Is Obama Really this Stupid?

Yea, exactly. You self-refuted. Congratulations.

So you agree that obama living in an anti America environment would influence him to be anti America thank you that's all I need you to say.

You're an idiot. Being anti-American is by definition political. You just said that you don't learn politics from 2-10. Sit the fuck down.
Yea, exactly. You self-refuted. Congratulations.

So you agree that obama living in an anti America environment would influence him to be anti America thank you that's all I need you to say.

You're an idiot. Being anti-American is by definition political. You just said that you don't learn politics from 2-10. Sit the fuck down.

Why is that you will quote some post and others you reply to you don't? You have quoted most if not all of my replies but the last one, Why?

You know that's not all I said

A child is better influenced during those years.
Only an idiot would disagree with this comment
hatred is taught and a child in that type of environment will be influenced to hate.
Probability suggest that many more Dahmers were aborted than any of the above. People are generally a product of their environment...Being unwanted and unloved is not conducive to greatness.

Like I said earlier though... it's by no means an absolute, but generally speaking people who were born into bad environments tend to be a product of that environment. Some escape that environment and do well for themselves, but the vast majority of them don't.
People are generally a product of their environment
ok so obama growing up in a Muslim country would mean that his judgement calls will be for the benefit of Muslim nations. He was taught to hate America.

Go fuck yourself Bigot. Like I said earlier... If you can't win a debate, you attack Obama...This is twice in one thread you did this bullshit, so not only have you been beaten in a have been exposed as the ignorant, bigoted, hate filled douchbag you really are...


and this surprises you because???
lower than ten and after two is when you learned YOUR politics and when YOUR world view was shaped?


A child is better influenced during those years.
child development stages have nothing to do with politics.


Yes it is amazing.
You know that's not all I said
Since you left this part out I added it
A child is better influenced during those years.
Only an idiot would disagree with this comment
hatred is taught and a child in that type of environment will be influenced to hate.
A child is better influenced during those years.
child development stages have nothing to do with politics.


Yes it is amazing.
You know that's not all I said
Since you left this part out I added it
A child is better influenced during those years.
Only an idiot would disagree with this comment
hatred is taught and a child in that type of environment will be influenced to hate.

And Obama hates someone? Funny, you seem to be a venomous douchebag against the same guy, day in and day out, and he seems to be the one on tv interviews smiling and trying the make the best of a shitty situation. Who's the hate filled one? Your little peon life is. Message board commando away, dumbass.

Yes it is amazing.
You know that's not all I said
Since you left this part out I added it

Only an idiot would disagree with this comment
hatred is taught and a child in that type of environment will be influenced to hate.

And Obama hates someone? Funny, you seem to be a venomous douchebag against the same guy, day in and day out, and he seems to be the one on tv interviews smiling and trying the make the best of a shitty situation. Who's the hate filled one? Your little peon life is. Message board commando away, dumbass.
Thing is I don't hate America I have never grew up in that type of environment obama has.
Was the statement made

People are generally a product of their environment
Yes or No?
A statement that you have been defending,
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he seems to be the one on tv interviews smiling and trying the make the best of a shitty situation. Who's the hate filled one? Your little peon life is. Message board commando away, dumbass.

What just a minute. BO talked at length in his book about his discovery that if he smiled a lot he didn't scare white people off and actually won them over by unconsciously appealing to their guilt about slavery. It seems like a very manipulative act to me given that he had 2 communist parents, loved violence spewing anti-American folks like Rev. Wright, and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open socialist. In terms of ideology he is certainly the least American president we have ever had.
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It has not - and is unlikely ever to - change it's official stance on birth control. What it does do is take a less inflexible approach towards some forms of birth control. But, that tolerance does not extend to abortion or the Morning After pill.

But this is about your claim that this policy - forcing the Church to provide coverage for abortions etc....

You seem to be drawing a distinction between abortion and emergency contraception, acknowledging that they're different things. But if that's the case, why do you keep insisting that these regulations have anything to with abortion coverage?
Again, the question our ConservaRepubLitarian friends seem to keep ignoring:

So then do you believe this religious protection should follow the exact same course and extend to sharia law / The Koran, when it comes to non-Muslims employed by Islamic schools etc... ?

Sharia law only applies in rare instances that involve arbitration and in contracts that invoke it, it does not apply just because one, or more, of the people in a legal dispute are Muslims. That explained, the principle of no government interference with religious matters already applies to Mosques and other Islamic religious institutions, including schools. If it didn't they would all have been shut down 10 years ago. You should get your head out of your ass and ask questions based on reality, not your imagined world where all right wingers are mindless bigots.

