Is our economy better regulated by liberty or by government?

The Too many regulations jargin is no longer believable. The one percent has never done better Corporations are making record profits. Their workers are losing ground.
Is our economy better regulated by liberty (code-speak in this context for 'unbridled capitalism') or government?

You need a third choice.

The truth lies in the middle.
I think our economy would die if given the power to regulate itself.
It should be liberty and was intended to be that way, but the feds have done a lot of manipulating and it has hurt tremendously. The government fucks things up, then turns around and claims they are the solution.

In true capitalism, those businesses who fail to deliver on promises will likely go bankrupt. This administration, more than previous ones, like to pick winners and losers. We all lose that way. With the auto bail outs and all the other 'too big to fail' companies, the cronies were saved. Some dealerships were closed even though they were doing fine and others were saved even though they were doing lousy. It was government deciding who should survive or not instead of letting people's pocket books declare the winners and losers.
The Economy Is Best When:

(1) Fed by supply and demand
(2) Fair competition for market share
(3) Minimum regulation
(4) Non-unionized labor employed
(5) Fair and equal taxation

( ****** NOTE: For stability and sufficient growth, the economy depends on fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade. )
Ya see, government works thorough liberty. Shoppers don't know crap about economics. We elect the best people to represent our interests in government and when it seems that they don't know diddly about economics or they are lying to us about their agenda the liberty part clicks in and we get to fire them every 2, 4 or 6 years and hire someone better. The problem for Americans is that the sub-standard federal education system teaches them how to put a condom on a cucumber but not much about distinguishing between the truth and a lie. That has to be learned through trial and error and we are living the error.
Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.

Actually, it is better regulated when you have a healthy mix of both. Capitalism run rampant is terrible. Socialism run rampant is even worse. However, when the two systems are combined, then you can have the greatest amount of good, for the greatest amount of people.
Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.
How well did Liberty work in Oregon with their water wars?

Under Oregon law, all water is publicly owned. With some exceptions, cities, farmers, factory owners and other users must obtain a permit or water right from the Water Resources Department to use water from any source— whether it is underground, or from lakes or streams. Landowners with water flowing past, through, or under their property do not automatically have the right to use that water without a permit from the Department.--http://Water Resources Department Water Law
Fascists/socialists tendency is to nationalize and create shortages. The parasites don't mind the suffering so long as everyone is suffering. Exempted of course is the elite - the Commissars.

Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.

Actually, it is better regulated when you have a healthy mix of both. Capitalism run rampant is terrible. Socialism run rampant is even worse. However, when the two systems are combined, then you can have the greatest amount of good, for the greatest amount of people.

There's no such thing as "capitalism run rampant." That's socialist propaganda.
Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.
How well did Liberty work in Oregon with their water wars?

Under Oregon law, all water is publicly owned. With some exceptions, cities, farmers, factory owners and other users must obtain a permit or water right from the Water Resources Department to use water from any source— whether it is underground, or from lakes or streams. Landowners with water flowing past, through, or under their property do not automatically have the right to use that water without a permit from the Department.--http://Water Resources Department Water Law

Fascists/socialists tendency is to nationalize and create shortages. The parasites don't mind the suffering so long as everyone is suffering. Exempted of course is the elite - the Commissars.

How do Individuals resolve conflicts over scarce resourses without government?

There are complex and real links between water and conflict. While water resources have rarely been the sole source of violent conflict or war, there is a long history of tensions and violence over access to water resources, attacks on water systems, and the use of water systems as weapons during war.--
Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.
How well did Liberty work in Oregon with their water wars?

Under Oregon law, all water is publicly owned. With some exceptions, cities, farmers, factory owners and other users must obtain a permit or water right from the Water Resources Department to use water from any source— whether it is underground, or from lakes or streams. Landowners with water flowing past, through, or under their property do not automatically have the right to use that water without a permit from the Department.--http://Water Resources Department Water Law

Fascists/socialists tendency is to nationalize and create shortages. The parasites don't mind the suffering so long as everyone is suffering. Exempted of course is the elite - the Commissars.

How do Individuals resolve conflicts over scarce resourses without government?

There are complex and real links between water and conflict. While water resources have rarely been the sole source of violent conflict or war, there is a long history of tensions and violence over access to water resources, attacks on water systems, and the use of water systems as weapons during war.--

Somehow they managed it in the past without government. Common law is actually non-governmental law. during the age of monarchies, the king did not make the laws that government relations between the common folk. This was all done with common law. In fact, in England the Magna Carta made the King subject to common law. Cities and towns existed for thousands of years before government came into existence. The historical evidence doesn't justify the claim that society can't function without government
Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.
How well did Liberty work in Oregon with their water wars?

Under Oregon law, all water is publicly owned. With some exceptions, cities, farmers, factory owners and other users must obtain a permit or water right from the Water Resources Department to use water from any source— whether it is underground, or from lakes or streams. Landowners with water flowing past, through, or under their property do not automatically have the right to use that water without a permit from the Department.--http://Water Resources Department Water Law

Fascists/socialists tendency is to nationalize and create shortages. The parasites don't mind the suffering so long as everyone is suffering. Exempted of course is the elite - the Commissars.

How do Individuals resolve conflicts over scarce resourses without government?

There are complex and real links between water and conflict. While water resources have rarely been the sole source of violent conflict or war, there is a long history of tensions and violence over access to water resources, attacks on water systems, and the use of water systems as weapons during war.--




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