Is Obama the Commander and Chief of Congress?

Obama is a narcissist which is all he cares about. Look what the first black POTUS did.


Maybe he thinks he can get another peace prize without bribing the Nobel committee.

Yep, bet they don't make the mistake again of giving the Nobel to someone like its an entitlement

Could get you fired


Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED

he Nobel Peace Prize Committee fired the chairman who anointed President Barack Obama with the prize less than eight months after taking office.

Thorbjoern Jagland was serving his first year as the chairman of the committee when he announced the 2009 Prize to the President.

Obama was conferred the international award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” even though he had done no such thing and his six-year tenure has accomplished nothing.

Rather than citing specific accomplishments, Jagland said the award was given the award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” He also said he wanted to symbolize the “spirit of the times and the needs of the era.” In other words: Obama got the award for his good rhetoric.

Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED - Downtrend
Obama is a narcissist which is all he cares about. Look what the first black POTUS did.


Maybe he thinks he can get another peace prize without bribing the Nobel committee.

Yep, bet they don't make the mistake again of giving the Nobel to someone like its an entitlement

Could get you fired


Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED

he Nobel Peace Prize Committee fired the chairman who anointed President Barack Obama with the prize less than eight months after taking office.

Thorbjoern Jagland was serving his first year as the chairman of the committee when he announced the 2009 Prize to the President.

Obama was conferred the international award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” even though he had done no such thing and his six-year tenure has accomplished nothing.

Rather than citing specific accomplishments, Jagland said the award was given the award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” He also said he wanted to symbolize the “spirit of the times and the needs of the era.” In other words: Obama got the award for his good rhetoric.

Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED - Downtrend
And, when you consider that the nomination phase for the awards of 2009 occurred in February of 2009, mere weeks after Obumble took office, and while he was still figuring-out where the light switches were in the White House, it's pretty clear to see that he got the Nobel Prize for being Black rather than for anything that he had actually done.

Something that most sane and rational folk understood even back then.
Obama is a narcissist which is all he cares about. Look what the first black POTUS did.


Maybe he thinks he can get another peace prize without bribing the Nobel committee.

Yep, bet they don't make the mistake again of giving the Nobel to someone like its an entitlement

Could get you fired


Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED

he Nobel Peace Prize Committee fired the chairman who anointed President Barack Obama with the prize less than eight months after taking office.

Thorbjoern Jagland was serving his first year as the chairman of the committee when he announced the 2009 Prize to the President.

Obama was conferred the international award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” even though he had done no such thing and his six-year tenure has accomplished nothing.

Rather than citing specific accomplishments, Jagland said the award was given the award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” He also said he wanted to symbolize the “spirit of the times and the needs of the era.” In other words: Obama got the award for his good rhetoric.

Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED - Downtrend
I wish it was that easy. Obama is playing with fire. His reckless acts are setting up real danger in the region. His manipulation of Israeli elections should be considered international criminal activity. Obama is playing a high-stakes game simply to discredit Israel and in the process solidify a legacy for himself. I have never seen such recklessness by a president in my life. Not an American president.

Secretary of State John Kerry made clear the administration’s desire to topple Netanyahu last spring during his remarks before the Trilateral Commission. It was during that memorable speech that Kerry libeled Israel, claiming that we would automatically and naturally become an apartheid state if we didn’t give Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria to the PLO, Jew free, as quickly as possible.

Despite Israel’s venality, Kerry held out hope. In his words, “if there is a change of government [in Israel], or a change of heart, something will happen.”

When Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner announced last month that he had invited Netanyahu to address the joint houses of Congress on the threat emanating from Iran’s nuclear program and from radical Islam, he unintentionally transformed the Israeli elections from a local affair to a contest between Obama and Netanyahu.

Obama’s response to Netanyahu’s speech has been astounding. His ad hominem attacks against Netanyahu, his open moves to coerce Democratic lawmakers to boycott Netanyahu’s speech, and the administration’s aggressive attempts to damage Israel’s reputation in the US have been without precedent. More than anything, they expose a deep-seated fear that Netanyahu will be successful in exposing the grave danger that Obama’s policies toward Iran and toward the Islamic world in general pose to the global security.

Those fears are reasonable for two reasons.

First due to a significant degree to the administration’s unhinged response to the news of Netanyahu’s speech, Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu sparked a long-belated public debate in the US regarding Obama’s strategy of appeasing the Iranian regime. Generally consistent Obama supporters like The Washington Post editorial board have published stinging indictments of this policy in recent weeks.

These analyses have noted for the first time that in pursuing Iran, Obama is alienating and weakening America’s allies, enabling Iran to expand its nuclear program, and empowering Iran regionally as the US does nothing to prevent Iran’s takeover of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

Second, it is possible that in his remarks about Iran and radical Islam, Netanyahu will manage to discredit Obama’s approach to both issues. This is possible because Obama’s approach is difficult to understand.

