Is Racism UnAmerican?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I ask, because most racism is aimed at Americans. Americans who are hard working, served in our wars and died or lost limbs, are doctors and nurses who save lifes, and woven into the very fabric of this country. Anything you can say bad or good about other Americans based on general skin color, is racist to a degree, but more so unpatriotic and unAmerican when directed at other Americans in general sterotypical terms.

I think racists should be shunned and rebuked, and driven underground with their hatreds based on skin colors. Anything good or bad based on skin color is racism and UnAmerican in my view. It flys in the face of what this country represents, what we want to be as Americans living under the same laws and constitution and same rules. As long as we have the disease of racism, we will continue to have laws based on this sickness.

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