Is Obama and Holder trying to start another Civil War?


Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
When did the OP mention your offspring?
Since you opened the door. Obama and Holder both indicated there is institutional racism on the part of white police officers against black people.
Which is a fact, since they did an examination of what has been going on. So your take is that they should have left it alone? Why, only a bigot and racist person would want things to remain the same.
NYC Mayor DiBlasio made a public statement that he told his son( half black) that he should be very careful when dealing with white police officers. Now if those two are not examples of a blanket indictment of Caucasian LEO's then there has been none..

Based on recent events, every black parent should warn their children to be very careful when dealing with white police's very hard to determine which ones are racist, since most of the bigots deny they are racist.
You are blindly flailing about trying to defend the liberal racist narrative.
Exposing racism is not a being racist. Wanting things to stay the same, like you are stating, is racist.
Your son being a "white cop" gives you no advantage here. In fact, it is irrelevant.
No it isn't I said, it is difficult to tell by looking which cops are "conservative racist" and which aren't, so you need to be careful about all of them.
My brother is a retired white cop..So what? Its irrelevant to the discussion.
Yeah, well being retired is not the same as being active.....although you can still remain racist, I suppose, and influence others to be.
Ya know what? Stop trying so hard.

You know with the fact that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of bigots who think they are better than others, so deal with the fact that they will continue to be exposed for what they are....eventually they'll get to you.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up
You can't handle the truth, bigot?
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.
Hey numbnuts....From where did you garner that?
Why are you wasting your time here?

Hey, give 'em this: It takes a lot of balls to push and push and make accusatory inferences and fan the flames in Ferguson, and then act shocked and condemn the shootings of the police officers there.

Gee, gosh, how could this have happened? This is just terrible!

Yep, takes a lotta balls.


There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
When did the OP mention your offspring?
Since you opened the door. Obama and Holder both indicated there is institutional racism on the part of white police officers against black people.
Which is a fact, since they did an examination of what has been going on. So your take is that they should have left it alone? Why, only a bigot and racist person would want things to remain the same.
NYC Mayor DiBlasio made a public statement that he told his son( half black) that he should be very careful when dealing with white police officers. Now if those two are not examples of a blanket indictment of Caucasian LEO's then there has been none..

Based on recent events, every black parent should warn their children to be very careful when dealing with white police's very hard to determine which ones are racist, since most of the bigots deny they are racist.
You are blindly flailing about trying to defend the liberal racist narrative.
Exposing racism is not a being racist. Wanting things to stay the same, like you are stating, is racist.
Your son being a "white cop" gives you no advantage here. In fact, it is irrelevant.
No it isn't I said, it is difficult to tell by looking which cops are "conservative racist" and which aren't, so you need to be careful about all of them.
My brother is a retired white cop..So what? Its irrelevant to the discussion.
Yeah, well being retired is not the same as being active.....although you can still remain racist, I suppose, and influence others to be.
Ya know what? Stop trying so hard.

You know with the fact that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of bigots who think they are better than others, so deal with the fact that they will continue to be exposed for what they are....eventually they'll get to you.
Ahh. Through all that which I am certain took great pains for you to compose, you fell right into the trap. The assumption that based solely on the fact that I am conservative I MUST be racist.
Exposing racism is easy. Finding a solution is what you people wish to avoid. Because without it, you'd have no agenda. So racism actually works well for you.
Based on your post regarding these 'warnings', you have become what you oppose. The same generalizations. The same bigotry. The same closed minded attributes.
The fact that you implied I am racist confirms you have no argument. You are another one blindly flailing away.
I wonder what that makes you.

A big old conservative racist, that's what.
And there it is again.....More stupidity....
Race consumes your very being. You view others by race. You change your mannerisms based on race. You speak in different tones based on the race of the person with which you are speaking. You are the racist.
See, you know little about me. In fact nothing. Same goes for me. I know nothing about you.
But I use your stupid assumptions about me, against you. See how this works?
Does it bother you to be the receiver of unsubstantiated accusations? Good. That was my intent. I win.
Yeah....he kept comparing the racism in the past, to today's events.

and then this: "We are in the midst of another civil rights movement"

Sure we are, and you'll have it no other way, and will keep pouring that gasoline on the fire until you have one.

The fire is all in your head. Perhaps a doctor can prescribe something for that.

Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.

Yeah, mayhem, that's why I voted for Obama. You just can't get enough mayhem these days, I want more.

