Is Obama Really this Stupid?

oh...there's the Houdini.

You do a chick from behind.

Then, spit on her back so she thinks that you came, on her back.

Then when she turns around, bl'am!~ Right in the face. (never tried it though obv.)
Not sure what church you've been to lately but the Catholic church only approves of "natural" birth control, i.e. the rhythm method or chastity.

The Church received a waiver. Their institutions that serve a secular society did not.

The morning after pill works pre-conception, not post.

Do a little research.


Not sure what church you've been to lately but the Catholic church only approves of "natural" birth control, i.e. the rhythm method or chastity.

La-La La-La-La...... I can't hear you. :lol:

Hint. ..... It's called Confession Ravi. :) Every Catholic Girls Escape Clause. ;) :eek:

I could tell you a very funny story about Confession... but I won't post it on the board. I have no doubt that some of our more intellectually challenged posters would not get it.

HA! HA!!
(I get it!!)

Intellect & Confession in the same sentence!!!!!

:lol: I feel ancient today but yeah, that's what my mom always called it and she had six kids. Doesn't work too well. ;)

there's all kinds of new ways to say it now.

Really? What are they? I haven't heard a discussion on it in a long time.

One way is to aim a Infrared Thermometer gun at your intended from across the room. As long as the reading is not too high, she is safe to approach, in more ways than one. ;)

oh...there's the Houdini.

You do a chick from behind.

Then, spit on her back so she thinks that you came, on her back.

Then when she turns around, bl'am!~ Right in the face. (never tried it though obv.)
:lol: I doubt this, or pulling out, are really sanctioned by the church. But the rhythm method is....maybe Intense can tell us.
USA Today editorial gets it right:

Editorial: Contraception mandate violates religious freedom

Editorial: Contraception mandate violates religious freedom

Few Americans of any political stripe would disagree with the simple proposition that the government should steer away from meddling in church affairs. Certainly, it should never try to force a religiously affiliated institution to violate a central tenet of its faith.

Yet in drawing up the rules that will govern health care reform, the Obama administration didn't just cross that line. It galloped over it, requiring employers affiliated with the Catholic Church to include free birth control in their health insurance plans. That's contrary to both Catholic doctrine and constitutional guarantees of religious freedom.

In the two weeks since the rule was finalized, setting off a predictable backlash from Catholic bishops and others, the administration has mounted three lines of defense for its decision, all of which sidestep the central issue.

The first is that churches and other houses of worship are exempt, which at least shows the administration weighed the issue. But then it whiffed. The exemption does not cover Catholic organizations that employ or serve large numbers of people of different faiths — the very definition of many Catholic colleges, hospitals and charities. Those organizations and the people who lead them would be put in the impossibly awkward position of facilitating contraception even though the church teaches that it is "intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence."

The administration's second line of reasoning is medical. It argues that nearly all women use contraception at some point in their lives (or want to), that it is expensive, and that the prestigious Institute of Medicine says birth control should be part of a comprehensive health care plan. We're sympathetic to the medical reasoning, but good intentions are not sufficient grounds to override religious freedom. The government is free to promote contraception in other ways. In fact, it already does.

The third rationale is that 28 states already have contraception mandates. But 15 of those states have broader exemptions. Only three states have exemptions as narrow as the new federal rule, and some of the eight states with no exemptions still give Catholic-run institutions ways to get around the mandate.

In an election-year hothouse, the issue has quickly become caricatured as the Obama administration's "war on Catholics" versus the Republicans' "war on contraception." It is neither. The administration tried to strike a balance and simply failed. The First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom deserves more weight than the administration allowed.

The administration's best option now is to reopen discussion with those affected and widen the exemption in a suitable way. The number of people affected will be relatively small — far too small to justify yet another court fight over the Affordable Care Act— and having freely chosen their employer, they'd have a dubious case for grievance against institutions that choose not to offer contraception coverage. As Sister Mary Ann Walsh of the U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops put it, "When you go to a Jewish deli, you are not expecting pork chops."

The rules don't take effect until August 2013, so there's plenty of time to work out a compromise, perhaps building on the approach in Hawaii, where women at exempted institutions can buy inexpensive contraception coverage outside their workplace. And wouldn't that be a refreshing way to deal with the unavoidable conflicts required for overhauling the nation's health care system?

Ahhh, finally! A rational editorial on the topic.

The Administration would do well to remember that one in six Americans are treated in a Catholic Hospital... and, yea, they take federal and state funding.... and the Church itself meets the shortfall between that funding and the actual cost of running those 625 hospitals - $5.7 billion.

Obama can take his 'war on Catholics' and shove it. God is on our side.
The very nature of this thread is nothing more than typical Republicans trying to control the conversation.

And notice it is them who continue to bring up religion? Its because without this wedge issue, they wouldn't stand a chance.

If Republicans really care about Christianity, no way they will vote for a Mormon. They say other Christians' do not have the authority from God. It died with Jesus' aposiles supposedly, according to Mormons.