Column one Netanyahu s true electoral rival - Opinion - Jerusalem Post
Obama is a narcissist which is all he cares about. Look what the first black POTUS did.


Maybe he thinks he can get another peace prize without bribing the Nobel committee.

Yep, bet they don't make the mistake again of giving the Nobel to someone like its an entitlement

Could get you fired


Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED

he Nobel Peace Prize Committee fired the chairman who anointed President Barack Obama with the prize less than eight months after taking office.

Thorbjoern Jagland was serving his first year as the chairman of the committee when he announced the 2009 Prize to the President.

Obama was conferred the international award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” even though he had done no such thing and his six-year tenure has accomplished nothing.

Rather than citing specific accomplishments, Jagland said the award was given the award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” He also said he wanted to symbolize the “spirit of the times and the needs of the era.” In other words: Obama got the award for his good rhetoric.

Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED - Downtrend
And, when you consider that the nomination phase for the awards of 2009 occurred in February of 2009, mere weeks after Obumble took office, and while he was still figuring-out where the light switches were in the White House, it's pretty clear to see that he got the Nobel Prize for being Black rather than for anything that he had actually done.

Something that most sane and rational folk understood even back then.

Being black does have its upsides for Obama.

If we weren't racist, Obama would have been impeached by now.. But yes, because we don't treat Obama like he's white, it hasn't happened.

We need to improve on that front

Obama is a narcissist which is all he cares about. Look what the first black POTUS did.


Maybe he thinks he can get another peace prize without bribing the Nobel committee.

Yep, bet they don't make the mistake again of giving the Nobel to someone like its an entitlement

Could get you fired


Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED

he Nobel Peace Prize Committee fired the chairman who anointed President Barack Obama with the prize less than eight months after taking office.

Thorbjoern Jagland was serving his first year as the chairman of the committee when he announced the 2009 Prize to the President.

Obama was conferred the international award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” even though he had done no such thing and his six-year tenure has accomplished nothing.

Rather than citing specific accomplishments, Jagland said the award was given the award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” He also said he wanted to symbolize the “spirit of the times and the needs of the era.” In other words: Obama got the award for his good rhetoric.

Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED - Downtrend
And, when you consider that the nomination phase for the awards of 2009 occurred in February of 2009, mere weeks after Obumble took office, and while he was still figuring-out where the light switches were in the White House, it's pretty clear to see that he got the Nobel Prize for being Black rather than for anything that he had actually done.

Something that most sane and rational folk understood even back then.

Being black does have its upsides for Obama.

If we weren't racist, Obama would have been impeached by now.. But yes, because we don't treat Obama like he's white, it hasn't happened.

We need to improve on that front

I wasn't really thinking about his skin color. The fact that he's such a narcissist was the main point I was making. I remember when the Olympic committee rejected their push to get the games in Chicago. Within a week or two Obama was announcing his Peace Prize. He can't stand to be just an average Joe. He insists on winning, regardless of the consequences. It's hard to believe that his skinny body is able to support his big head.
Obama is a narcissist which is all he cares about. Look what the first black POTUS did.


Maybe he thinks he can get another peace prize without bribing the Nobel committee.

Yep, bet they don't make the mistake again of giving the Nobel to someone like its an entitlement

Could get you fired


Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED

he Nobel Peace Prize Committee fired the chairman who anointed President Barack Obama with the prize less than eight months after taking office.

Thorbjoern Jagland was serving his first year as the chairman of the committee when he announced the 2009 Prize to the President.

Obama was conferred the international award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” even though he had done no such thing and his six-year tenure has accomplished nothing.

Rather than citing specific accomplishments, Jagland said the award was given the award for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” He also said he wanted to symbolize the “spirit of the times and the needs of the era.” In other words: Obama got the award for his good rhetoric.

Man Who Awarded Nobel Peace Prize To Obama FIRED - Downtrend
And, when you consider that the nomination phase for the awards of 2009 occurred in February of 2009, mere weeks after Obumble took office, and while he was still figuring-out where the light switches were in the White House, it's pretty clear to see that he got the Nobel Prize for being Black rather than for anything that he had actually done.

Something that most sane and rational folk understood even back then.

Being black does have its upsides for Obama.

If we weren't racist, Obama would have been impeached by now.. But yes, because we don't treat Obama like he's white, it hasn't happened.

We need to improve on that front

I wasn't really thinking about his skin color. The fact that he's such a narcissist was the main point I was making. I remember when the Olympic committee rejected their push to get the games in Chicago. Within a week or two Obama was announcing his Peace Prize. He can't stand to be just an average Joe. He insists on winning, regardless of the consequences. It's hard to believe that his skinny body is able to support his big head.

