Is Obama Purging the Military of Officer Who Don't Agree With His Policies?

I've been thinking about this.

By the time an officer in any of the branches reaches flag rank, they've but 25 to 30 years of service. That means the vast majority of them entered the military in the 1980s.

Who are they and what types of careers do they have?

There are two types of military officers. Those who serve to lead and care for their troops. And this whose entire goal is to reach flag rank and the privileges that come from it - politicians. They spend their entire careers in staff positions except for those very few assignments of command or leadership that are part of "punching their tickets" to attain promotion.

All one has to do is look at the uniforms of these officers. How many truly have combat experience where they led troops against hostile forces. Rows upon rows of ribbons that mean nothing but "they were there".

Sadly, in purges like this, the politicians survive and the leaders retire and often find themselves out in the cold because they didn't brown-nose defense contractors.
Moron, Obama has purged 195 Officers....

Really? Where do you get this bit of info????

Don't worry, I already know.


Looks, like I am really hitting the nerve. It has been 9 hours and Google-YouTube are still blocking my latest video in ?processing? | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire


All I know of is nine. All of whom were rightfully relieved of their duties.

[ame=]Pentagon Cleaning House? Are These The Ones That Won't Cooperate With Impending Martial Law? - YouTube[/ame]

Now, granted...with the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, many officers will be retiring and/or leaving the service. As will enlisted.

Others, career officers and enlisted, may very well be getting out for other reasons, such as their personal opposition to the repeal of DADT. Good, can't follow orders? GTFO!

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