But Mormons do have the authority. When God visited Joseph Smith in 1400, God had him pick apostles and they have passed on their authority, FROM GOD.

Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals, etc. Mormons think your churches are nothing more than cults.

I'd rather we leave religion out of politics. I think your all crazy. But right wingers who are supporting Romney are in for a big surprise once you have picked him as your nominee. I don't think evangelicals will vote Mormon once they learn the differences. But its your job to vet him. Hope you do better than how you vetted Palin before deciding.

As a Catholic, I'd very much like you (and your fucking President) to leave my Church out of politics.


Stupid Fuckin' Bubbleheads
Ok, so I take that tpo mean Obama shouldn't have been aborted.

I cut and pasted part of that from an old response you made. I added the obama part.
However you are assuming incorrectly.

I'm assuming incorrectly that you DONT think he should be aborted?

Do you or do you not want him to have been aborted? :cuckoo:

I was correct in this statement you aren' the sharpest tool in the shed.

"obama was just an example used about why women should not have an abortion, but you're not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed to know wtf I'm actually talking abo0t, so g'day wreckless."

Do you understand what an example is? obama's mother was unmarried at the time of his conception. She could have aborted him. Do you understand the meaning of this as an example?
Catholics, Baptists, Nazarenes, Jews and a host of other religions, including the Mulims have started hospitals to help people out. They believe, because of their faith, that it is their duty as members of their faith to help the poor, the sick, the less healthy among us. In Tulsa, there are two very good hospitals that were started by Catholics, St. Francis and St. Johns. Both have been on Newsweeks Top 100 list for a number of years. St. Francis has a heart hospital that is second to none and St. John's trauma unit is top notch.

Now Barry and his group of "big government is the answer" beaurocrats have decided that because these hospitals are in the business of treating the sick they have to be "reined in" and told HOW they can perform that Godly mission. When you walk into each of the above mentioned hospitals, there are statutes of the patron saints in the lobby of the hospitals. I am not Catholic, but I can tell you that when a nun and a priest came and visited my wife during her last operation before she passed, I felt thankful and blessed for their presence. I prayed with them and thanked them for their concern. I wrote a large check to that hospital because they cared. Not just for the body but for the soul...

This just makes me ill. It also makes me very, very angry. It has been a topic of discussion at our Tea Party meetings and I feel as though it's just one more intrusion into our lives by a government that is bent on whittling away our freedoms a little bit at a time. If I am engaged in providing medical care BECAUSE of my religious convictions, then why is it that the government thinks it has the right to tell me that my religious convictions can not guide the way I provide medical care?

THIS is a defining issue of the Obama administration... intrusion into EVERY part of our lives. It is wrong and it is dangerous... Hopefully, the Supreme Court will slap Barry and his socialists AGAIN!
wow... get beaten in a debate and go straight to slamming Obama... how typically and tellingly Conservative.

It's not an attack just think if obama's mother had an abortion. your obama would not be here. So are you still as supportive of abortion with the taught of the next obama minutes away from being aborted?

Or the next Jeffery Dahmer, or the next Adolph Hitler, or the next.....?

Makes you wonder how many monsters were aborted. I would think that the odds of someone turning out like a Dahmer is much more likely in an environment where they are unwanted and unloved, than it would having an Obama. I mean, you never know. But statistically... criminality and Sociopathic behavior is generally cultivated inside the childhood home.

I'm more worried about how many Ghandis, Jarviks and Einsteins were aborted.
It's not an attack just think if obama's mother had an abortion. your obama would not be here. So are you still as supportive of abortion with the taught of the next obama minutes away from being aborted?

Or the next Jeffery Dahmer, or the next Adolph Hitler, or the next.....?

Makes you wonder how many monsters were aborted. I would think that the odds of someone turning out like a Dahmer is much more likely in an environment where they are unwanted and unloved, than it would having an Obama. I mean, you never know. But statistically... criminality and Sociopathic behavior is generally cultivated inside the childhood home.

I'm more worried about how many Ghandis, Jarviks and Einsteins were aborted.

Probability suggest that many more Dahmers were aborted than any of the above. People are generally a product of their environment...Being unwanted and unloved is not conducive to greatness.

Like I said earlier though... it's by no means an absolute, but generally speaking people who were born into bad environments tend to be a product of that environment. Some escape that environment and do well for themselves, but the vast majority of them don't.
Not sure what church you've been to lately but the Catholic church only approves of "natural" birth control, i.e. the rhythm method or chastity.

The Church received a waiver. Their institutions that serve a secular society did not.

The morning after pill works pre-conception, not post.

Do a little research.


I've been to the Catholic Church, as always. I didn't say the Church 'approves', I said they take a less rigid view of certain forms. But, hey, thanks for misreading my post to make some pointless point.

I find it sad that some people are so blinkered that they don't care about our secular work. The billions of dollars that the Catholic Church provides to support the poor - the ones that the left claim to care so much about.... There is no other organization in the country that does as much as we do... using our own financial resources (ie, my money) so that you are not burdened.

