Is Obama Ignorant on Obamacare or Something Else?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Actually I think it's both.
Just How Ignorant Is President Obama About Realities Of ObamaCare? -

Health Care: At his press conference this week, President Obama tried to reassure Americans about ObamaCare. Instead, he displayed either an incredible lack of understanding about his own law, or something far worse.

Asked about increasing Democratic concern over what Sen. Max Baucus called a looming ObamaCare "train wreck," Obama claimed that it's all much ado about very little.

But almost nothing he said in defense of ObamaCare was accurate. Among his statements:

"A huge chunk of it's already been implemented."

In fact, all that's been implemented so far are a few PR-friendly changes like a mandate to cover children up to age 26 and a more generous Medicare drug benefit.

Democrats put off the bulk of the law — the massive market regulations, the government-run exchanges, mandates to buy coverage, and various taxes and fees—until 2014, both to hide its true costs and to avoid any unpleasantness before the 2012 elections.

"For the 85% to 90% of Americans who already have health insurance ... they don't have to worry about anything else."

Really? The Congressional Budget Office expects 7 million workers — and possibly as many as 20 million — will lose their employer coverage because of ObamaCare. That's plenty to worry about.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said millions of seniors will get dumped from their private Medicare Advantage plans by 2017 thanks to sharp payment cuts required by the law.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Just How Ignorant Is President Obama About Realities Of ObamaCare? -
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That’s not ignorance of the law. That is PR campaigning. None of the parts of the law that remain are popular in any way. The exchange might be a good idea of sorts but it is not glamorous or cared about. Essentially, Obama is blowing the question off because he is not going to get any good press about the remainder of the bill and he can blow it off too – most people don’t care. They are not going to feel the pain for a while yet.
Actually I think it's both.
Just How Ignorant Is President Obama About Realities Of ObamaCare? -

Health Care: At his press conference this week, President Obama tried to reassure Americans about ObamaCare. Instead, he displayed either an incredible lack of understanding about his own law, or something far worse.

Asked about increasing Democratic concern over what Sen. Max Baucus called a looming ObamaCare "train wreck," Obama claimed that it's all much ado about very little.

But almost nothing he said in defense of ObamaCare was accurate. Among his statements:

"A huge chunk of it's already been implemented."

In fact, all that's been implemented so far are a few PR-friendly changes like a mandate to cover children up to age 26 and a more generous Medicare drug benefit.

Democrats put off the bulk of the law — the massive market regulations, the government-run exchanges, mandates to buy coverage, and various taxes and fees—until 2014, both to hide its true costs and to avoid any unpleasantness before the 2012 elections.

"For the 85% to 90% of Americans who already have health insurance ... they don't have to worry about anything else."

Really? The Congressional Budget Office expects 7 million workers — and possibly as many as 20 million — will lose their employer coverage because of ObamaCare. That's plenty to worry about.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said millions of seniors will get dumped from their private Medicare Advantage plans by 2017 thanks to sharp payment cuts required by the law.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Just How Ignorant Is President Obama About Realities Of ObamaCare? -
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This is a perfect illustration of Obama's ignorance AND the MSM keeps validating his IGNORANCE!!!

Obama said "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR

THERE ARE 4 million that want and need insurance NOT 46 million and here is the proof!

GIVEN: The Census bureau says 10 million of the 46 million "uninsured' are not citizens…
Subtract 10 million from 46 million leaves 36 million… NOT 46 million!

Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"….
but Obama totally ignored this FACT and subtracting 14 million from 36 million that leaves 22 million…

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

REACHABLE meaning all these people had to do was enroll! NO money. NO risks! Just enroll! 14 million already eligible only need to register with MEDICAID!

So far we've reduced the 46 million by 10 million NON-Citizens, 14 million that simply had to enroll as they were covered by Medicaid!

That leaves 22 million!

The last time I checked as an American I had the right NOT to buy health insurance!

18 million people declaring that right!
They are under age 34.
They make over $50,000 a year decided it is cheaper just to pay out of pocket the average of $1,000 per year for their health needs then take up their employers' health plan.

Their credit rating depends on their paying their bills . They pay their own way!

When you subtract 18 million from 22 million that leaves only 4 MILLION that truly want and need health insurance! NOT 46 million!

so folks either Obama/Congress aren't very good at simple math so therefore WHY IN THE HELL Trust them to tell us how to be more efficient
It was a lie from the very beginning. Most people were happy with their health insurance, over 90%. It had nothing to do with insuring people without insurance. It had to do with enacting a huge new entitlement to buy Democratic votes.

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