Is Obama Foreign Policy Worthy Of Nobel Peace Prize?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Only in liberalville does one get a lot of credit for their intentions whether or not their actions match their promises.

I honestly find myself asking who Obama actually represents. He has let the people in this country down time and time again, but is always ready to go to bat for the radical Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists.

Thus far – dating back to the days before Muslim Brotherhood member and former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was ousted in a coup – Obama’s response has been mostly perceived (in Egypt) as pro-Morsi and pro-Brotherhood. Now, as the violence grows, Obama’s words and actions only serve to embolden both sides.

Suspension of joint military exercises and thinly veiled threats to cut off aid not only steel the resolve of the military – a military that has been respected throughout Egypt for decades – but build ill will within the military toward the U.S. Those same actions, along with continuing to refer to the pro-Muslim Brotherhood riots as “peaceful demonstrations” embolden the minority Muslim extremists, which are not only fairly well-armed, but have taken time out to destroy countless Christian churches along the way.

Is Obama Foreign Policy Worthy Of Nobel Peace Prize?
Reporter To State Dept: Is Obama Foreign Policy Worthy Of Nobel Peace Prize? | Independent Journal Review
Only in liberalville does one get a lot of credit for their intentions whether or not their actions match their promises.

I honestly find myself asking who Obama actually represents. He has let the people in this country down time and time again, but is always ready to go to bat for the radical Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists.

Thus far – dating back to the days before Muslim Brotherhood member and former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was ousted in a coup – Obama’s response has been mostly perceived (in Egypt) as pro-Morsi and pro-Brotherhood. Now, as the violence grows, Obama’s words and actions only serve to embolden both sides.

Suspension of joint military exercises and thinly veiled threats to cut off aid not only steel the resolve of the military – a military that has been respected throughout Egypt for decades – but build ill will within the military toward the U.S. Those same actions, along with continuing to refer to the pro-Muslim Brotherhood riots as “peaceful demonstrations” embolden the minority Muslim extremists, which are not only fairly well-armed, but have taken time out to destroy countless Christian churches along the way.

Is Obama Foreign Policy Worthy Of Nobel Peace Prize?
Reporter To State Dept: Is Obama Foreign Policy Worthy Of Nobel Peace Prize? | Independent Journal Review
The question is moot.

Bradley Manning will get the Nobel Peace Prize this year.
Any credibility associated with any Nobel prize went out the window when Obama got one for no reason

Yup. Used to be you actually had to accomplish something to earn the award. Obama received it simply because they liked his speeches. Gee, they had no idea he was all talk.
Considering the number of innocent civilians killed on his watch I'm going to go with no.
Well it seems Obama is pretty much a lock for Mt.Rushmore.
I don't think he cares all that much for another Nobel.
Been there,done that sort of deal.
Considering other recipients such as the EU, IPCC, Arafat, Algore, Rigoberta, Jimmeh seems that Obama is is good company.
I'm sure he would welcome God like status though.
Most of the lefties here have already gone down that road.
Was Jimmah Catah's either?

He Got rid of the SHAH of Iran which brought us to the Islamic weirdbeards we deal with now...(With NUKES to come)...NOT to be outdone?

Not did Obama set the region on fire? HE NUKED the Fucking PLACE...Just look at Egypt? Libya? Afghanistan, Iraq, SYRIA...Backing The WRONG PEOPLE...

Thanks Obama.

Do they Retract Awards? (If NOT? They should).

Obama deserves JAIL TIME for the hate and discontent he's created.
Yup, just for not being idiot chickenhawk Booosh, also inspiring democrats in the ME, uniting the world against Iran and N korea, getting the arrogant ugly American a-hole children out of world power, steering the world economy out of the greedy idiot Pub abyss, not bad for 6 months, hater dupes.
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Yup, just for not being idiot chickenhawk Booosh, also inspiring democrats in the ME, uniting the world against Iran and N korea, getting the arrogant ugly American a-hole children out of world power, steering the world economy out of the greedy idiot Pub abyss, not bad for 6 months, hater dupes.

Nothing you named is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, even if any of it was true. He isn't a chickenhawk the way some Republicans are. Instead he preaches peace, while bombing civilians with drones from thousands of miles away. At least the Republican chickenhawks were honest about their intentions. Obama is a snake. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize about as much as Vladamir Putin does.
Manning and Snowden deserve Nobel Peace Prizes. Instead they will receive life sentences. God bless America! :doubt:
Yup, just for not being idiot chickenhawk Booosh, also inspiring democrats in the ME, uniting the world against Iran and N korea, getting the arrogant ugly American a-hole children out of world power, steering the world economy out of the greedy idiot Pub abyss, not bad for 6 months, hater dupes.

Nothing you named is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, even if any of it was true. He isn't a chickenhawk the way some Republicans are. Instead he preaches peace, while bombing civilians with drones from thousands of miles away. At least the Republican chickenhawks were honest about their intentions. Obama is a snake. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize about as much as Vladamir Putin does.

BS. The drones go after terrorists and mistakes happen, and blown out of proportion by Fox etc- NOTHING compared to the Iran War. Anyway, this is since he got the Nobel.
Yup, just for not being idiot chickenhawk Booosh, also inspiring democrats in the ME, uniting the world against Iran and N korea, getting the arrogant ugly American a-hole children out of world power, steering the world economy out of the greedy idiot Pub abyss, not bad for 6 months, hater dupes.

Nothing you named is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, even if any of it was true. He isn't a chickenhawk the way some Republicans are. Instead he preaches peace, while bombing civilians with drones from thousands of miles away. At least the Republican chickenhawks were honest about their intentions. Obama is a snake. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize about as much as Vladamir Putin does.

BS. The drones go after terrorists and mistakes happen, and blown out of proportion by Fox etc- NOTHING compared to the Iran War. Anyway, this is since he got the Nobel.

These same conservatives would be screaming at Obama if he didn't go after the terrorist. Can't win with them. :(

Funny how they're opposite of everything Obama does... End of story...Idiotic.
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Yup, just for not being idiot chickenhawk Booosh, also inspiring democrats in the ME, uniting the world against Iran and N korea, getting the arrogant ugly American a-hole children out of world power, steering the world economy out of the greedy idiot Pub abyss, not bad for 6 months, hater dupes.

Nothing you named is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, even if any of it was true. He isn't a chickenhawk the way some Republicans are. Instead he preaches peace, while bombing civilians with drones from thousands of miles away. At least the Republican chickenhawks were honest about their intentions. Obama is a snake. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize about as much as Vladamir Putin does.

BS. The drones go after terrorists and mistakes happen, and blown out of proportion by Fox etc- NOTHING compared to the Iran War. Anyway, this is since he got the Nobel.

He never should have gotten it in the first place. He had done nothing to deserve it. Since then he has continued and expanded Bush's policies. Does Bush deserve a Nobel Peace Prize as well?
Nothing you named is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, even if any of it was true. He isn't a chickenhawk the way some Republicans are. Instead he preaches peace, while bombing civilians with drones from thousands of miles away. At least the Republican chickenhawks were honest about their intentions. Obama is a snake. He deserves the Nobel Peace Prize about as much as Vladamir Putin does.

BS. The drones go after terrorists and mistakes happen, and blown out of proportion by Fox etc- NOTHING compared to the Iran War. Anyway, this is since he got the Nobel.

These same conservatives would be screaming at Obama if he didn't go after the terrorist. Can't win with them. :(

Funny how they're opposite of everything Obama does... End of story...Idiotic.

I agree, though I was against Bush's methods as well. Obama is Bush 2.0, but Republicans will demonize him as if they never supported everything he is doing 5 years earlier.

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