Is Parasitism a form of Rape?

You think that will make a difference? You have some cowboy movie playing in your head with you as John Wayne. All your little popgun does is make you a target. Do you know what they call a determined, well-armed man up against a group? The deceased.

You get to live in this nice, air conditioned environment with lot's of food available with a 5 minute car ride. You can call your family and friends with a push of a button. You can spew your little ideas across the internet. And all of that is 5 days away from anarchy and starvation. That's about how long it will take before the food runs out. But, of course, you don't care about that because you are "entitled" to all of your comforts. You have unalienable rights. It really is just pathetic.


Excuse me fucktard

I never demanded fascism, never demanded government benefits .

You requested them you pay for then.

You know it was intended for the US to be a FREE country.

You want communism fine, we shall fight you every step of the way.


I know you're not demanding fascism. I expect you don't know what that even means and would require far too much effort in any case. But you are certainly demanding government benefits and you want those benefits for free. You are so convinced that you are entitled to them you don't even pay attention to them. They are just supposed to be there. You just rail about those "parasites" who you know absolutely nothing about, because for you ignorance is all the knowledge you need, and see yourself as some noble freedom fighter. You won't fight me every step of the way. That would require you to fight.

This nation is not about you. If you don't like that, get out. We don't need you. If you want to stick around, fine. Moan and groan all you like and pony up your share of the cost.

I fully understand that in order to soothe your conscience you must project your parasitic tendencies onto others.

As a noble fighter, I intend to defeat you and your ilk.

The NY Times , the National Organization of Women, et al, are in Steubenville, Ohio demanding that the powers-that-be prosecute, to the max, high schools football players and all other individuals who tacitly approved the unlawful appropriation of Jane Doe' body, her property , without her consent. Fair enough.

Libertarians adamantly believe that we have a right to life and to defend the same. Thomas Jefferson correctly stated in the Declaration Of Independence that :

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, So , I agree that consent is an intrinsic element of our Constitutional jurisprudence.

But , why is the consent principle ignored when the welfare/warfare state demands that I support foreign wars, Obama hellcare, Medicaid, medicare, Feinstein' disarmament, ad nauseum.

Inquiring minds want to know.


It is assumed that people granted prior approval to whatever a politician does merely by voting for them. Never mind that politicians lied when they were making promises and then did the total opposite once in office.

Question is;
Why do we automatically forgive outright lying and chalk it up to politics?

Politicians enjoy the freedom to lie without fear of repercussion. It's as if we should expect them to lie in order to get elected and we can't hold their feet to the fire when the promises are broken.

If we were able to force a politician to resign because of lies, we would have a much different country right now.

But, it's acceptable for Obama to claim that Obamacare reduces medical costs and that people can keep their current insurance if they like it. People cheered when he stood there and lied repeatedly about no one making under $250,000 paying a dime more in taxes. (that was before Obamacare wasn't a tax. Then it was a tax in the Supreme Court and now it's not a tax) Hard to keep up with lies, isn't it?

Of course, now we know that the truth is the opposite, but he gets away with it because somewhere along the line, it became acceptable for politicians to lie. We should know by now that you can't take what any of them say at face value on the campaign trail, yet people do, and they vote accordingly. When the politician flip flops, people stand by them, either out of party loyalty or a refusal to admit they were duped yet again into buying into to false promises.

But, because enough people bought into the lies, there is an assumption of consent on whatever the crooked politicians do once in office.

I think some changes need to be made and campaign promises put in writing, signed and people allowed to obtain a copy if they wish. Breaking a promise is standard operating procedure in Washington, but breaking a contract might be different.

I think this is important because of the fact that they do require consent and they should not be allowed to decieve in order to get that. If lies are told, then they DO NOT HAVE CONSENT to do half the shit they do.
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The NY Times , the National Organization of Women, et al, are in Steubenville, Ohio demanding that the powers-that-be prosecute, to the max, high schools football players and all other individuals who tacitly approved the unlawful appropriation of Jane Doe' body, her property , without her consent. Fair enough.

Libertarians adamantly believe that we have a right to life and to defend the same. Thomas Jefferson correctly stated in the Declaration Of Independence that :

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, So , I agree that consent is an intrinsic element of our Constitutional jurisprudence.

But , why is the consent principle ignored when the welfare/warfare state demands that I support foreign wars, Obama hellcare, Medicaid, medicare, Feinstein' disarmament, ad nauseum.

There's a big difference between one's person and mere stuff. Like you said one person may not like their taxes used to feed and house someone else, while another may not like their taxes used to start a war. There's always going to be questions over stuff, but one's body should be their own.
The NY Times , the National Organization of Women, et al, are in Steubenville, Ohio demanding that the powers-that-be prosecute, to the max, high schools football players and all other individuals who tacitly approved the unlawful appropriation of Jane Doe' body, her property , without her consent. Fair enough.

Libertarians adamantly believe that we have a right to life and to defend the same. Thomas Jefferson correctly stated in the Declaration Of Independence that :

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, So , I agree that consent is an intrinsic element of our Constitutional jurisprudence.

But , why is the consent principle ignored when the welfare/warfare state demands that I support foreign wars, Obama hellcare, Medicaid, medicare, Feinstein' disarmament, ad nauseum.

Inquiring minds want to know.