Well the anti capitalistic America hater you voted for started with the income inequality 99 percenter riots, but when that didn't stick, there's always race riots you can count on.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.
Hey numbnuts....From where did you garner that?
Why are you wasting your time here?

Maybe from your racist posts.

It's amazing how so many conservatives post racist shit and then have the audacity to claim they are not racist.
The fire is all in your head. Perhaps a doctor can prescribe something for that.

Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.

Yeah, mayhem, that's why I voted for Obama. You just can't get enough mayhem these days, I want more.

Well the anti capitalistic America hater you voted for started with the income inequality 99 percenter riots, but when that didn't stick, there's always race riots you can count on.

You mean the President who brought the economy back up from the toilet where Bush put it.........yeah, because corporations are doing so much better under Obama, you can deduct that he is a capitalistic America hater..........where do you all come up with such crap? Oh, never mind, Faux News.

There were no accusatory inferences. There were direct accusations. Those accusations were brought about by actual acts of fucked up discrimination on the part of the Ferguson PD. Those acts brought to light ( fans flamed ) by the unnecessary shooting ( the death blow being the 6th shot from yards away ) of an unarmed kid by a frightened cop.

Nobody is acting shocked either. And...the condemnation is genuine.

It takes no balls to misrepresent the facts as you have here.

That "kid" as you so deceitfully put it, was a thug and criminal. He had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner. He also tried to take the cop's gun, and assaulted the cop. Thanks for showing your racism of white cops.

My son is a white cop. Idiot.
When did the OP mention your offspring?
Since you opened the door. Obama and Holder both indicated there is institutional racism on the part of white police officers against black people.
Which is a fact, since they did an examination of what has been going on. So your take is that they should have left it alone? Why, only a bigot and racist person would want things to remain the same.
NYC Mayor DiBlasio made a public statement that he told his son( half black) that he should be very careful when dealing with white police officers. Now if those two are not examples of a blanket indictment of Caucasian LEO's then there has been none..

Based on recent events, every black parent should warn their children to be very careful when dealing with white police's very hard to determine which ones are racist, since most of the bigots deny they are racist.
You are blindly flailing about trying to defend the liberal racist narrative.
Exposing racism is not a being racist. Wanting things to stay the same, like you are stating, is racist.
Your son being a "white cop" gives you no advantage here. In fact, it is irrelevant.
No it isn't I said, it is difficult to tell by looking which cops are "conservative racist" and which aren't, so you need to be careful about all of them.
My brother is a retired white cop..So what? Its irrelevant to the discussion.
Yeah, well being retired is not the same as being active.....although you can still remain racist, I suppose, and influence others to be.
Ya know what? Stop trying so hard.

You know with the fact that the majority of Americans are sick and tired of bigots who think they are better than others, so deal with the fact that they will continue to be exposed for what they are....eventually they'll get to you.
Ahh. Through all that which I am certain took great pains for you to compose, you fell right into the trap. The assumption that based solely on the fact that I am conservative I MUST be racist.
Not all conservatives are racist, but all racist are's a trap. Only a racist would want things to stay the same.
Exposing racism is easy. Finding a solution is what you people wish to avoid. Because without it, you'd have no agenda. So racism actually works well for you.
It's hard to find a solution because racist bigots like you just continue to be racist. Firing their ass at least keeps them from continuing to advantage of people they don't like because of the color of their skin, but you can't do much damage just from holding your bigoted hatred inside.....maybe get an ulcer.

Based on your post regarding these 'warnings', you have become what you oppose. The same generalizations. The same bigotry. The same closed minded attributes.
I seriously doubt it. You don't become a bigot by opposing bigotry. And, we have a long way to go to erase all that bigotry that is being passed on from generation to generation, by people who otherwise call themselves Christian and caring, but who deep down hate black people. There's something wrong with that.

The fact that you implied I am racist confirms you have no argument. You are another one blindly flailing away.
I didn't imply that you were racist, I proved that you were. Your own words give you away. You can't tell me that wanting things to stay the same in order to maintain peace are not the words of a racist.
The fire is all in your head. Perhaps a doctor can prescribe something for that.

Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.

Yeah, mayhem, that's why I voted for Obama. You just can't get enough mayhem these days, I want more.

Well the anti capitalistic America hater you voted for started with the income inequality 99 percenter riots, but when that didn't stick, there's always race riots you can count on.

It must be very comforting for you to have such a simple, one dimensional view of everything.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.
Hey numbnuts....From where did you garner that?
Why are you wasting your time here?

