Is President Trump like millions of Americans like me really "anti-immigrant"?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many of the truly uninformed that depend on the biased MSM for information really believe that Trump and millions like me are "anti-immigrant"?
I mean look at this Google search as of a few minutes ago on "Trump anti-immigrant".
85,600 results! Look at the headlines.."wrong with Trump's anti-immigrant".."Rhetoric has heightened",
WHAT is wrong with these people?

Do they NOT know President Trump is married to an "IMMIGRANT"?
Do they not know the over 40 million people like me have relatives that are IMMIGRANTS" or they themselves are "IMMIGRANTS", find this totally stupid?

We, Trump and over 40 million like us LOVE our "LEGAL" immigrants! In fact we KNOW contrary to the elitists, luddite, intellectually, shrift people that decry the word "Exceptionalism" in context of America that it is because of "LEGAL IMMIGRANTS" our country is exceptional! WE encourage "LEGAL" immigrants.
As I said I have relatives that like millions of other Americans really resent this gross misperception and even MORE the total disrespect for their becoming a "LEGAL Immigrant" and eventually a "naturalized citizen by doing the following:
If an individual does not gain U.S. citizenship through either birth or descent, he or she may achieve citizenship through naturalization. Naturalization involves the acquisition of citizen status through specialized legal processes.
To become a naturalized citizen of the United States, a foreign national first must meet SIX legal standard of which this is one.
Oath of allegiance to the United States: The applicant must pledge allegiance to the United States, renouncing other national allegiances. The pledge includes an obligation to support the Constitution and to bear arms on behalf of the United States if required.

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Overview - FindLaw
My relatives and millions of others MET the standards and it took several years.
And for the MSM and you grossly ignorant elitists who pompously defend those "ILLEGAL" immigrants that sneaked across the border by giving them the same status it is truly disgusting.
My "LEGAL" naturalized relatives as did MILLIONS renounced their national allegiances. Did any of the "ILLEGALS" do that?
"LEGAL" immigrants who became naturalized are truly angry that they are being categorized by ignorant people as "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!
Now if just ONE of you pompous arrogant Trump haters have ANY integrity you will come to the conclusion that you are wrong about President Trump, ME and millions like that have relatives or ARE LEGAL immigrants that have paid the price for American citizenship!

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For some reason NOT one person seems to care that millions of us Americans that have relatives that are "LEGAL" immigrants are angered by calling us "anti-immigrant"!
I guess the majority of people don't understand the simple fact that Trump is married to an immigrant. I have relatives that are immigrants and 40 million other Americans do also. Consequently there are millions of people that believe Trump more then the MSM!
The far left wants people to believe that anyone that is against illegal immigration is against all immigration.

Just like if you were against Obamacare, then you were against health care reform.

The far left always runs the outrageous religious narratives and the only people that believe in them are their loyal religious followers.
Illegal aliens are NOT immigrants. The are foreigners who break our laws and commit crimes.
Illegal aliens are NOT immigrants. The are foreigners who break our laws and commit crimes.

BUT the vast majority of people believing the MSM think TRUMP like millions like he and I have immigrants as wives and relatives!
That is the major point I'm trying to make! We love immigrants that are LEGAL!

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