Is Obama the Commander and Chief of Congress?

Obama has the constitutional right to negotiate with Iran. Congress does not.
Congress ratifies treaties they should be informed during the process it is also the congress who sanctioned Iran and it'll take congress to left them. So why is you don't care that Obama violates the law,Court orders ,the constitution? if it where a Republican you'd be all over him
Just finished reading a great article by Jeff Babbin about the cost that Obama is willing to pay for his "legacy deal with Iran".

Watching the vicious reaction by the White House and the Democrats over the "letter" I now have no doubt in my mind that arrogant son of a bitch was going to try to go around the Constitution AGAIN over this deal. And AGAIN is the key word here.

He's really skating on thin ice but from all of his reactions to Bibi's speech to going bonkers over the letter it just confirms that he was pulling a "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead" move.

Babbin very pointedly brought up that Obama must get two thirds of the Senate vote to ratify this deal. And the very fact that he has not engaged nor involved the Senate during these negotiations means for certain he was just going to go "fuck you".

This son of an arrogant bitch really does believe he is King of America.

"Mr. Obama will not submit his Iran nuclear weapons deal to the Senate for ratification willingly.

But he has no constitutional authority to enter into any agreement with Iran without it.

Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution states that he can only do so with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the Senate.

A March 9 letter sent to Iran by 47 Senate Republicans warned that any executive agreement by Mr. Obama could be set aside by a future president. That was a good start, but it isn’t enough."

Worth the read.

JED BABBIN The costs of a nuclear deal with Iran - Washington Times
of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:

Obama is Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's daddy about right now. He's simply better at this than they are.
Obama has the constitutional right to negotiate with Iran. Congress does not.
Nor did they. they simply expressed the fact that an agreement with the scant details that have been made public will not be ratified by the rest of the government.

That is well within their rights. Dumb - but within their rights.
He is the chief diplomat for the country, Chauncey, as the Secretary of State serves at his pleasure. Best you know that.
The president doesn't have the power to make law or ignore law. Obama doesn't seem to grasp that fact
He has the power to draft and sign treaties, which you don't seem to grasp, without the Congress' help. All it gets to do is ratify it. Or not.
And Congress has the power to Ratify or Reject such treaties.

Seems like they just let a potential Adversary know that any such treaty will not be Ratified nor enforced nor honored, once Obumble leaves office.

Symptomatic of an unprecedented lack of trust in a sitting President.

A lack of trust that appears to have some solid basis in Reality and Common Sense.
And the PROPER way to do this was to stand on the national stage and tell OBAMA that such a trety would not be ratified and would not be honored in the future.

That is how you deal with that. Sending a letter to the nation that the administration is negotiating with is asinine as it breaks down the negotiations. Tell Obama that the agreement will not be ratified and fought until certain conditions are met and leave it to the president to actually negotiate the deal.

This move looks bad on the republicans - it highlights a fundamental misunderstanding of international politics. Do you think that, after this letter was sent, Obama is now in a STRONGER position to make demands against Iran or WEAKER? Answer that, truthfully, and you can see why this is a blatant error.
of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:
The American Congress is a fucking waste of time, and has been for years now.
Then why don't we just cut through the bullshit and declare your boy Barackus I, Imperator and get it over with?
We could do worse, much. Or, how about we start acting like fucking grownups, for once.

We know.

That seems to be the underlying sentiment of most ObamaBots.

Or, we could just install a President after January 20, 2017, who aligns the foreign and domestic policies of the United States with the sentiments of its People.

One who inspires far more trust and confidence, who has leadership and governing experience, and who doesn't petulantly resort to Rule by Imperial Decree.
...Sending a letter to the nation that the administration is negotiating with is asinine as it breaks down the negotiations...
Sending a letter to an unaccountable and martyrdom-encouraging theocratic junta which labels us The Great Satan, that the American People see through their bullshit, even if our present-day Neville Chamberlain ghost doesn't (or doesn't care) - and putting them on notice that whatever Neville negotiates, it won't be allowed to stand beyond January 20, 2017, probably IS intended to break down the negotiations.

As the maxim goes, a bad deal is usually far worse than no deal, so - best to throw a monkey-wrench into the works before the Mistake gets too much traction.

...Tell Obama that the agreement will not be ratified and fought until certain conditions are met and leave it to the president to actually negotiate the deal...
My guess is, that this possibility was considered first, and dispassionately, and for a long time, before reaching the conclusion that our petulant President would have gone ahead and done it his way, regardless, so... why leave the negotiations to someone who is determined to head down the wrong path, regardless of what others tell him?

