Is Obama siccing the IRS on anti-govt websites?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Michael Rivero runs the very popular anti-govt website and he says they're after him.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

Well, I guess it was only a matter of time, but the IRS is coming after Claire and I over some back taxes which we simply do not have the money to pay. No doubt they are looking to go after everyone else trying to stop the rush to war with Syria. Our PayPal account has been seized, so don't bother sending in any more donations; send it to RBN.

We have endured this harassment for many years, but I can no longer remain silent, nor should anyone who is dealing with these issues.

In all good conscience, I cannot pay taxes to a government that ignores the will of the people and usurps their wealth to fund wars, bail out bankers, and support foreign governments, while allowing this nation to whither away.

More than that, I have satisfied myself that the 16th Amendment did in fact fail ratification and that the income tax and the Federal reserve are unconstitutional and illegal. In this age of lies about Saddam's nuclear weapons and Assad's chemical weapons, Americans are probably ready to accept that the same government also lied about the 16th Amendment in order to steal their money.

I don't know how this will end. We could wind up homeless, and certainly it may mean the end of after almost 20 years.

I have been fighting against this government ever since they wrecked my career over the Vince Foster case. It has been very hard through the years and we understood it could likely end very badly.

I did not wish to burden the readers with my personal problems, but the fact is I cannot bring myself to cooperate with this illegitimate government, even if I had the means to do so, and going public seems my only option now.
pay your taxes and the IRS will go away.

Pretty much what I thought when I read the excerpt in the OP.

The dude lives here and enjoys the benefits of being a citizen of the US refusing to pay his taxes and expecting the rest of us to foot the bill for him. He states this has been going on for years... I wonder if the case was pre-Obama presidency. Then he bitches because the government sends him a demand letter. He gets no sympathy from me. No one likes paying taxes, but damn it, pay them or don't come whining to me when the government decides the only part of my country that you are entitled to if you refuse to pay your share happens to be a 6 X 10 cell in a prison some where. Especially when you are basically waving your middle finger in our faces.

I owed back taxes on former employees, cost me 4k, I paid it and the IRS went away. See how that works.
pay your taxes and the IRS will go away.

Be a liberal and reality will go away. Hey, I wonder if the IRS is looking for reality challenged people like you, moonbat?

I'm on their list, but not for taxes owed.

So, you are a tea party member who just pretends to be a leftist? :)

No, response expected as that was a bit personal and rhetorical with a whole lot of good natured ribbing thrown in. I hope you take it that way.

If the IRS is going after you because you believe some BS that the 16th Amendment doesn't apply...

All I can say is "Wesley Snipes wants a word with you."


I do have one more thing to say....

"You're an idiot and deserve all the special attention you're getting."
Be a liberal and reality will go away. Hey, I wonder if the IRS is looking for reality challenged people like you, moonbat?

I'm on their list, but not for taxes owed.

So, you are a tea party member who just pretends to be a leftist? :)

No, response expected as that was a bit personal and rhetorical with a whole lot of good natured ribbing thrown in. I hope you take it that way.


Actually I like some of their platform, had the Tea Party came into the spotlight 35 years ago they would have been a hit. My old Papa would have been for that party.
Since we are being spied upon I can't disclose what I am on the list for.
These anti-govt people posting remind me of my High School days when we protested anything the govt did.But then I got busy going to college(15-18) credit hours per semester, night time participation with the local Little Theater and working to support my way through college. Then kids and then finally when Hey Martha popped up I started the rants again.
The only thing I can say is, the institutions of our govt are good, but the people running them are corrupt, and this did not start with this administration.
These anti-govt people posting remind me of my High School days when we protested anything the govt did.But then I got busy going to college(15-18) credit hours per semester, night time participation with the local Little Theater and working to support my way through college. Then kids and then finally when Hey Martha popped up I started the rants again.
The only thing I can say is, the institutions of our govt are good, but the people running them are corrupt, and this did not start with this administration.

I can agree with that last sentence completely. The problem is not our system of government but rather the corrupt individuals who have found their way to power.

How dare Obama crack down on moochers (ie. hypocritical conservatives).
[I can agree with that last sentence completely. The problem is not our system of government but rather the corrupt individuals who have found their way to power.


Yes the problem is our system of govt. Get rid of the feds and return to states rights - like the constitution says.
[I can agree with that last sentence completely. The problem is not our system of government but rather the corrupt individuals who have found their way to power.


Yes the problem is our system of govt. Get rid of the feds and return to states rights - like the constitution says.

Actually our system of government (as described in the Constitution) clearly has a place for the federal government albeit one that is much more limited than what we have today. I still contend get rid of the corruption and the problem is not our system of government but rather those who govern.


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