I suggest you also do some research. :thup:
There is currently a new push from the Church to speak out against birth control pills. If you read newspapers you might know that.


Really? Newspapers? :lol:

I get my information from the Church, not from what a non Catholic says about my Church.
Catholics, Baptists, Nazarenes, Jews and a host of other religions, including the Mulims have started hospitals to help people out. They believe, because of their faith, that it is their duty as members of their faith to help the poor, the sick, the less healthy among us. In Tulsa, there are two very good hospitals that were started by Catholics, St. Francis and St. Johns. Both have been on Newsweeks Top 100 list for a number of years. St. Francis has a heart hospital that is second to none and St. John's trauma unit is top notch.

Now Barry and his group of "big government is the answer" beaurocrats have decided that because these hospitals are in the business of treating the sick they have to be "reined in" and told HOW they can perform that Godly mission. When you walk into each of the above mentioned hospitals, there are statutes of the patron saints in the lobby of the hospitals. I am not Catholic, but I can tell you that when a nun and a priest came and visited my wife during her last operation before she passed, I felt thankful and blessed for their presence. I prayed with them and thanked them for their concern. I wrote a large check to that hospital because they cared. Not just for the body but for the soul...
Yeah.....your OWN soul, because....everybody knows.....when you whip-out the ol' wallet, God's watching (like He watches all things).....and, you surely don't want to risk losing your place-in-line at The Pearly Gates!!

I've been to the Catholic Church, as always. I didn't say the Church 'approves', I said they take a less rigid view of certain forms. But, hey, thanks for misreading my post to make some pointless point.

I find it sad that some people are so blinkered that they don't care about our secular work. The billions of dollars that the Catholic Church provides to support the poor - the ones that the left claim to care so much about.... There is no other organization in the country that does as much as we do... using our own financial resources (ie, my money) so that you are not burdened.

I suggest you also do some research. :thup:
There is currently a new push from the Church to speak out against birth control pills. If you read newspapers you might know that.


Really? Newspapers? :lol:

I get my information from the Church, not from what a non Catholic says about my Church.
Yeah.....we've heard....we've heard......

Index Librorum Prohibitorum


"In the 16th century, in most European countries both the church and governments attempted to regulate and control printing, which allowed for rapid and widespread circulation of ideas and information."​
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I've been to the Catholic Church, as always. I didn't say the Church 'approves', I said they take a less rigid view of certain forms. But, hey, thanks for misreading my post to make some pointless point.

I find it sad that some people are so blinkered that they don't care about our secular work. The billions of dollars that the Catholic Church provides to support the poor - the ones that the left claim to care so much about.... There is no other organization in the country that does as much as we do... using our own financial resources (ie, my money) so that you are not burdened.

I suggest you also do some research. :thup:
There is currently a new push from the Church to speak out against birth control pills. If you read newspapers you might know that.


Really? Newspapers? :lol:

I get my information from the Church, not from what a non Catholic says about my Church.
Then maybe you don't attend often enough. The Church has not changed its stance on birth control as you claimed up the thread.
Or the next Jeffery Dahmer, or the next Adolph Hitler, or the next.....?

Makes you wonder how many monsters were aborted. I would think that the odds of someone turning out like a Dahmer is much more likely in an environment where they are unwanted and unloved, than it would having an Obama. I mean, you never know. But statistically... criminality and Sociopathic behavior is generally cultivated inside the childhood home.

I'm more worried about how many Ghandis, Jarviks and Einsteins were aborted.

Probability suggest that many more Dahmers were aborted than any of the above. People are generally a product of their environment...Being unwanted and unloved is not conducive to greatness.

Like I said earlier though... it's by no means an absolute, but generally speaking people who were born into bad environments tend to be a product of that environment. Some escape that environment and do well for themselves, but the vast majority of them don't.
People are generally a product of their environment
ok so obama growing up in a Muslim country would mean that his judgement calls will be for the benefit of Muslim nations. He was taught to hate America.
Or the next Jeffery Dahmer, or the next Adolph Hitler, or the next.....?

Makes you wonder how many monsters were aborted. I would think that the odds of someone turning out like a Dahmer is much more likely in an environment where they are unwanted and unloved, than it would having an Obama. I mean, you never know. But statistically... criminality and Sociopathic behavior is generally cultivated inside the childhood home.

I'm more worried about how many Ghandis, Jarviks and Einsteins were aborted.

Probability suggest that many more Dahmers were aborted than any of the above. People are generally a product of their environment...Being unwanted and unloved is not conducive to greatness.

Like I said earlier though... it's by no means an absolute, but generally speaking people who were born into bad environments tend to be a product of that environment. Some escape that environment and do well for themselves, but the vast majority of them don't.
You may be right but I am unwilling to take that risk. The vast majority of people have at least some positive effect on those around them.
Most of us have someone back in their bloodline that was a monster the world would have been better off without.

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