...This move looks bad on the republicans...
Or, alternatively, it gives the Pubs the aura of rescuers or champions of the situation... stopping an Appeasement President from giving away the farm; a way of saying to Liberals: "OK, kiddies, play-time is over. You've had six years, and you still haven't figured-out this Iran thing. You're too dangerous to be allowed to continue unsupervised. We'll take it from here, until your shaky lease on the Oval Office has expired. Thank you." highlights a fundamental misunderstanding of international politics...
Or, alternatively, it highlights a fundamental understanding of international politics - or, at least, a fundamental understanding of such as it applies to this particular foreign nation (Iran)?

...Do you think that, after this letter was sent, Obama is now in a STRONGER position to make demands against Iran or WEAKER?...
Weaker, of course.

But that's (quite probably) the point of the exercise, isn't it?

The Congress (and a sizable percentage of The People) no longer trust the President in such matters, and perceive him to be negotiating unfavorable terms, and would much rather torpedo current negotiations and revert to the status quo until more competent leadership can be brought to bear on the subject after January 20, 2017?

It is clear that the President has lost the confidence of much of Congress and much of the American People.

Once that happens, other strange things follow, such as hobbling the Lame Duck as a matter of damage control and prevention, until he leaves office.

This is an example of such hobbling of a Lame Duck, apparently... rightly or wrongly... for better or worse.

...Answer that, truthfully, and you can see why this is a blatant error.
That depends upon whether one trusts the President and perceives him to be competent and acting in the best interests of the United States in such matters, I expect.

You appear to do just that.

A great many others no longer do, if, indeed, they ever did.
Iran wins with or without a deal. Obama has legitimized them regardless, by direct negotiations, sending the mullahs private letters, encouraging them, and working with them in Iraq ect.. They advance their military power while Obama eases sanctions:cuckoo:

Iran Declares Pre-emptive Victory in Nuke Talks
Top Iranian Negotiator: ‘We are the winner’


Iran’s foreign minister and chief negotiator in nuclear talks with the West declared victory for his country, stating that no matter how the negotiations end, Tehran has come out “the winner,” according to remarks made on Tuesday and presented in the country’s state-run press.

Javad Zarif, the Islamic Republic’s foreign minister, stated in remarks before the country’s powerful Assembly of Experts, which recently installed a hardline new cleric as its leader, that the nuclear negotiations have established Tehran as a global power broker.

“We are the winner whether the [nuclear] negotiations yield results or not,” Zarif was quoted as saying before the assembly by the Tasnim News Agency. “The capital we have obtained over the years is dignity and self-esteem, a capital that could not be retaken.”

Zarif’s comments were accompanied by a host of bold military displays by Tehran in recent weeks, including the announcement of one new weapon that Iranian military leaders have described as a “very special” missile.

As the United States and Iran rush to hash out a final nuclear agreement ahead of a self-imposed July deadline, Zarif also lashed out at congressional Republicans who have expressed skepticism over the Obama administration’s diplomacy and have fought to exert control over the implementation of any deal.

Zarif dismissed as a “propaganda ploy” a recent letter signed by 47 Senate Republicans that warned Tehran against placing too much stock in a weak deal agreed to by the Obama administration.

Meanwhile, Iran’s military continues to unveil a range of new strategic missiles and advanced weapons meant to project strength throughout the region.

Iran Declares Pre-emptive Victory in Nuke Talks Washington Free Beacon
of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:

Obama is Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's daddy about right now. He's simply better at this than they are.

Well President "Mr. Better than them" Obama better buy his kids some toys to placate them since he needs two thirds of the Senate to ratify whatever treaty he comes up with.
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of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:

Obama is Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's daddy about right now. He's simply better at this than they are.

Well President "Mr. Better than them" Obama better by his kids some toys to placate them since he needs two thirds of the Senate to ratify whatever treaty he comes up with.

Some say he might go through the UN security council and try to bypass the Senate, although like i said it is congress who imposed the sanctions
He is the chief diplomat for the country, Chauncey, as the Secretary of State serves at his pleasure.

Best you know that.

The president doesn't have the power to make law or ignore law. Obama doesn't seem to grasp that fact

Oh, he grasps it. He just overrides it AND gets away with it. He is a legend in his own mind and in less than two years, much of his lawlessness will be overturned, unless we are completely broke by then. He still has enough time to ensure that.
The amount of partisan homers on both sides of the aisle from the Board bodes poorly for our country.
The amount of partisan homers on both sides of the aisle from the Board bodes poorly for our country.
Yet here you are ,supporting the other party,you know not the one you claim to support,you have no credibility,and are just a much of a partisan hack as anyone,except most are not as confused.
Yet here I am as a Republican trying to support the good in both parties, and you fuckwad wingers on both side are trying to destroy the nation, chikenwing. We are not going back to your fantasy world of the 1950s.

The sad thing is most of these establishment types are almost as bad as Jake the fake Republican:eusa_wall:
What a goof. Thinks he is mainstream when in fact he is a neo-con out in loonyville. We are not going to war.
True, but it's more that they he'd never consider the issue if it were BushII and Pelosi.

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