Is religion from Man, or from God?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?
In other words, why isn't the first version good enough to belong to as with Judaism?

Why isn't the next version? Why is any one in particular the only "true religion" but not those that came before your's now evolved out of?

Why isn't the first version of Christianity? Why is some protestant denomination the right one but not the one it evolved out of, or some other?

Why is any given religion or denomination "true and right" but none of the others?
Religion has always been a way to organize, motivate and control the masses. It gave civilization and war there foundations.
Answer is depends on what religion you are disgussing. If it is Othodox Christianity - yes, it is from God. Others are from people, more or less.
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?
Shit, I always thought it was carved on rocks or something..
religion existed long before monotheism. Religion did not fall from the sky, it evolved to meet the needs of the group.
Answer is depends on what religion you are disgussing. If it is Othodox Christianity - yes, it is from God. Others are from people, more or less.
Actually, Christianity was the invention of a guy named Paul.
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

Delta - if you are seriously looking for Godly answers, you should go to the website for Charles Stanley; 1st Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA.

Go to experts about Christian issues and principles, not a message board based mostly on politics and at a minimum 60% democratic (including yourself).

I mention Charles Stanley because he is a legitimate preacher. He will send you free CDs and books. Not ask for money.
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...

Sorry Bonzi but a Preacher is just a mortal man that claim to be spreading the word of a deity, and I have heard many false prophets in my life.

I respect your right to believe and will not deny you the right to worship, but as for me I believe in the words of Tao more than the words of Abrahamic Prophets...
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...

Sorry Bonzi but a Preacher is just a mortal man that claim to be spreading the word of a deity, and I have heard many false prophets in my life.

I respect your right to believe and will not deny you the right to worship, but as for me I believe in the words of Tao more than the words of Abrahamic Prophets...

I'm not telling you what you should believe.
We all have free will - and that is of God.
I'm just saying if you are looking for information on Christian principles and theology, go to the experts in the field. As a dedicated Christian, I feel I can steer people to those more mature and knowledgeable than I.
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...

Sorry Bonzi but a Preacher is just a mortal man that claim to be spreading the word of a deity, and I have heard many false prophets in my life.

I respect your right to believe and will not deny you the right to worship, but as for me I believe in the words of Tao more than the words of Abrahamic Prophets...

I'm not telling you what you should believe.
We all have free will - and that is of God.
I'm just saying if you are looking for information on Christian principles and theology, go to the experts in the field. As a dedicated Christian, I feel I can steer people to those more mature and knowledgeable than I.

No, I am from one of the oldest Catholic Families in the world, so I have had my share with the Christian teaching and practice more of a Taoist way but I can not figure out how not to stop bending that river in life...
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...

Sorry Bonzi but a Preacher is just a mortal man that claim to be spreading the word of a deity, and I have heard many false prophets in my life.

I respect your right to believe and will not deny you the right to worship, but as for me I believe in the words of Tao more than the words of Abrahamic Prophets...

I'm not telling you what you should believe.
We all have free will - and that is of God.
I'm just saying if you are looking for information on Christian principles and theology, go to the experts in the field. As a dedicated Christian, I feel I can steer people to those more mature and knowledgeable than I.

No, I am from one of the oldest Catholic Families in the world, so I have had my share with the Christian teaching and practice more of a Taoist way but I can not figure out how not to stop bending that river in life...

I have news for you. Catholic does not = Christian.
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...
John 20:27Then He said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing." 28Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" 29Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...
John 20:27Then He said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing." 28Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" 29Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."

If there is an applause button / here it is. BRAVO!
God gave the Jews Torah at Mt. Sinai effectively enabling Man to put God's will down on paper and thus creating Judaism proper.

Later Christianity came along and said God also wants this. Then Islam came along and said God wants that. Then Mormons came along and said He wants this over here as well.

If any of this is true, shouldn't everyone be whatever the latest will of God is? As with Mormon? If not, and people remain Jewish, Christian, or Islamic then aren't they saying God's will doesn't matter? Or it's impossible God changed His mind, but not impossible He revealed His mind to us?

If you're saying it's possible God gave His will once, why is it then impossible for Him to do it again? Or even every so often? Shouldn't everyone who believe in the Jewish god be whatever the latest version is? Isn't that logical?

One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...

Sorry Bonzi but a Preacher is just a mortal man that claim to be spreading the word of a deity, and I have heard many false prophets in my life.

I respect your right to believe and will not deny you the right to worship, but as for me I believe in the words of Tao more than the words of Abrahamic Prophets...

I'm not telling you what you should believe.
We all have free will - and that is of God.
I'm just saying if you are looking for information on Christian principles and theology, go to the experts in the field. As a dedicated Christian, I feel I can steer people to those more mature and knowledgeable than I.

No, I am from one of the oldest Catholic Families in the world, so I have had my share with the Christian teaching and practice more of a Taoist way but I can not figure out how not to stop bending that river in life...
Catholic does not equal Christian.
One request and this is a simple one and I want someone to show me a hand written copy of God word written by God itself...

Now we know the Tanakh, Bible and Quran are man written book claiming to be the word of a God, but what I request is a actual Sumerian written tablet by God and then you can tell me what God actually wrote and not the bard tales many believe in...

God owes you nothing and, if you listen to true Godly preachers, you it will make sense to you.
instead of hating, open your mind and heart...

Sorry Bonzi but a Preacher is just a mortal man that claim to be spreading the word of a deity, and I have heard many false prophets in my life.

I respect your right to believe and will not deny you the right to worship, but as for me I believe in the words of Tao more than the words of Abrahamic Prophets...

I'm not telling you what you should believe.
We all have free will - and that is of God.
I'm just saying if you are looking for information on Christian principles and theology, go to the experts in the field. As a dedicated Christian, I feel I can steer people to those more mature and knowledgeable than I.

No, I am from one of the oldest Catholic Families in the world, so I have had my share with the Christian teaching and practice more of a Taoist way but I can not figure out how not to stop bending that river in life...

I have news for you. Catholic does not = Christian.
Just now read this, and agree totally.

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