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Is obamacare fascist, socialist, communist or other?

What is obamacare?

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I didn't know this was your thread and that you ran the site.

You don't have to run a site to know that anybody who thinks the observation that the Fox Noise audience is predominantly white is "racist", is obviously working with his dictionarial head up his ass.
Where would you be without the word "racist" to fall back on?

I know, right? You made it so easy to discredit anything you say, forever. Or at least until you admit your head was up your ass. Thanks for making your posts a one-stop shop. :thup:
Whyt do people talk about obama himself in this thread?
It is about the ACA
Whyt do people talk about obama himself in this thread?
It is about the ACA

Good point. It's because they're obsessed with a kind of man crush. Surely O'bama didn't write the ACA himself.

You forgot Dictator and King. We all know you think he's going to crown himself King for life and put an end to our system of government.

You are an idiot

He's using sarcasm to invoke what we just said above.
Fascist? Nope. Fascists like Hitler and Mussolini would not get pushed around by the Tea Party or BlueDog Democrats. Obama is far too weak (like Jimmy Carter) to qualify. For instance, any Fascist worth his salt would not have tolerated dissent in his own party. You will recall that the Blue Dog Democrats killed Obama's Public Option. Hitler/Mussolini would have crushed anyone inside their own party who did that. Also, after campaigning against him in 2008, Obama accepted Joe Lieberman back with open arms. Again, Hitler/Mussolini would have exacted revenge, execution style. Bush/Chaney were much more like Fascists in this regard. Chaney is old school. He punished members of his party that didn't go along with his war. When the Iraq War grew unpopular - and support for it meant the loss of a senate or house seat - the Bush/Chaney regime still didn't allow dissent. This is why they lost so many seats in 2006 - because GOP Senators & House members were forced by the Leadership to thrown themselves on their swords. By contrast Obama was actively opposed by his own party on several important polices - and he did nothing. He's far to soft to be a fascist. He permits way too much dissent from his party. As for the opposition. You think Hitler would let the opposition party shut down his government. Not on your life.

Socialist - No Socialist would appoint a Wall Street Big-Finance Friedmanite-monetarist like Bernanke to the Fed. No Socialist would appoint Free Market Wall Street guys to his top economic cabinet positions. No socialist would allow his government to pump up Wall Street stock values while the middle class and the poor were being slowly destroyed.

Communist - No communist would have bailed out the wealthiest section of the private sector with TARP while foreclosing on the middle class. No Communist would feed citizens into private sector health insurance - thereby giving private markets more customers. Communists don't support markets, nor do they accept massive donations from the scions of business. Obama is way to close to Wall Street and has done far too much damage to Labor to be called a Communist.

Obama is more of Keynesian than a Marxist. Keynes believed in private property and markets, whereas Marx believed that economic systems based on private property eventually produce a rentier class which purchases government and monopolizes all sectors in order to charge ever higher "rent" (prices), leaving the lower classes to become over-dependent upon credit (until the banking system blows up, and the rentier class is bailed out while the poor are wiped out).

Keynes - who believed deeply in the power of markets to allocate resources and set prices - saw a limited role for government in the economy, e.g., he believed in stimulus during downturns to prevent a deflationary spiral. He also believed that Government could prevent bubbles from becoming dangerously large. The anti-Keynesians - Bush and Greenspan - believe that there is no such thing as a bubble because asset prices always reflect the choices of rational consumers, who know best. Keynes believed that people are occasionally prone to the herd mentality, e.g., an entire nation can get caught up in the euphoria of ever-rising housing prices and inflate the bubble to such a level that its bursting will have catastrophic consequences.

Anyway, the list provided by the OP looks like another "talk radio" hit job...
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A little advice. Don't post immediately, wait until you can come up with something witty or profound, instead of blurting out the first moronic thought that enters your empty head.
It was "witty and profound" when it entered my head and it was "witty and profound" when it left.

You know what I think? I don't think you can handle "witty and profound". I think that's a little too much for you to take in all at once and you're projecting your ADD onto me.

That's what I think!
Is obamacare fascist, socialist, communist or other?

None of the above, including ‘other.’

The ACA is Constitutional Federal law, not any more or less legitimate than any other Federal law.

And anyone who refers to the ACA as ‘fascist,’ ‘socialist,’ or ‘communist’ succeeds in only exhibiting his ignorance of the ACA and the noted political philosophies.

And I bet you think that 8 year old girls who are forced to marry 50 year old men are wives instead of child abuse victims....just because such arrangements are legal in their countries.

Just because corrupt and amoral people manipulate the law in order to pass legislation doesn't mean it's not a Totalitarian Nightmare.



Because we all know you won't read it unless forced to do so.
Most Americans can't even define socialism, Marxism, fascism, feudalism, capitalism, much less apply those terms to people or ideas. We use these terms as name-calling tools much like the kids in the playground use name-calling on other kids.
if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck .... IT'S A FUCKING DUCK.

Obama doesn't walk like a marxist or talk like a marxist.

It's not even close.

Maybe you fuckers should find out what these terms mean, before you start using them?

John C. Drew, an Occidental College graduate who knew Obama personally in the early 1980s, reports that the young Obama of that period was “already an ardent socialist Marxist revolutionary”; was highly “passionate” about “Marxist theory”; embraced an “uncompromising, Marxist socialist ideology”; harbored a “sincere commitment to Marxist revolutionary thought”; and was, in the final analysis, a “pure Marxist socialist” who “sincerely believed a Marxist socialist revolution was coming to turn everything around and to create a new, fairer and more just world.”

John C. Drew, an Occidental College graduate who knew Obama personally in the early 1980s, reports that the young Obama of that period was “already an ardent socialist Marxist revolutionary”; was highly “passionate” about “Marxist theory”; embraced an “uncompromising, Marxist socialist ideology”; harbored a “sincere commitment to Marxist revolutionary thought”; and was, in the final analysis, a “pure Marxist socialist” who “sincerely believed a Marxist socialist revolution was coming to turn everything around and to create a new, fairer and more just world.”

Do you believe what people say about you?
if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck .... IT'S A FUCKING DUCK.

Obama doesn't walk like a marxist or talk like a marxist.

It's not even close.

Maybe you fuckers should find out what these terms mean, before you start using them?

John C. Drew, an Occidental College graduate who knew Obama personally in the early 1980s, reports that the young Obama of that period was “already an ardent socialist Marxist revolutionary”; was highly “passionate” about “Marxist theory”; embraced an “uncompromising, Marxist socialist ideology”; harbored a “sincere commitment to Marxist revolutionary thought”; and was, in the final analysis, a “pure Marxist socialist” who “sincerely believed a Marxist socialist revolution was coming to turn everything around and to create a new, fairer and more just world.”


How's that ^ for a basis of reasoning on current events...

"I know this guy who knows this other guy who said, back in the day..."

Guess what -- George H.W. Bush was all into eugenics in school -- that didn't make him Hitler years later as president.
John C. Drew, an Occidental College graduate who knew Obama personally in the early 1980s, reports that the young Obama of that period was “already an ardent socialist Marxist revolutionary”; was highly “passionate” about “Marxist theory”; embraced an “uncompromising, Marxist socialist ideology”; harbored a “sincere commitment to Marxist revolutionary thought”; and was, in the final analysis, a “pure Marxist socialist” who “sincerely believed a Marxist socialist revolution was coming to turn everything around and to create a new, fairer and more just world.”

Do you believe what people say about you?

Either you are yourself a socialist , have a hidden agenda or can't handle the truth.

But when a government can dictate to free people it is fascism/socialism , plain and simple.


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