Is Rick Santorum Gearing Up For a Presidential Run In 2020?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Having witnessed the idiot trump’s success in tapping the right wing racism that is rampant in this country, Rick Santorum seems to be pinning his hope on riding that racial hatred into the White House in 2020.

In the hope of capitalizing on the conservatives’ current embrace of the Nazi’s agenda, “former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said former President Barack Obama had the power to bring the nation together but wound up increasing racism in part by the way he handled police shootings.”

“According to Santorum, ‘many, many, many people’ saw Obama being racist himself and ‘doing more to exacerbate racism’ in the United States. “ ‘Every time there was a controversy with someone of color involved, he took the side, many times, against the police.’ ”

Santorum conveniently forgets those same people saw President Obama’s election to the presidency as “an impeachable offense”, so he shouldn’t depend too much on this type of stupidity to support his stance.

As a conservative political commentator for CNN, Santorum used his position during the Sunday “State of the Union” panel discussion, to make his mindless statements to gain support for his political future. Santorum blamed President Obama, alone, for the rise in racism in the United States.

National spokeswoman and senior adviser for, Karine Jean-Pierre corrected the stupidity of Santorum’s assertions, explaining, “that in those instances Obama was standing up for people who had been unjustifiably treated,” All but a very few were unarmed when they were shot and killed by police because they were NOT WHITE people. Naturally, Jean-Pierre’s statements of facts will be denied by conservatives.

Very few conservatives accepted Barack Obama’s election as legitimate, and for those who did not, they longed for the days before Rosa Parks, the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.

After the Civil Rights movement, the vast majority of conservatives in which the hatred for people of color and foreigners burns deeply, were shamed into silence by liberal take-over by the 60‘s generation.

Racists were forced to speak in whispers when voicing their hate filled rhetoric in public. Those who spoke their racist views publicly, quickly became pariahs among civilized people.

However, while in private, racial hate-speech was spewed freely. The inhibition felt by a large number of racists was gone when among friends and peers, so there was no feeling of embarrassment nor shame when making their obnoxious comments.

With the development of the Internet and the anonymity provided by the many different forums found there, racism once again went public en masse. The conservatives’ racism on Internet forums took a really big jump in 2008 after, then Senator Barack Obama, announced his campaign for the presidency.

After Obama was elected to the Presidency, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated it was to be the singular goal of the GOP to make Obama a one-term president, for no other reason than his African-American heritage. As expected the congressional Republicans fell in lockstep behind McConnell, and for the following eight years, the congressional Republicans’ obstructionism stalled most legislation and made the lives of average Americans an economic nightmare that continues to this day. (Low wages and the forced decay of workers’ rights and safety are a proud achievement by the GOP, and applauded by conservatives.)

While racists’ nasty remarks about the Obama family were regularly posted on message boards, etc. the idiot trump fanned the flames of conservative racism with his “birtherism”, the fantasy held dear by so many Republican politicians and conservatives that Obama was foreign born so was ineligible to be POTUS. (Their fantasy was proven to be only a fantasy many, many times, But remains a strong belief in the conservatives’ alternate reality.)

In 2015 the idiot trump declared his candidacy for the presidency. He and his campaign team planned a strategy of childish name calling and bullying tactics to attack other Republicans running for the GOP nomination. This was the major factor in turning the 2016 election cycle into a right wing clown show that, by far, outstripped the stupidity of the 2012 Republican campaign season.

As the Republican nominee, the idiot trump became THE cheerleader to maintain and increase the ignorance, obstructionism, (and racism) exhibited by the congressional Republicans and an overwhelming number of conservatives during the two full terms of the scandal-free Obama administration. (“Benghazi”, was a figment in the imaginations of conservatives, and the unwarranted GOP congressional “investigations” were admitted, by Republican leaders, to be nothing more than political “witch hunts”.)