Post #89 looks like a retard love in.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.
The point of the OP is, stirring up hatred by declaring the whole Ferguson P.D. widespread racism, doesn't fix the problem, it only flares the bigotry of the protesters, as evident by two cops getting shot. White bigotry doesn't justify black bigotry. Holder could have dealt with those officers that were guilty of racism, without stirring up the hate. The consequences of Holder's statement was two innocent chops gunned down. That doesn't lessen the bigotry, it intensifies it.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.
The point of the OP is, stirring up hatred by declaring the whole Ferguson P.D. widespread racism, doesn't fix the problem, it only flares the bigotry of the protesters, as evident by two cops getting shot. White bigotry doesn't justify black bigotry. Holder could have dealt with those officers that were guilty of racism, without stirring up the hate. The consequences of Holder's statement was two innocent chops gunned down. That doesn't lessen the bigotry, it intensifies it.

Sure it is stirring up hatred.....when MLK was marching across the bridge in Selma, it sure stirred up a lot of hatred and violence, on the part of the cops, beating innocent men. Two cops being shot at doesn't a war make, so quit trying to make it seem like leaving it alone would have been the better solution. The people across the country need to know what is going on, because some of them will wake up and realize how utterly inhumane and bigoted it is for people to act the way they have acted in Ferguson.....and I have a feeling that Ferguson is just a microscopic piece of the true racism in this country. Something that makes all of us white people look bad, even those of us that are not racist.
Shame on them.
Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.

Yeah, mayhem, that's why I voted for Obama. You just can't get enough mayhem these days, I want more.

Well the anti capitalistic America hater you voted for started with the income inequality 99 percenter riots, but when that didn't stick, there's always race riots you can count on.

It must be very comforting for you to have such a simple, one dimensional view of everything.

You should follow your own advice.
It isn't the Left that is always going on about secession. If you want to see who is trying to start a Civil War, look to your right.
I agree that the cons are the remnant of the confederacy, but Obama helped their cause more than any segregationist could have, by stirring up the hate in Ferguson.

Yeah, we know the opinion of those on the right, who claim they are not racist.....leave Ferguson alone so they can continue their bigoted way of handling things....Brilliant!
Another idiot chimes in.....shut up

You're the guy who thinks the OP is a deep, thoughtful analysis of the contemporary state of race relations in America. I wonder what that makes you.
The point of the OP is, stirring up hatred by declaring the whole Ferguson P.D. widespread racism, doesn't fix the problem, it only flares the bigotry of the protesters, as evident by two cops getting shot. White bigotry doesn't justify black bigotry. Holder could have dealt with those officers that were guilty of racism, without stirring up the hate. The consequences of Holder's statement was two innocent chops gunned down. That doesn't lessen the bigotry, it intensifies it.

Obama and Holder have a hardon for all police and law enforcement throughout the country. They look at them as oppressors and persecutors. :cuckoo:
Yeah well tell that to the citizens of Fergusen who had their town burned down, with screams of "burn this bitch down" because of a false narrative of a cop shooting a black man that was surrendering with his hands up, that this administration and the media kept pushing. And they're still pushing it. They won't give up until the cops step down and every city across the country is burning.

The ******* are coming to murder you in your bed, you'd better form a state militia right away.

Nice diversion. Ask the people of Los Angeles what happens when the cops step down and let the criminals and thugs do their thing. This is what Obama wants for America. Mayhem.

Yeah, mayhem, that's why I voted for Obama. You just can't get enough mayhem these days, I want more.

Well the anti capitalistic America hater you voted for started with the income inequality 99 percenter riots, but when that didn't stick, there's always race riots you can count on.

You mean the President who brought the economy back up from the toilet where Bush put it.........yeah, because corporations are doing so much better under Obama, you can deduct that he is a capitalistic America hater..........where do you all come up with such crap? Oh, never mind, Faux News.


Ya right, nice propoganda meme. After years of looking for work, people have just stopped looking and collecting unemployment. Unemployment among blacks and inner city is in record numbers. Yet all you have is an upswing in the stock market. The economy collapsed under Bush because the corrupt Dems had forced the banks to give out shady loans to unqualified people.

Somehow I don't think Obama will go down as the president behind the great recovery. He's a puppet put in place by anti capitalists and radical leftists, and he's made his anti capitalistic "spread the wealth" views known from his initial campaign and throughout his presidency.

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