Is Obama trying to hard to appease the Republicans

No ... that's a problem, and the red flag in the first place. Rushing to things always has bad results.
i'd rather congress take their time and read the bills before they vote on things and know what it is they are voting on
if it has to be rushed then chances are they are putting crap in it that are not good

Exactly. Obama is pushing for things to just be passed without anyone having the chance to read or consider consequences of these bills, that's bad. This is why I am thinking the whole healthcare bill may just be a ploy, pushing it to pass quickly then letting the pressure build toward anything that does not have a "Democrat" sticker on it, then all he has to to is give an identical (but differently worded) version with the "Republican" sticker on it and everyone will let it pass without analyzing it just because it's technically not his bill.

Never before have I thought a president capable of such dirty handed politics ... until now.
i dont want ANYONE rushing bills through congress
repubs or dems
If Obama is trying for GoPers, all it means is he can't convince enough Democrats.

No GoPer who wants to be re-elected will support this in anyway.
i'd rather congress take their time and read the bills before they vote on things and know what it is they are voting on
if it has to be rushed then chances are they are putting crap in it that are not good

Exactly. Obama is pushing for things to just be passed without anyone having the chance to read or consider consequences of these bills, that's bad. This is why I am thinking the whole healthcare bill may just be a ploy, pushing it to pass quickly then letting the pressure build toward anything that does not have a "Democrat" sticker on it, then all he has to to is give an identical (but differently worded) version with the "Republican" sticker on it and everyone will let it pass without analyzing it just because it's technically not his bill.

Never before have I thought a president capable of such dirty handed politics ... until now.
i dont want ANYONE rushing bills through congress
repubs or dems

I know, but the problem isn't us, they don't listen to us anyway. The problem is congress. Politics is a game now, and one that Obama plays too well, I am betting he was an outcast like me when he was young, for as an outcast I learned how to manipulate people all too well, and I see the same techniques I would use being used by his administration. I saw some of it when he was running, and had I seen as much then as I do now, I would have actually supported McCain more in spite of Palin being an unknown. Obama is using tactics in the game that I used when running roleplaying games, as a GM you have to know how to manipulate the players so they follow the storyline while thinking it's all in their hands. We call it the illusion of freedom in gaming circles.
Obama's goal from the beginning is to have healthcare reform that would have bipartisan support.
The Republicans have shown no sign to budge off the no public option.
Obama anxious to have collaboration has hinted at dropping the public option.
The Democrats and many pundits feel he is compromising too early.

He is showing good faith but it not being reciprocated by the opposition.

"Is Obama trying too hard to appease the Republicans?"

Yes, he is.

The Dems hold the majority in both houses. Why they are allowing the Republicans to gain control of the narrative on this issue is beyond me.
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Obama's goal from the beginning is to have healthcare reform that would have bipartisan support.
The Republicans have shown no sign to budge off the no public option.
Obama anxious to have collaboration has hinted at dropping the public option.
The Democrats and many pundits feel he is compromising too early.

He is showing good faith but it not being reciprocated by the opposition.

"Is Obama trying too hard to appease the Republicans?"

Yes, he is.

The Dems hold the majority in both houses. Why they are allowing the Republicans to gain control of the narrative on this issue is beyond me.
b eecause they know the PUBLIC doesnt want this shit
thus he wants GOP'rs to sign on so they can be blamed when it fails
Obama's goal from the beginning is to have healthcare reform that would have bipartisan support.
The Republicans have shown no sign to budge off the no public option.
Obama anxious to have collaboration has hinted at dropping the public option.
The Democrats and many pundits feel he is compromising too early.

He is showing good faith but it not being reciprocated by the opposition.

"Is Obama trying too hard to appease the Republicans?"

Yes, he is.

The Dems hold the majority in both houses. Why they are allowing the Republicans to gain control of the narrative on this issue is beyond me.
b eecause they know the PUBLIC doesnt want this shit
thus he wants GOP'rs to sign on so they can be blamed when it fails

I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

That's why people are up in arms.

So you know what? Fuck the Republicans. Ram that bastard through and sign the bill.
Watch Jane Hamsher of Fire Dog Lake on Rachel say Rahm Emmanuel and Max Baucus were dealing with big pharma and AHIP to get them to squeeze money the Dems way in 2010.

[ame=]YouTube - Jane Hamsher on The Rachel Maddow Show - Progressives throw down for Public Option[/ame]
I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

Amen Sister Emma!!!:clap2::clap2:
"Is Obama trying too hard to appease the Republicans?"

Yes, he is.

The Dems hold the majority in both houses. Why they are allowing the Republicans to gain control of the narrative on this issue is beyond me.
b eecause they know the PUBLIC doesnt want this shit
thus he wants GOP'rs to sign on so they can be blamed when it fails

I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

That's why people are up in arms.

