continue. It feeds your agenda.

He's fanning the flames of racial division. What are you doing?

Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
When did the OP mention your offspring?
Since you opened the door. Obama and Holder both indicated there is institutional racism on the part of white police officers against black people.
NYC Mayor DiBlasio made a public statement that he told his son( half black) that he should be very careful when dealing with white police officers. Now if those two are not examples of a blanket indictment of Caucasian LEO's then there has been none..
You are blindly flailing about trying to defend the liberal racist narrative.
Your son being a "white cop" gives you no advantage here. In fact, it is irrelevant.
My brother is a retired white cop..So what? Its irrelevant to the discussion.
Ya know what? Stop trying so hard.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!

Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
Calling me an idiot because I don't know your son is a cop? That's as stupid as a con response. Besides that, like a con, you change the point of my post instead of addressing the facts of the criminal thug that you defend.

You telling me I'm racist against white cops is an idiotic thing say. The fact that my son is a cop and he's white makes it all the more idiotic.

I have addressed your comments in this thread. You are struggling with your own bigotry. For you to sit there and say that the president and the Atty. Gen. are responsible for any of the violence that has taken place in Ferguson is you exhibiting your bigotry.

Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it. For the president and the Atty. Gen. to refrain from commenting on the investigation that showed bigotry and racism in the Ferguson Police Department would have been a travesty.

You are wrong. Turning away from the truth in the interest of civil obedience is not an act worthy of praise.
"Racism and bigotry he need to have bright lights shone upon them where ever they exist.

If doing so causes civil unrest then so be it.
so you are pleased with the violence and rioting....I was correct. I had hoped I was only stating in the figurative...
My goodness you are up to your eyeballs in ideology.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.

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