Is Pelosi Mentally Sound?

A resolution to censure and condemn her has been submitted for violation of the Code of Official Conduct requiring Members "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."

She’s no longer mentally nor emotionally fit to conduct her Constitutional duties. Time for her to go back to San Francisco and join her fellow street crapers.


Did she brag about grabbing women by the pussies?

That is really the standard I measure the sanity of politicians in America now- anything less than bragging about assaulting women is just not insane now.
What would Liberals do without private conversations of Donald Trump immediately leaked to the world?
With Trump sending these folks packing, Bolton and Vindman twins, maybe we will soon find out.

CNN on air personality (they aren't journalists, that's for sure) Zaphod Beeblebrox recently came on air and gave the following monologue;

"You stupid wankers watching this are fucking retards. Fake news? This isn't just fake news, this is us pissing in your sodding face. If you're so FUCKING stupid as to believe one word of the shit we vomit out at you, you fully deserve to be lied to. If you silly wankers wanted to know the truth you'd tune in to Fox, you WANT us to lie to you. Anyone watching CNN is too fucking stupid to live. Jeff Zucker shits on pictures of viewers"

The network intends no action against Beeblebrox. "Keeping employees who are dedicated to the destruction of your business and are personally defaming you is a great strategy; CNN will no more terminate Beeblebrox than Trump should terminate Vindman..."
These clowns think a seat on the NSC is equivalent to an "on air personality"? The NSC's purpose is to ADVISE the President. The President doesn't want advice from Vindman so, may the door not hit him in the butt.

The Fake News Media has been near Pelosi-level meltdown since election night. They had treated Trump’s campaign and supporters with an attitude of spiteful hilarity. The great irony in the media’s hatred, of course, is that his rise would not have been possible without them and their vain attempt to hijack the Republican presidential primary process to ensure Hillary Clinton had the weakest opponent possible. Ooops!

So have the media learned the lessons of 2016?

No. The only adjustment most media elites are making is to reject even more stridently the traditional standards and principles of their profession.

Sleepwalking into 2020

They claimed what was needed in 2020 was an even bolder rejection of the standards of neutrality and objectivity. As Margaret Sullivan, a columnist at Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post, explained: “One of the things we didn’t do well covering the presidential election last time was that we failed to distinguish between the serious and not so serious—the term false equivalency comes to mind.”

MSLSD’s Chris Hayes echoed Sullivan’s assessment: “To me, the biggest sin of 2016 was proportionality. Particularly vis-a-vis Hillary Clinton and the email story, and then the Wikileaks story. . . . There’s no justification whatsoever for the proportion of coverage devoted to that story.”

Tanzina Vega, host of NPR’s “The Takeaway,” concurred: “The press has got to rid itself of the idea of a false equivalency.”

Samhita Mukhopadhyay, editor of the prestigious political journal Teen Vogue (ahem), recited the popular academic canard against neutrality: “‘Objectivity’ is not even possible; everybody brings something to what they’re reporting on whether they realize it or not.”

These journalists are arguing for more subjective editorializing and more bias.

A Low Opinion of the Public
Some even take it a step further, acknowledging that rather than report on the issues that the public sees as most pressing, media outlets use their voices to manufacture the issues and generate public concern for them through their coverage.

Nicholas Johnston, editor-in-chief at Axios, describes this kind of manipulation. “We identified the themes we want our journalists to think about in 2020 and then get them to go force the campaigns to talk about them,” he told the Columbia Journalism Review. “We picked seven issues that we think are very important and we plan to spend the election year going out on the trail and talking to the campaigns and voters about these issues. What if we find a candidate doesn’t have a policy on climate change, or China or the future of capitalism? That’s great, let’s go call and ask him to make one because we think this is an important topic that the next leader of the United States should have a position on.”

These ignorant clown think they control the democratic election process. Rather than our open, free public discourse to determine which issues will be at the fore of the campaign, Johnston advocates a scenario where the media selects the issues that should be of concern to the public and then gins up coverage to generate public support for their objectives.

These journalistic biases are driven by a low opinion of the public, a low opinion that the public heartily returns to the Fake News Media.

Hayes Brown from Buzzfeed suggests that the public should look to journalists as educators, asserting that “more journalists should engage in those actual conversations with people who just seem kind of confused.”

Steve Adler, editor-in-chief at Reuters, makes a telling statement: “Our craft is digging out information when the average person doesn’t have the skill to do that . . . then providing the background and the context and the knowledge base that helps people figure out where they stand.” Note that Adler isn’t saying that average people don’t have the time or the resources to gather knowledge of political affairs: they lack the skill. Given that perspective, it is no surprise that so much “news” writing carries with it a tone of pedantic exasperation.
I honestly don't think Pelosi is mentally sound....and after what she did I am pretty sure she lost her marbles.