The idiot trump then used the months between his nomination and the 2016 election to spread the right wing message of racial hatred, xenophobia, misogyny, and disrespect of handicapped and disabled persons. As people around the world watched his campaign rallies, they saw how the idiot trump’s conservative supporters ate up his boorish behavior and hate-speech.

Not since Democrat George Wallace ran for the presidency had white supremacists been given a candidate who openly advocated their racist agenda.

To the pleasure of Nazi groups during 2016, Nixon’s and the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” was, at last, given center stage, where their nominee and eventual POTUS was free to regurgitate white supremacists’ rhetoric, and his own racial hatred, xenophobia, misogyny, and disrespect of the handicapped and the disabled. Every deplorable statement made by the idiot trump was quickly accepted and echoed by his conservative supporters, and permitted them to refuse to feel shame and embarrassment for all their repugnant beliefs.

Santorum has seen what it takes to win over the Republican voting base. Only time will tell how well he is able to employ this strategy for 2020 and/or beyond.

Rick Santorum says Barack Obama 'exacerbated racism' in the U.S.

Having witnessed the idiot trump’s success in tapping the right wing racism that is rampant in this country, Rick Santorum seems to be pinning his hope on riding that racial hatred into the White House in 2020.

In the hope of capitalizing on the conservatives’ current embrace of the Nazi’s agenda, “former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said former President Barack Obama had the power to bring the nation together but wound up increasing racism in part by the way he handled police shootings.”

“According to Santorum, ‘many, many, many people’ saw Obama being racist himself and ‘doing more to exacerbate racism’ in the United States. “ ‘Every time there was a controversy with someone of color involved, he took the side, many times, against the police.’ ”

Santorum conveniently forgets those same people saw President Obama’s election to the presidency as “an impeachable offense”, so he shouldn’t depend too much on this type of stupidity to support his stance.

As a conservative political commentator for CNN, Santorum used his position during the Sunday “State of the Union” panel discussion, to make his mindless statements to gain support for his political future. Santorum blamed President Obama, alone, for the rise in racism in the United States.

National spokeswoman and senior adviser for, Karine Jean-Pierre corrected the stupidity of Santorum’s assertions, explaining, “that in those instances Obama was standing up for people who had been unjustifiably treated,” All but a very few were unarmed when they were shot and killed by police because they were NOT WHITE people. Naturally, Jean-Pierre’s statements of facts will be denied by conservatives.

Very few conservatives accepted Barack Obama’s election as legitimate, and for those who did not, they longed for the days before Rosa Parks, the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.

After the Civil Rights movement, the vast majority of conservatives in which the hatred for people of color and foreigners burns deeply, were shamed into silence by liberal take-over by the 60‘s generation.

Racists were forced to speak in whispers when voicing their hate filled rhetoric in public. Those who spoke their racist views publicly, quickly became pariahs among civilized people.

However, while in private, racial hate-speech was spewed freely. The inhibition felt by a large number of racists was gone when among friends and peers, so there was no feeling of embarrassment nor shame when making their obnoxious comments.

With the development of the Internet and the anonymity provided by the many different forums found there, racism once again went public en masse. The conservatives’ racism on Internet forums took a really big jump in 2008 after, then Senator Barack Obama, announced his campaign for the presidency.

After Obama was elected to the Presidency, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated it was to be the singular goal of the GOP to make Obama a one-term president, for no other reason than his African-American heritage. As expected the congressional Republicans fell in lockstep behind McConnell, and for the following eight years, the congressional Republicans’ obstructionism stalled most legislation and made the lives of average Americans an economic nightmare that continues to this day. (Low wages and the forced decay of workers’ rights and safety are a proud achievement by the GOP, and applauded by conservatives.)

While racists’ nasty remarks about the Obama family were regularly posted on message boards, etc. the idiot trump fanned the flames of conservative racism with his “birtherism”, the fantasy held dear by so many Republican politicians and conservatives that Obama was foreign born so was ineligible to be POTUS. (Their fantasy was proven to be only a fantasy many, many times, But remains a strong belief in the conservatives’ alternate reality.)

