Is Rep McDermott the dumbest man in Congress?

I thought Guam already capsized, it was on Current TV.

If Guam capsized and no one watched Current TV to see it, did it really happen?
I am worried, when Dade County/Florida capsizes into the Atlantic Ocean in 2021 (according to that dufass and al gore) will I go down into the Gulf Of Mexico the following year? do I need to build an arc?
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McDermott is an idiot, but my Oaklandtown Rep, Barbara Lee is truly the Stupidest Person In Congress, followed closely by Maxine Waters.

Maxine Waters gets my vote.

shes in line next to take over the chair as the dem. ( and if they get the house) majority chair of the Financial Services Committee, roll that around your head for a while...I mean for god sakes....:doubt:
OP- Any Tea Party member is dumber (and "No compromise, un-American" (TIME)), though not as dumb as their voters...all absolutely clueless, and a majority are racists...
Don't forget that McDermott was the one who went to Bahgdad on Saddam's dime.

Actually he was sued by Boehner for accepting the audio recording of the conference call with Newt and attempting to shop it around. McDermott was ordered by the courts to pay Boehner $1.05 million in attorney's fees, costs and interest. McDermott also paid over $60,000 in fines.
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