That does appear to be the case, those marbles are long gone. :lol:

What the hell is she doing with her mouth all the time? She looks like a cow chewing cud.

Trying to keep her dentures from falling onto the table on live TV.

The first instinct of the new Trump Party

Attack women for a) their looks and b) their age.

Tell me more about how sane your Dear Leader is.

The first instinct of the new Trump Party

Attack women for a) their looks and b) their age.

Tell me more about how sane your Dear Leader is.

Joe Biden Calls a Lady a 'Lying, Dog-Face Pony Soldier' After She Says She Went to Caucus
A resolution to censure and condemn her has been submitted for violation of the Code of Official Conduct requiring Members "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."

She’s no longer mentally nor emotionally fit to conduct her Constitutional duties. Time for her to go back to San Francisco and join her fellow street crapers.


Did she brag about grabbing women by the pussies?

That is really the standard I measure the sanity of politicians in America now- anything less than bragging about assaulting women is just not insane now.
I love it! Trump getting away with that still has you mad. Lol
I honestly don't think Pelosi is mentally sound....and after what she did I am pretty sure she lost her marbles.

That does appear to be the case, those marbles are long gone. :lol:

She's crazier than a loon. She was probably ordered to tear up the speech, because she started testing how many pages at a time she could tear and pre-tearing them soon after she was handed the speech.

There are two wings to the modern Democratic Party: The corrupt wing, represented by the Clintons, and the insane wing, currently represented by Bernie Sanders. (The insane wing is, itself, is split into two factions, the socialists and the social justice warriors, but for now they are allied.) The split in the factions dates back at least to the anti-Vietnam War New Left.

Sanders supporters were left very bitter by the DNC cheating for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and they’re determined not to let it happen again.

The insane wing is absolutely convinced that America is naturally a left-wing nation and that their triumph is “inevitable” thanks to changing demographics. George Soros and his ilk have been pumping money into the insane wing infrastructure for over twenty years, and they believe that only the inertia and opposition of the corrupt wing (which they refer to as “neoliberalism”) has halted their inevitable rise.

Before they can seize control of the means of production, they must first seize control of the Democrat Party. Only then can they assure that their personnel, and their ideas, take key positions. The corrupt wing, more concerned with the immediate graft, and currently controlling most of the Party apparatus, stands in their way.

Just as the Bolsheviks purged the Mensheviks almost immediately upon taking power, the insane wing must push the corrupt wing out to seize control of the Party, something they were too poorly organized to carry out in 1972.

The corrupt wing knows it’s toast if the insane wing takes over, which is why Tom Perez immediately purged all Sanders supporters after taking over as head of the DNC. That’s why the corrupt wing has Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Bloomberg as its champions. Both sides in the fight see the other as an existential threat to their control of the Party, and both sides have control of the Party as their most important and immediate goal.

Both sides hate Trump with a white hot fury. But Trump isn’t the enemy at hand, or even really the enemy. When push comes to shove, both sides see four more years of a Trump presidency as more survivable than letting the other faction control the Party.

Being creatures of the corrupt wing, the mainstream media hasn’t been covering this split, since Trump Derangement Syndrome sells better than interfactional fights. This has let the Sanders brigades get to the foot of Mount Doom while nobody was paying attention. An additional irony is that the entire impeachment farce, designed to protect corrupt wing champion Biden, has backfired spectacularly, making Sander’s nomination much more likely.

The DNC will try to screw Bernie, if they need to, even more this year than they did in 2016. Expect dirty tricks to make 1968 and 1972 look like a cakewalk in comparison.

James Carville Is Right, But Not In The Way He Thinks ÂŤ Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog
What the hell is she doing with her mouth all the time? She looks like a cow chewing cud.

Trying to keep her dentures from falling onto the table on live TV.

The first instinct of the new Trump Party

Attack women for a) their looks and b) their age.

Tell me more about how sane your Dear Leader is.

The first instinct of the new Trump Party

Attack women for a) their looks and b) their age.

Tell me more about how sane your Dear Leader is.

Joe Biden Calls a Lady a 'Lying, Dog-Face Pony Soldier' After She Says She Went to Caucus

That's Different, cuz, Reasons!
A resolution to censure and condemn her has been submitted for violation of the Code of Official Conduct requiring Members "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House."

She’s no longer mentally nor emotionally fit to conduct her Constitutional duties. Time for her to go back to San Francisco and join her fellow street crapers.


Did she brag about grabbing women by the pussies?

That is really the standard I measure the sanity of politicians in America now- anything less than bragging about assaulting women is just not insane now.
You sound like you are under the unknowing influence of Macedonian Content Farmers in the pay of Putin!


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