Is Obama Negotiating A Treaty That Would Essentially Ban All “Buy American” Laws?


Bursting Bubbles
Feb 24, 2012
Is Obama Negotiating A Treaty That Would Essentially Ban All “Buy American” Laws?

There is a new treaty in the works and it is known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and it is going to be one of the biggest “free trade” (Free Trade in a PIGS eye that is) agreements in history. Critics are referring to it as the “NAFTA of the Pacific“, and it would likely cost the U.S. economy even more jobs than NAFTA did.
Barack Obama is pushing hard to get the United States into the TPP, and Australia, Peru, Malaysia, Vietnam, Canada, Japan and South Korea are also reportedly interested in joining. But quite a few members of Congress have heard that “Buy American” laws will essentially be banned under this agreement, and this has many of them very concerned. You can read the entire letter that was sent to Obama right here.
Unfortunately, the leaders of both major political parties are overwhelmingly in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, so the objections of these 69 members of Congress are likely to fall on deaf ears.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will accelerate the flow of American jobs out of this country, and meanwhile our politicians will continue to insist that they are doing everything that they can to “create jobs”.
Ref:Is Obama Negotiating A Treaty That Would Essentially Ban All “Buy American” Laws? :
Refer to “Warren Buffett's concept to significantly reduce USA's trade deficit”
First Posted on 08-30-2009, 08:10 PM.
Last posted on 02-27-2012, 04:59 PM.
An economic stimulus at no expense. Warren Buffett’s proposal to significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit.

Respectfully, Supposn
There should not be any "Buy American" laws. this is a free country, there should be no laws dictating whom I should buy from and whom I cannot.
politicians will continue to insist that they are doing everything that they can to “create jobs”.

as a liberal the subject matter is way over your head.
Anyway, trade creates jobs, obviously. If it didn't we could ban all trade to get full employment and never worry again. Do you think economists support that?

Can you imagine why that would be silly??
politicians will continue to insist that they are doing everything that they can to “create jobs”.

as a liberal the subject matter is way over your head.
Anyway, trade creates jobs, obviously. If it didn't we could ban all trade to get full employment and never worry again. Do you think economists support that?

Can you imagine why that would be silly??

The subject matter is way over my head? How condescending of you...How presumptuous of you.
Tell me oh wise arrogant liberal...what happen to the American manufacturing jobs?, America's Research and Development into technology?,Technology jobs?... what happened to all these jobs since NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO, and China being given Most Favored Nation status. WHERE ARE ALL THESE JOBS?...WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? The little jobs being created are in the non-tradable service sector. These trade agreements have created the vast majority of jobs in oppressive meager paying sweatshops in China, Indonesia, and India NOT HERE in America you arrogant simpleton. The U.S. trade deficits have been growing and growing, an indicator that these "FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS" are not benefiting U.S. middle class and poor.
These so called FREE TRADE agreements have only benefited the international globalist oligarchs and the sell-out whore politicians,whose portfolios have been enriched.

I believe you need to do some more research into these trade agreements and learn who benefited and where most of these jobs were created you arrogant simpleton fool!!
politicians will continue to insist that they are doing everything that they can to “create jobs”.

as a liberal the subject matter is way over your head.
Anyway, trade creates jobs, obviously. If it didn't we could ban all trade to get full employment and never worry again. Do you think economists support that?

Can you imagine why that would be silly??

The truth is that the “free trade” agenda of globalists such as Barack Obama is absolutely devastating our economy.

There are hundreds of statistics which prove this.If you are interested in examining many of them I recommend checking out the following articles….

35 Facts About The Gutting Of America’s Industrial Might That Should Make You Very Angry

47 Signs That China Is Absolutely Destroying America On The Global Economic Stage

America Is Being Transformed From A Wealthy Nation Into A Poor Nation At Breathtaking Speed

17 Facts About The Decline Of The U.S. Auto Industry That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

If You Are A Blue Collar Worker In America You Are An Endangered Species


The Worst In The World – The U.S. Balance Of Trade Is Mind-Blowingly Bad

Free Trade Or Fair Trade? 20 Reasons Why All Americans Should Be Against The Insane Trade Policies Of The Globalists
If you would have clicked the hyperlink I provided and bothered to read you would know...

There is not much protecting American jobs these days. The “Buy American” laws are one of the last remaining barriers that helps protect against much, much cheaper foreign labor, but now “Buy American” laws are in danger of being banned permanently.

Since the 1930s, the American government has offered preferential treatment to American producers in the awarding of federal contracts. If a domestic producer offers the government a more expensive bid than a foreign producer, it can still be awarded the contract under certain circumstances, but more recent free trade agreements have granted other nations the same negotiating status as domestic firms. The Obama administration is currently pushing to grant the several nations involved in the Trans-Pacific deal the same privileged status.

Congress Revolts On Obama Plan That Would Ban 'Buy American'
If you would have clicked the hyperlink I provided and bothered to read you would know...

if you had bothered with college you would know that every dollar sent to China must in turn be spent in America thus stimulating our economy. Did you think they burned the American money they got from Walmart??
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