Is Obama going to rein in the NSA finally?

It's going to be another empty speech. No matter what he says, the public isn't going to believe a word of it. This is what happens to pathological liars. Belief in what they say stops.
I heard that we can no longer apply for warrents on wiretaps based on national origin or ethnicity.
It's going to be another empty speech. No matter what he says, the public isn't going to believe a word of it. This is what happens to pathological liars. Belief in what they say stops.

Yes, he has dug his own grave. He has no believers. Even his base knows this, but don't care. Three more years of Obama/Holder. :eek:
More then likely the NSA will reign in Obama. If they are listening to our phone calls they certainly know everything he has done. Just like Hoover did with the FBI so the NSA could be doing to Obama. Of course a false flag promising change is flying but I seriously doubt things will change. I personally don't care if they listen to my phone calls hell they would put them to sleep in about a minute.

BTW, if he didn't say anything he would be condemned for not. He really can't win. Any real reigning in of the NSA has to come from Congress and right now they appear to be a bit dysfunctional.
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"Your Honor, we need a warrant to tap this guy's phone."

"On what grounds?"

"He's a darkie!"

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I heard that we can no longer apply for warrents on wiretaps based on national origin or ethnicity.

We should do something about this. Being a darkie is probable cause that you are a crook!

Truth up! Grandmas with tea bags hanging from their hats should be treated with exactly the same suspicion as a gang banger with a hoodie, white or black or other.
How funny is it the guy who started a topic whining about the police state we live in thinks being a darkie is grounds enough to spy on someone?

Positively schizophrenic!!!
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How funny is it the guy who started a topic whining about the police state we live in thinks being a darkie is grounds enough to spy on someone?

Positively schizophrenic!!!

Where did I offer support for said program? I simply stated a new change.

Like I said sit down child. Your trolling is unnecessary
"Your Honor, we need a warrant to tap this guy's phone."

"On what grounds?"

"He's a darkie!"


"Your Honor, we need a warrant to tap this guy's phone."

"On what grounds?"

"He fits the description of a known Islamic Terrorist.


"Well then we need a warrant to tap the phone of white, veterans working for the post office."

I am watching live now, blah blah blah blah, lie, lie, lie, lie. I do not believe a fucking thing this POS says.
How funny is it the guy who started a topic whining about the police state we live in thinks being a darkie is grounds enough to spy on someone?

Positively schizophrenic!!!

Where did I offer support for said program? I simply stated a new change.

Like I said sit down child. Your trolling is unnecessary

I agree with you gramps I don't see where g5000 is coming from. I don't see where anyone supported wire taps based on his derogatory term for Afro-Americans.

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