Is Rachael Maddow Out of Control?

How do you see Miss Maddow's Behavior Lately?

  • Nothing is wrong with it, she's just fine.

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • She does seem a little more aggressive these days.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She is really destroying conservatives in a vendetta it seems.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • She does appear to be bullying so others won't stand up to her agenda.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
Nope, she's completely in control. Rachel is doing some in depth reporting and research on the stories of the day lately. You may not want to hear about your corrupt governors but I do.

Since I rarely watch MSNBC and you are concerned about corrupt Governors, has Maddow commented on any of these mentioned in this article?

Gov. Timothy M. Kaine, a Democrat, accepted an $18,000 Caribbean vacation last year, putting him atop the list of Virginia elected officials who in 2005 accepted nearly $315,000 in gifts, trips, concert tickets and other gratuities from corporations, interest groups and wealthy persons.

The newly elected governor’s winter getaway on Mustique — a private island playground for rock stars and royalty — was paid for by Albemarle County investor James B. Murray Jr.

Murray had contributed $41,000 to Kaine’s campaigns up to that point, according to the Virginia Public Access Project. Kaine reappointed Murray to the Virginia Commission on Higher Education Appointments.

The VPAP site reveals that since 2001, Kaine received $186,899 in gifts and travel – Redskins tickets, cases of wine, etc.

Before Kaine, Virginia’s governor was Mark Warner, now the state’s other senator. Between 2001 and 2004, Warner received $190,362 in gifts and travel – $495 bottles of wine, a $450 “handmade dulcimer,” etc.

Virginia's Long Tradition of Expensive Gifts to Governors | National Review Online
she hates your party like every patriotic American does.

You cheat and its proven

Your traitors

You are wrong there.

She doesn't "hate" anyone.

Actually, she's quite nice to both conservatives and republicans.

Some of the best shows was when she had Pat Buchanan on. They had a great chemistry and showed real respect for each other. Megan McCain is also a great guest. She regularly has Republicans on as well and treats them with a great deal of respect. So much so, sometimes they wind up saying some really stupid things. Like Rand Paul.

I've never seen her "freak out" like Ann Coulter or Laura Ingram. But then again, I'm not sure what right wingers mean by "freak out". They insist Obama is manic, weak, a tyrant, stupid, over educated. He's like all things to all Republicans. Strange for a man nicknamed "no drama" Obama.
I have never seen her rude to any guest. Holler, yell, act nervous.

And, I seem to remember when the Crispie story wasn't very big. It seemed no one else was reporting it but her.
Nope, she's completely in control. Rachel is doing some in depth reporting and research on the stories of the day lately. You may not want to hear about your corrupt governors but I do.

I wouldn't say "completely".. While I do agree with her some of the time, I can't forget one of the rare instances when MSNBC actually had a conservative on, and Rachel was a beast. It was her "interview" with Dan Stein of FAIR, and she was disingenuous (to say the least), she purposely dodged the critical sub-topics of the immigration issue, and instead just ranted on about one of the founders of FAIR, and some racist things he said back in the 1950s. She monopolized the air time, and just kept yammering on. I'd say she spoke about 95% of the time, to Stein's 5%, and most of that was incomplete, interrupted sentences. It was outrageous.

Here was a rare opportunity for MSNBC watchers to get some really important information and insight into the immigration issue, from one of the top analysts of it, and Rachel did everything she could to obstruct, and prevent that from happening. I suppose that was her plan.
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I dont watch her show....I cant stand to look at women trying to look like men. Penis envy is disturbing.

Maybe you should watch it. It could open that tiny mind.

Sorry not a mangina like you. I actually have pride.
You take pride that you cannot accept information from a woman you don't find attractive? Odd what passes for virtue these days!

I can only watch swimsuit models! Any other woman must be suspect due to her appearance!

And you take pride in that? I'm guessing that you would be easily distracted by bright shiny things.
Maybe you should watch it. It could open that tiny mind.

Sorry not a mangina like you. I actually have pride.
You take pride that you cannot accept information from a woman you don't find attractive? Odd what passes for virtue these days!

I can only watch swimsuit models! Any other woman must be suspect due to her appearance!

And you take pride in that? I'm guessing that you would be easily distracted by bright shiny things.
I accept information from many women what madcow gives is not information it is lies created by a deep hate of men.
Sorry not a mangina like you. I actually have pride.
You take pride that you cannot accept information from a woman you don't find attractive? Odd what passes for virtue these days!