I never said anything about "all right wingers are mindless bigots". I just asked a question. Your explanation clarified some things that frankly, I'd never previously had reason to consider. I doubt that "all right wingers" have your level of knowledge on the subject and I certainly don't believe that "all" of them are bigots. I've had many Conservative freinds whom I believe to be much more reasonable in their beliefs than many Liberals.
Of course your inability to offer any commentary whatsoever, without slinging petty insults, displays who actually has their head up their ass. I guess that's just who you are.
You may now continue displaying your character with more petty insults etc..

Petty insults make life interesting. You should either ignore them, or throw some back, whinging about them makes you look pathetic.
Obama is soo stupid that ... hmmmm ....

I have too many options here. Someone help me narrow the choices a bit.
i wonder how many Catholic women and men support their Church's stance on not using any birth control, not planning their children to be? no BC pills, no rubbers being used? There isn't a Catholic that I know, that supports the church's stance of ''no BC pills/no iud's, no diaphrams, no rubbers, no vasectomies, no tubes tied, no invitro fertilization etc''....just pregnancy, over and over and over and over and over and over again, no matter what.....'s my understanding that the health insurance policies offered by the insurance companies does not have a higher price with the birth control pill being covered vs not covered...... IS this true? Does anybody know?
I read recently that 98% of Catholic women use or have used birth control.

The issue to me is that a secular institution can't dictate that their employees have sex only in the pursuit of reproduction. And these Catholic organizations are more secular than religious simply because they serve the general population. The churches themselves are exempt.

If that is actually the issue for you why do you support the government dictating to a religious organization? Is it that you are incapable of telling the difference between a religious organization and a secular one?
Yeah.... that's true. However, when you consider your side's "plan to ban"....well..that gives no one a choice...which is much more like Nazi Germany, the USSR and Communist China than simply allowing people to make their own decisions.

Who should have a big say in that choice? The life that cannot defend itself and loses everything, or the life that uses it as a form of birth control?

The life that's in control of the decision. When you have to carry around an unwanted fetus around for 9 months, forced into painful childbirth and take care of it for 18 years. You can have a say... until then? STFU.

I know, I know... personal responsibility. Making that choice whether to keep or abort a fetus IS personal responsibility. Taking that choice away is Legislating morality. God gave us free will so that we can make our own choices, you do know this right?

Like I said...If anyone came to me for advice on this subject, I would urge them not to have an abortion. But this is a free country with real choices(and consequences). You want to skip through all of that and make that choice for other people that you have no idea who they are or what their life is like. That makes YOU an better than Stalin, Mao, or least on this particular subject.

In the Roman Empire newborns used to be brought before the paterfamilia and he made the decision whether child would live or die. The interesting part of this ritual is that the law actually did not recognize the child as alive until after that ritual was carried out. How is that any different than abortion?
The Church takes a much less rigid stance on some forms of birth control... those that stop conception. It is once conception has taken place that it is rigid.

The problem with the AHA is that it forces employers to cover things such as the morning after pill and abortion - both of which are absolutely against the beliefs of the Church.

The Catholic Church opposed the distribution of condoms in regions that were devastated by HIV.

If I believed in Hell, it would be full of Popes, Cardinals and Bishops.
I read recently that 98% of Catholic women use or have used birth control.

The issue to me is that a secular institution can't dictate that their employees have sex only in the pursuit of reproduction. And these Catholic organizations are more secular than religious simply because they serve the general population. The churches themselves are exempt.

As I mentioned previously, the Church has a less rigid view on certain forms of birth control, that prevent conception. The line in the sand, for the Church, is post conception. Abortion and the Morning After pill are the other side of that line.

The Church cannot fund or provide coverage that includes those.

The sad thing, to me, is that Obama has waivered shedloads of companies but refuses to do likewise for the Church. That's hypocritical - particularly given what the Church does for this country.
Not sure what church you've been to lately but the Catholic church only approves of "natural" birth control, i.e. the rhythm method or chastity.

The Church received a waiver. Their institutions that serve a secular society did not.

The morning after pill works pre-conception, not post.

Do a little research.


CG is a Catholic. My guess she probably knows more about what the church teaches than you do.
Nice spin asshole... The left have come to the realization that accidents fucking happen, and unwanted babies who the right want to let fucking starve is much less merciful than having them never be born... If it's the woman's CHOICE.