In 2015 the idiot trump declared his candidacy for the presidency. He and his campaign team planned a strategy of childish name calling and bullying tactics to attack other Republicans running for the GOP nomination. This was the major factor in turning the 2016 election cycle into a right wing clown show that, by far, outstripped the stupidity of the 2012 Republican campaign season.

As the Republican nominee, the idiot trump became THE cheerleader to maintain and increase the ignorance, obstructionism, (and racism) exhibited by the congressional Republicans and an overwhelming number of conservatives during the two full terms of the scandal-free Obama administration. (“Benghazi”, was a figment in the imaginations of conservatives, and the unwarranted GOP congressional “investigations” were admitted, by Republican leaders, to be nothing more than political “witch hunts”.)

The idiot trump then used the months between his nomination and the 2016 election to spread the right wing message of racial hatred, xenophobia, misogyny, and disrespect of handicapped and disabled persons. As people around the world watched his campaign rallies, they saw how the idiot trump’s conservative supporters ate up his boorish behavior and hate-speech.

Not since Democrat George Wallace ran for the presidency had white supremacists been given a candidate who openly advocated their racist agenda.

To the pleasure of Nazi groups during 2016, Nixon’s and the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” was, at last, given center stage, where their nominee and eventual POTUS was free to regurgitate white supremacists’ rhetoric, and his own racial hatred, xenophobia, misogyny, and disrespect of the handicapped and the disabled. Every deplorable statement made by the idiot trump was quickly accepted and echoed by his conservative supporters, and permitted them to refuse to feel shame and embarrassment for all their repugnant beliefs.

Santorum has seen what it takes to win over the Republican voting base. Only time will tell how well he is able to employ this strategy for 2020 and/or beyond.

Rick Santorum says Barack Obama 'exacerbated racism' in the U.S.

I didn't read the whole OP pile of NONSENSE, because I felt myself getting sick just after 3 pararaphs, but why bother, when it's all just idiotic leftist drivel anyway.

A few notes :

1. Of course Jean-Pierre’s statements will be denied by conservatives, because they're typical Obama-inspired racist lunacy. The black guys who got shot and killed by cops (in self-defense), was because they failed to keep their hands visible and empty (important things that ignoramus lib teachers know nothing about, and thus don't teach it).

2. Of course Obama took the side against the police. He (and his race hustler cronies) are the ones who generated the anti-police hate, caused the riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, and New York, to gin up Democrat VOTES for the 2016 election.

3. No, Obama isn't alone for the rise in racism in the United States. He's got Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Benjamin Crump, and a few others in his race hustler campaign.

4. Oh yes - "With the development of the Internet and the anonymity provided by the many different forums found there, racism once again went public en masse." And this is shown loud & clear by USMB liberals, who make no effort to hide their anti-white racism and hypocrisy, with blatant support of racist Affirmative Action discrimination against whites.

5. If for any reason, Trump doesn't run for re-election, Santorum would be an excellent choice for POTUS candidate, having been the only candidate in 20l6, (besides Trump) who received an A+ rating from Numbers USA, on the immigration issue.
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Having witnessed the idiot trump’s success in tapping the right wing racism that is rampant in this country, Rick Santorum seems to be pinning his hope on riding that racial hatred into the White House in 2020.

In the hope of capitalizing on the conservatives’ current embrace of the Nazi’s agenda, “former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said former President Barack Obama had the power to bring the nation together but wound up increasing racism in part by the way he handled police shootings.”

“According to Santorum, ‘many, many, many people’ saw Obama being racist himself and ‘doing more to exacerbate racism’ in the United States. “ ‘Every time there was a controversy with someone of color involved, he took the side, many times, against the police.’ ”

Santorum conveniently forgets those same people saw President Obama’s election to the presidency as “an impeachable offense”, so he shouldn’t depend too much on this type of stupidity to support his stance.

As a conservative political commentator for CNN, Santorum used his position during the Sunday “State of the Union” panel discussion, to make his mindless statements to gain support for his political future. Santorum blamed President Obama, alone, for the rise in racism in the United States.