It is assumed that people granted prior approval to whatever a politician does merely by voting for them. Never mind that politicians lied when they were making promises and then did the total opposite once in office.

Question is;
Why do we automatically forgive outright lying and chalk it up to politics?


Unfortunately , over 50% of Americans receive some type of government handout - so those folks' silence has been bought out by the bureaucrats.

The NY Times , the National Organization of Women, et al, are in Steubenville, Ohio demanding that the powers-that-be prosecute, to the max, high schools football players and all other individuals who tacitly approved the unlawful appropriation of Jane Doe' body, her property , without her consent. Fair enough.

Libertarians adamantly believe that we have a right to life and to defend the same. Thomas Jefferson correctly stated in the Declaration Of Independence that :

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, So , I agree that consent is an intrinsic element of our Constitutional jurisprudence.

But , why is the consent principle ignored when the welfare/warfare state demands that I support foreign wars, Obama hellcare, Medicaid, medicare, Feinstein' disarmament, ad nauseum.

There's a big difference between one's person and mere stuff. Like you said one person may not like their taxes used to feed and house someone else, while another may not like their taxes used to start a war. There's always going to be questions over stuff, but one's body should be their own.

1- I use my body to work to buy stuff

2. Many unconstitutional laws violate our bodies such as arrests, incarcerations, TSA, drug laws

3- The NY Times raises hell when football players digitize a female but don't give a shit when federal bureaucrats do it at National Airports ,

4-The NY Times refused to print the pictures showing federal storm troopers pointing their M5 Carbines at Little Elian Gonzalez.


Excuse me fucktard

I never demanded fascism, never demanded government benefits .

You requested them you pay for then.

You know it was intended for the US to be a FREE country.

You want communism fine, we shall fight you every step of the way.


I know you're not demanding fascism. I expect you don't know what that even means and would require far too much effort in any case. But you are certainly demanding government benefits and you want those benefits for free. You are so convinced that you are entitled to them you don't even pay attention to them. They are just supposed to be there. You just rail about those "parasites" who you know absolutely nothing about, because for you ignorance is all the knowledge you need, and see yourself as some noble freedom fighter. You won't fight me every step of the way. That would require you to fight.

This nation is not about you. If you don't like that, get out. We don't need you. If you want to stick around, fine. Moan and groan all you like and pony up your share of the cost.

I fully understand that in order to soothe your conscience you must project your parasitic tendencies onto others.

As a noble fighter, I intend to defeat you and your ilk.


Sure you will. Which is why you pay the taxes you claim are a violation of your rights. How brave you are. As I said, moan and groan all you like - just pay your share. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Either way works for me.
I know you're not demanding fascism. I expect you don't know what that even means and would require far too much effort in any case. But you are certainly demanding government benefits and you want those benefits for free. You are so convinced that you are entitled to them you don't even pay attention to them. They are just supposed to be there. You just rail about those "parasites" who you know absolutely nothing about, because for you ignorance is all the knowledge you need, and see yourself as some noble freedom fighter. You won't fight me every step of the way. That would require you to fight.

This nation is not about you. If you don't like that, get out. We don't need you. If you want to stick around, fine. Moan and groan all you like and pony up your share of the cost.

I fully understand that in order to soothe your conscience you must project your parasitic tendencies onto others.

As a noble fighter, I intend to defeat you and your ilk.


Sure you will. Which is why you pay the taxes you claim are a violation of your rights. How brave you are. As I said, moan and groan all you like - just pay your share. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Either way works for me.

And support miserable scumbags like you? Forget it.

Tax Free Munis and New Zealand Tax Shelters is the way to go.

Learn a marketable skill or commit suicide. Either way works for me.

I know you're not demanding fascism. I expect you don't know what that even means and would require far too much effort in any case. But you are certainly demanding government benefits and you want those benefits for free. You are so convinced that you are entitled to them you don't even pay attention to them. They are just supposed to be there. You just rail about those "parasites" who you know absolutely nothing about, because for you ignorance is all the knowledge you need, and see yourself as some noble freedom fighter. You won't fight me every step of the way. That would require you to fight.

This nation is not about you. If you don't like that, get out. We don't need you. If you want to stick around, fine. Moan and groan all you like and pony up your share of the cost.

I fully understand that in order to soothe your conscience you must project your parasitic tendencies onto others.

As a noble fighter, I intend to defeat you and your ilk.


Sure you will. Which is why you pay the taxes you claim are a violation of your rights. How brave you are. As I said, moan and groan all you like - just pay your share. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Either way works for me.

And support miserable scumbags like yourself? Forget it.

Tax Free Munis and New Zealand Tax Shelters are the way to go.

Learn a marketable skill or commit suicide. Either way works for me.


I fully understand that in order to soothe your conscience you must project your parasitic tendencies onto others.

As a noble fighter, I intend to defeat you and your ilk.


Sure you will. Which is why you pay the taxes you claim are a violation of your rights. How brave you are. As I said, moan and groan all you like - just pay your share. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Either way works for me.

And support miserable scumbags like you? Forget it.

Tax Free Munis and New Zealand Tax Shelters is the way to go.

Learn a marketable skill or commit suicide. Either way works for me.


Wow. You really do think ignorance is knowledge. Bye bye little man.

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