I can only watch swimsuit models! Any other woman must be suspect due to her appearance!

And you take pride in that? I'm guessing that you would be easily distracted by bright shiny things.
I accept information from many women what madcow gives is not information it is lies created by a deep hate of men.
And how did you come to that conclusion? According to your very own words:

I dont watch her show....I cant stand to look at women trying to look like men. Penis envy is disturbing.

Now what is it? You can only watch beauty pageant winners? You are fearful of Lesbians? You watch the show avidly and you came to your unique conclusion? Or are you just another knuckle dragging idiot who says something typically stupid and then, after you're called on it, you run away from it?

The ball, as it were, is in your court.
You take pride that you cannot accept information from a woman you don't find attractive? Odd what passes for virtue these days!

I can only watch swimsuit models! Any other woman must be suspect due to her appearance!

And you take pride in that? I'm guessing that you would be easily distracted by bright shiny things.
I accept information from many women what madcow gives is not information it is lies created by a deep hate of men.
And how did you come to that conclusion? According to your very own words:

I dont watch her show....I cant stand to look at women trying to look like men. Penis envy is disturbing.

Now what is it? You can only watch beauty pageant winners? You are fearful of Lesbians? You watch the show avidly and you came to your unique conclusion? Or are you just another knuckle dragging idiot who says something typically stupid and then, after you're called on it, you run away from it?

The ball, as it were, is in your court.

your stupidity is astounding
I accept information from many women what madcow gives is not information it is lies created by a deep hate of men.
And how did you come to that conclusion? According to your very own words:

I dont watch her show....I cant stand to look at women trying to look like men. Penis envy is disturbing.

Now what is it? You can only watch beauty pageant winners? You are fearful of Lesbians? You watch the show avidly and you came to your unique conclusion? Or are you just another knuckle dragging idiot who says something typically stupid and then, after you're called on it, you run away from it?

The ball, as it were, is in your court.

your stupidity is astounding
Ahh! You chose the last option I proffered. At least your cards are on the table. Intellectually, you are holding the 6 of clubs, the 8 of diamonds, the deuce of spades, the 9 of hearts and the 4 of clubs. You should have folded before I raised.

He just fired several high ranking members of his administration.

That's after joking about the bridge closing.


Well, thankfully things like professional investigators, evidence and courts can see that what appears on the surface may not be what is going on.

For instance, another way of interpreting what you just said is that maybe Christie fired several high-ranking members of his administration for what he saw as impropriaties or even foul play. And his joking is a way of "moving on" from the scandal. Like "let's not make such a big deal about it".

On the one hand it is a big deal for someone to have maliciously closed lanes during rush hour. Or stuff like that happens all the time without a spotlight on it.

On the other hand too, it's a bit weird that the AG in Virginia just announced s/he wouldn't be enforcing the ban on gay marriage there....just after the Gov of Virginia was forced to step down...just after Maddow went on another rampage screaming afoul of him accepting gifts from people who later turned out to have gotten advantages from him, allegedly.

The point is that the man is unconvicted still of crimes that every politician since the dawn of human history has committed. Are we really supposed to be that up in arms about those types of things? Or is this a witch hunt with a convenient ending [see the sudden switch in the AG of Virginia on gay marriage]... Do we convict and destroy careers before a trial has even happened, by whipping up public outrage from a pulpit on mainstream media over really mediocre crimes? This type of thing happens at Fox News too.

My point is in all this, we have a country to run. If we are mired in these trivial-scandals, firing people right and left, all that will be brave enough to run for office will be even more and more villainous creeps who aren't as scared of the Maddow-treatment as their predecessors were. And then we are heading towards very dark times indeed. This is why France and other more mature countries who have "seen it all" are stunned by this type of public crucifying without a trial; or even with a trial. The Bill Clinton/Lewinsky scandal damaged the country. Who did that damage was not Bill Clinton, unless he is the first president to ever have an extramarital affair while in office. The damage was done by the witch hunters who took away a great sitting president from his job to the detriment of the country and smeared the entire name of the democratic party in the doing.

At some point people need to STOP and think of the good of the country instead of their extreme political agendas. People don't like gay marriage. Duck Dynasty and Chic Fil A spelled that out clearly. A million hits on the "boycott A&E" page within hours of their announcement they retracted later to suspend Phil Robertson from the show.

The numbers are just not in for gay marriage; which, with respect to this thread's theme, is at the heart of it all.