My guess is as a youth, and into his teens: Obama went down like the kid in your sig gif.


of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:

congress doesn't run a separate foreign policy. the neocon wackjobs seem to have forgotten that.
Obama's foreign policy begins and ends with killing Bin Laden.

He doesn't know what he's doing. That is the point of all of this. Obama is a troublemaker. A race-baiting asshole busy sowing the seeds of racial strife in America. He has no intention of doing good in this world. He's here to fan the flames.

His primary motivation in this Iranian deal is to get big headlines just like the Bin Laden take-down. It doesn't matter if it was an effective means of fighting terrorism because that's not the goal. The goal is simply to give Obama a feather in his cap. Everyone in Congress knows this. All this deal is is a media campaign. Obama gives Iran everything they want and who cares if Israel is threatened. Who cares if a few hundred thousand people die because of it. Who cares if it increases the threat rather than ends it.That's really not Obama's problem. So what if it starts an arms race in the Middle-East. Obama wants to brag about how he worked out a deal.

That's nice. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own set of facts. Obama deranged wingers seem to have no grasp of actual reality.

What your wingers did was disgusting. It undermined this country beyond measure.

of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:

congress doesn't run a separate foreign policy. the neocon wackjobs seem to have forgotten that.
Obama's foreign policy begins and ends with killing Bin Laden.

He doesn't know what he's doing. That is the point of all of this. Obama is a troublemaker. A race-baiting asshole busy sowing the seeds of racial strife in America. He has no intention of doing good in this world. He's here to fan the flames.

His primary motivation in this Iranian deal is to get big headlines just like the Bin Laden take-down. It doesn't matter if it was an effective means of fighting terrorism because that's not the goal. The goal is simply to give Obama a feather in his cap. Everyone in Congress knows this. All this deal is is a media campaign. Obama gives Iran everything they want and who cares if Israel is threatened. Who cares if a few hundred thousand people die because of it. Who cares if it increases the threat rather than ends it.That's really not Obama's problem. So what if it starts an arms race in the Middle-East. Obama wants to brag about how he worked out a deal.

That's nice. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own set of facts. Obama deranged wingers seem to have no grasp of actual reality.

What your wingers did was disgusting. It undermined this country beyond measure.


What was disgusting about it?

Bet you can't even point to specifics. You're just repeating what Democrats have said word for word. It doesn't matter to you that their hypocrisy knows no bounds here. That they did much worse, much much worse to Bush. They didn't just send a letter. They provided aid and comfort to our enemies, the very definition of treason. Obama himself did worse. Remember how he undercut Bush? No? Remember before he was sworn in the message Obama sent to the Iraqi government not to honor any agreements with Bush? Of course you don't remember. You're just a little lemming living in your sycophantic fantasies.

Obama tells Congress to go fuck themselves. He attempts to work out a secret deal with our enemies and Congress simply tells Iran that our Constitution could cancel out the deal.
Is Obama the Commander and Chief of Congress

apparently you are in elementary school if you had to ask such a childish question.
it's for you leftist Obamaites. Did you answer the question?

and as soon as you point out another bunch of extremist loons in congress that tried to sabotage a sitting president, no doubt you'll be taken seriously.

Pelosi meets with Syria s Assad - World news - Mideast N. Africa NBC News

What happened to my favorite liberal Jew Jillian?:dunno:

you're not delusional enough to think this is the same, are you? :cuckoo:
It's not? probably worse actually, a personal visit to people we had no diplomatic relationship with at the time? Yeah worst?
of course not, The president is the "Commander and Chief" of the military. The Congress is a co-equal branch. The liberals seem to forget that fact. They also seem to like an imperial president:cuckoo:

congress doesn't run a separate foreign policy. the neocon wackjobs seem to have forgotten that.
Obama's foreign policy begins and ends with killing Bin Laden.

He doesn't know what he's doing. That is the point of all of this. Obama is a troublemaker. A race-baiting asshole busy sowing the seeds of racial strife in America. He has no intention of doing good in this world. He's here to fan the flames.

His primary motivation in this Iranian deal is to get big headlines just like the Bin Laden take-down. It doesn't matter if it was an effective means of fighting terrorism because that's not the goal. The goal is simply to give Obama a feather in his cap. Everyone in Congress knows this. All this deal is is a media campaign. Obama gives Iran everything they want and who cares if Israel is threatened. Who cares if a few hundred thousand people die because of it. Who cares if it increases the threat rather than ends it.That's really not Obama's problem. So what if it starts an arms race in the Middle-East. Obama wants to brag about how he worked out a deal.

That's nice. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own set of facts. Obama deranged wingers seem to have no grasp of actual reality.

What your wingers did was disgusting. It undermined this country beyond measure.


You didn't answer my question. Do you want the fate of the Jewish people in Israel left to up to Obama? i did'nt aprrove of the letter actually. Provoking Obama is not a smart thing to do

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