National spokeswoman and senior adviser for, Karine Jean-Pierre corrected the stupidity of Santorum’s assertions, explaining, “that in those instances Obama was standing up for people who had been unjustifiably treated,” All but a very few were unarmed when they were shot and killed by police because they were NOT WHITE people. Naturally, Jean-Pierre’s statements of facts will be denied by conservatives.

Very few conservatives accepted Barack Obama’s election as legitimate, and for those who did not, they longed for the days before Rosa Parks, the Civil Rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.

After the Civil Rights movement, the vast majority of conservatives in which the hatred for people of color and foreigners burns deeply, were shamed into silence by liberal take-over by the 60‘s generation.

Racists were forced to speak in whispers when voicing their hate filled rhetoric in public. Those who spoke their racist views publicly, quickly became pariahs among civilized people.

However, while in private, racial hate-speech was spewed freely. The inhibition felt by a large number of racists was gone when among friends and peers, so there was no feeling of embarrassment nor shame when making their obnoxious comments.

With the development of the Internet and the anonymity provided by the many different forums found there, racism once again went public en masse. The conservatives’ racism on Internet forums took a really big jump in 2008 after, then Senator Barack Obama, announced his campaign for the presidency.

After Obama was elected to the Presidency, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated it was to be the singular goal of the GOP to make Obama a one-term president, for no other reason than his African-American heritage. As expected the congressional Republicans fell in lockstep behind McConnell, and for the following eight years, the congressional Republicans’ obstructionism stalled most legislation and made the lives of average Americans an economic nightmare that continues to this day. (Low wages and the forced decay of workers’ rights and safety are a proud achievement by the GOP, and applauded by conservatives.)

While racists’ nasty remarks about the Obama family were regularly posted on message boards, etc. the idiot trump fanned the flames of conservative racism with his “birtherism”, the fantasy held dear by so many Republican politicians and conservatives that Obama was foreign born so was ineligible to be POTUS. (Their fantasy was proven to be only a fantasy many, many times, But remains a strong belief in the conservatives’ alternate reality.)

In 2015 the idiot trump declared his candidacy for the presidency. He and his campaign team planned a strategy of childish name calling and bullying tactics to attack other Republicans running for the GOP nomination. This was the major factor in turning the 2016 election cycle into a right wing clown show that, by far, outstripped the stupidity of the 2012 Republican campaign season.

As the Republican nominee, the idiot trump became THE cheerleader to maintain and increase the ignorance, obstructionism, (and racism) exhibited by the congressional Republicans and an overwhelming number of conservatives during the two full terms of the scandal-free Obama administration. (“Benghazi”, was a figment in the imaginations of conservatives, and the unwarranted GOP congressional “investigations” were admitted, by Republican leaders, to be nothing more than political “witch hunts”.)

The idiot trump then used the months between his nomination and the 2016 election to spread the right wing message of racial hatred, xenophobia, misogyny, and disrespect of handicapped and disabled persons. As people around the world watched his campaign rallies, they saw how the idiot trump’s conservative supporters ate up his boorish behavior and hate-speech.

Not since Democrat George Wallace ran for the presidency had white supremacists been given a candidate who openly advocated their racist agenda.

To the pleasure of Nazi groups during 2016, Nixon’s and the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” was, at last, given center stage, where their nominee and eventual POTUS was free to regurgitate white supremacists’ rhetoric, and his own racial hatred, xenophobia, misogyny, and disrespect of the handicapped and the disabled. Every deplorable statement made by the idiot trump was quickly accepted and echoed by his conservative supporters, and permitted them to refuse to feel shame and embarrassment for all their repugnant beliefs.

Santorum has seen what it takes to win over the Republican voting base. Only time will tell how well he is able to employ this strategy for 2020 and/or beyond.

Rick Santorum says Barack Obama 'exacerbated racism' in the U.S.

All garbage.

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