So you know what? Fuck the Republicans. Ram that bastard through and sign the bill.
go for it
call your congress criters and tell em that

oh, and dont forget to have them call all opposition to this crap a nazi and astroturf
and make sure they repeat it often
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b eecause they know the PUBLIC doesnt want this shit
thus he wants GOP'rs to sign on so they can be blamed when it fails

I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

That's why people are up in arms.

So you know what? Fuck the Republicans. Ram that bastard through and sign the bill.
go for it
call your congress criters and tell em that

oh, and dont forget to have them call all opposition to this crap a nazi and astroturf
and make sure they repeat it often

Fire Dog Lake is way ahead of you.

We went out to the FDL list this morning and together with our partners have raised $67,939 for progressive members of Congress who agree to draw a line in the sand over a public plan.

While the teabaggers got all the media attention, we've been working diligently with local bloggers in the districts of progressive members of Congress who were in safe Democratic seats, asking them to vote against any bill that did not have a strong public plan. No co-ops, no triggers. We wanted 40 of them to stick together and block health care reform from passing until there was a strong public option.

It worked.

If others arrogantly assumed they could give the farm away to the AMA, AHIP, the hospitals and PhRMA and then jam it on progressives at the last minute and call them "fucking stupid" if they resisted, they were wrong.

Now that they have made the commitment in sufficient numbers to stop a bad bill from passing, the challenge is going to be holding progressives while they get strong-armed to vote for a compromised bill. Promises of district pork, funding for pet project, influence and downright threats are very persuasive. A fundraising effort like this sends a very clear message that this one matters. We're watching, and if somewone says they "support" a public plan, they can't cast a vote for some crappy Blue Dog/Senate Finance and think they can get away with it.

This one won't go down the memory hole. Thanks to everyone who put an exclamation point at the end of that sentiment with their contribution.

more at link:

I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

That's why people are up in arms.

So you know what? Fuck the Republicans. Ram that bastard through and sign the bill.
go for it
call your congress criters and tell em that

oh, and dont forget to have them call all opposition to this crap a nazi and astroturf
and make sure they repeat it often

Fire Dog Lake is way ahead of you.

We went out to the FDL list this morning and together with our partners have raised $67,939 for progressive members of Congress who agree to draw a line in the sand over a public plan.

While the teabaggers got all the media attention, we've been working diligently with local bloggers in the districts of progressive members of Congress who were in safe Democratic seats, asking them to vote against any bill that did not have a strong public plan. No co-ops, no triggers. We wanted 40 of them to stick together and block health care reform from passing until there was a strong public option.

It worked.

If others arrogantly assumed they could give the farm away to the AMA, AHIP, the hospitals and PhRMA and then jam it on progressives at the last minute and call them "fucking stupid" if they resisted, they were wrong.

Now that they have made the commitment in sufficient numbers to stop a bad bill from passing, the challenge is going to be holding progressives while they get strong-armed to vote for a compromised bill. Promises of district pork, funding for pet project, influence and downright threats are very persuasive. A fundraising effort like this sends a very clear message that this one matters. We're watching, and if somewone says they "support" a public plan, they can't cast a vote for some crappy Blue Dog/Senate Finance and think they can get away with it.

This one won't go down the memory hole. Thanks to everyone who put an exclamation point at the end of that sentiment with their contribution.

more at link:

hey, if you win, i guess you were right
like i said, go for it
It comes as a big disappointment to me. Rahm most assuredly didn't go maverick on Obama, so what are we to think?

Meanwhile, Obama is all gung ho on Afghanistan and Andrea Mitchell reports Karzai signed a law into effect that states men can starve their wives if they don't put out? Our soldiers are dying for these Afghani assholes??? WTF?!?!?!?
b eecause they know the PUBLIC doesnt want this shit
thus he wants GOP'rs to sign on so they can be blamed when it fails

I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

That's why people are up in arms.

So you know what? Fuck the Republicans. Ram that bastard through and sign the bill.
go for it
call your congress criters and tell em that

Oh trust me, I have. Repeatedly.
I think a VAST majority of the public "doesn't want this shit" because of the LIES and distortions pushed by the right. They couldn't win on facts and discussing what the bills were actually going to do, so they had to LIE.

That's why people are up in arms.

So you know what? Fuck the Republicans. Ram that bastard through and sign the bill.
go for it
call your congress criters and tell em that

Oh trust me, I have. Repeatedly.
personally, i cant believe you want this obamacare
My congressman wouldn't spend a nickel to save $1000. He's ridiculous. I will try and see how we can boot his gnarly ass out though. Mikulski and Cardin are already on board.
I've liked and supported my Republican Congressman for as long as he's served.

I'm beginning to get a bit pissed at him, though. There's been a big change in him, and I don't like it. (and yeah, Dive, I told him so too lol)
I've liked and supported my Republican Congressman for as long as he's served.

I'm beginning to get a bit pissed at him, though. There's been a big change in him, and I don't like it. (and yeah, Dive, I told him so too lol)

Who is he? [you don't have to say if you don't want to, of course.]:lol:

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