Face it, [I believe Maddow has], when Christie gets elected, that house of cards will collapse and I believe she knows it. Hence the witchunt. The only trouble is that this country needs a man with the grit and tenacity of Christie to shape things up. Would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater, providing there is even dirty bathwater...THE JURY IS STILL OUT.
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And how did you come to that conclusion? According to your very own words:

Now what is it? You can only watch beauty pageant winners? You are fearful of Lesbians? You watch the show avidly and you came to your unique conclusion? Or are you just another knuckle dragging idiot who says something typically stupid and then, after you're called on it, you run away from it?

The ball, as it were, is in your court.

your stupidity is astounding
Ahh! You chose the last option I proffered. At least your cards are on the table. Intellectually, you are holding the 6 of clubs, the 8 of diamonds, the deuce of spades, the 9 of hearts and the 4 of clubs. You should have folded before I raised.
I have watched her show stupid fuck I choose not to anymore because she is a man hating harpy that lies all the fucking time.

He just fired several high ranking members of his administration.

That's after joking about the bridge closing.


Well, thankfully things like professional investigators, evidence and courts can see that what appears on the surface may not be what is going on.

For instance, another way of interpreting what you just said is that maybe Christie fired several high-ranking members of his administration for what he saw as improprieties or even foul play. And his joking is a way of "moving on" from the scandal. Like "let's not make such a big deal about it".

On the one hand it is a big deal for someone to have maliciously closed lanes during rush hour. Or stuff like that happens all the time without a spotlight on it.

On the other hand too, it's a bit weird that the AG in Virginia just announced s/he wouldn't be enforcing the ban on gay marriage there....just after the Gov of Virginia was forced to step down...just after Maddow went on another rampage screaming afoul of him accepting gifts from people who later turned out to have gotten advantages from him, allegedly.

The point is that the man is unconvicted still of crimes that every politician since the dawn of human history has committed. Are we really supposed to be that up in arms about those types of things? Or is this a witch hunt with a convenient ending [see the sudden switch in the AG of Virginia on gay marriage]... Do we convict and destroy careers before a trial has even happened, by whipping up public outrage from a pulpit on mainstream media over really mediocre crimes? This type of thing happens at Fox News too.

My point is in all this, we have a country to run. If we are mired in these trivial-scandals, firing people right and left, all that will be brave enough to run for office will be even more and more villainous creeps who aren't as scared of the Maddow-treatment as their predecessors were. And then we are heading towards very dark times indeed. This is why France and other more mature countries who have "seen it all" are stunned by this type of public crucifying without a trial; or even with a trial. The Bill Clinton/Lewinsky scandal damaged the country. Who did that damage was not Bill Clinton, unless he is the first president to ever have an extramarital affair while in office. The damage was done by the witch hunters who took away a great sitting president from his job to the detriment of the country and smeared the entire name of the democratic party in the doing.

At some point people need to STOP and think of the good of the country instead of their extreme political agendas. People don't like gay marriage. Duck Dynasty and Chic Fil A spelled that out clearly. A million hits on the "boycott A&E" page within hours of their announcement they retracted later to suspend Phil Robertson from the show.

The numbers are just not in for gay marriage; which, with respect to this thread's theme, is at the heart of it all.

Face it, [I believe Maddow has], when Christie gets elected, that house of cards will collapse and I believe she knows it. Hence the witchunt. The only trouble is that this country needs a man with the grit and tenacity of Christie to shape things up. Would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater, providing there is even dirty bathwater...THE JURY IS STILL OUT.

One more thing...

Does anyone know anything about the new AG in Utah that was "suddenly' replaced on the eve of the Utah v gay marriage lawsuit? JakeStarkey seems to know him but is reluctant to post on his creditials it seems.

And, about those chic fil a and Duck Dynasty numbers...I think the democratic party is making a collosal mistake branding itself with the gay, and the tactics employed by them to force their agenda on people who quite clearly don't want anything to do with the cult.
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Does anyone know anything about the new AG in Utah that was "suddenly' replaced on the eve of the Utah v gay marriage lawsuit? JakeStarkey seems to know him but is reluctant to post on his creditials it seems.

Now you resort to untruths. The link was sent to you this morning. And it has been posted on the Utah Local News - Salt Lake City News, Sports, Entertainment, Business - The Salt Lake Tribune link.

You are merely being pissy because you know your hetero-fascism is going to lose out.

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