You've yet to prove it's murder, so..fuck you on that one. That's your interpretation... but once again... "the right" is always right(in their eyes). They are legends in their own minds.

To answer your question...they are both potentially sins. The sin of Fornication(having immoral being married) and murdering a baby are both sins in God's eyes... BTW...Pride is a sin, vanity is a sin, Envy is a sin, Greed is a sin... funny how you guys don't give a shit about those sins though... But I assure you, God does.

Wow. You ought to start your own Church. The unfortunate statistics regarding Abortion indicate Genocide. Why is that. What is it about our Culture that creates such numbers?

Out of 115,008 Abortions in New York State, in 2009,
27, 646 had 1 previous Abortion,
16, 346 had 2 previous Abortions,
8,220 had 3 previous Abortions,
3,930 had 4 previous Abortions,
4,342 had 5+ previous Abortions.

Table 19: Induced Abortion Summary by Woman's Race/Ethnicity - New York State 2009

Real impressive.

You are so Good on Morals and Ethics. Tell us more.

What gives you the right to ban shit that doesn't concern you? Tell me more. Like I said.. you're all about other people's sins, but ignore your own... You fucking worship the greedy like Demigods are prideful, judgmental pricks.... Don't worry, God's writing all that shit down too. Sin is sin in God's eye... there is no one sin worse than others. That's you rationalizing.

Yep, just ignore the facts.
Oh... we're all about CHOICE... it's the Conservatives that have an issue with Choice...especially when it pertains to OTHER people's sins.

Where is the "choice" in Obamacare?

Well... let's see... the HealthCare industry...Hospitals, Med/Tech, Big Pharma, the Insurance Companies fucked your choice over for you. Everyone was out to get insanely rich off of sick people and it got so out of hand that normal everyday people can barely afford their coverage.

But, that's what happened with the banks, with multinational corporations and Wall Street....everyone trying to make a killing as fast as they can without regard to the repercussions to our Nation. In truth? If you support that agenda... you have no one to blame but yourself...and the "so called" free market.

Hey, the President "knew" all that (or should have unless he is incompetent). He promised "choice". He promised tax dollars would not be used to fund abortion. But apparently bold faced lies from the President do not bother you when some one else's rights are being flushed. Wonder if you will be cheering when some bureaucrat tells you how you have to spend your money on something that you totally disagree with ... say that Obama created the world, and can bring down his wrath on any unbeliever, so you better bow down before Obama....
Ummmm... please explain this part? I know that China had mandated abortions.... but "enlighten" me on the other two. Nevermind...Googled it....

Here's the difference, slick....

China Mandated Abortion.

Nazi Germany felt that a woman's body belonged to the state and the state would decide on the fate of her pregnancy.

Stalin? You may want to read up on him...He banned abortion because he wanted to stimulate the population...after his death in 1955, the USSR lifted the ban.

The one thing all three of those countries had in common....a lack of choice....something that the Conservative viewpoint has more in common than the progressive's pro-choice viewpoint.

You are wrong, the gov't made the choice in all of those countries. That is what is occurring here. Currently, the liberals/progressives/socialists/communists/islamist extremists/homosexual activists/environmentalists are all for it, but when some one is in power (that they have given the "authority" to regulate their lives), they will be crying about how wrong it is.
That is where conservatives are different. Most of us see gov't as a way to enforce civilization on thugs. We do not see gov't as a way to control the masses. We believe that most people are capable of living their own lives without gov't interferance. If you want to start a company that pays for prostitutes, birth control, and abortion, (as long as it is legal), we will NOT use force to stop you (we might protest you or bring your actions into the light of day), but it will be your choice. We figure the Lord gave you the ability to reason, and if you choose not to use that ability, it will be between you and the Lord.

Ok... you are an idiot. That's exactly what I said... the people didn't have a choice in their reproductive rights in those countries... I am not wrong. We do have a choice here in the USA... and YOUR side wants to take that choice away.

The way I figure it, The Lord is my God and will do the judging..If someone asks my opinion or advice, I will gladly give it. But I will NOT take the CHOICE away from them...that's not my job and it's not yours.

"Ok... you are an idiot. ...." Your side is not content with "choice". You want everyone else to "pay" (support) your "choice". That is not the same thing, not even close. "you made the decision by yourself", now live with it (support it yourself).

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