Is Russia capable of attacking Germany or any other western European nation with conventional and/or nuclear forces?

Unfortunately that may be Putins only play remaining.....which is probably still plenty to end life on the planet as we know it.
One mistake by any side could bring on Armageddon within the hour.
It's amazing how many Americans are convinced Putin's military is on its last legs and all he can do is to watch his forces crushed by a proxy of NATO. It's reached the point of the surreal.
Immediate conventional attacks on Russian military infrastructure while calling for united NATO attacks.

Russia doesn’t have a legal or moral leg to stand on, it has supplied weapons, munitions, food and economic aid to countries actually fighting and killing American military and civilian personnel. North Vietnam was completely supported by Russia for the entire course of the Vietnam War. Russia not only completely supported the PRVN war effort but supplied food and economic support as well. Russia also supplied the missile crews that shot down thousands of American crewed aircraft over North Vietnam. The army that the DPRK used to invade South Korea was totally equipped and trained by Russia and Russian fighter pilots flew combat missions killing American pilots. If after supplying thousands of SAMs and hundreds of tanks for free to kill Americans Russia thinks they are being treated unfairly, screw them and their horses.

WTF were we doing in Vietnam????
Have heard the rumors. Certainly would not hurt my feelings, if he passed on. Only the good die young, but some assholes just nasty to death after a long time with everybody tire of their trouble making ass.
Was reading reports this AM, Russia commented, the Kremlin commented. No Putin direct reference.
Nuclear arsenals are fairly pointless at this point. Expensive, but mostly pointless.
Only an idiot or terrorist would want to use them. Putin is not an idiot. Misguided at times but not an idiot. Putin might be the chief kleptocrat/plutocrat....but he didn't get where he is at by being an idiot.

The objective of war is to take valuables and/or to destroy toys. Nuclear weapons are worthless for these objectives despite the hype. (Oversimplification but essentially correct)

Russia has attacked Ukraine over a valuable (fresh water) and to keep from losing valuables (Uranium mines, groceries, and rocket engine facility) that they had gotten/were getting regularly at greatly reduced costs.

If Russia nukes anyone....MAD takes over and its time to put "head between knees to kiss your butt goodbye".

Also...Nuclear sterilization and contamination will make reparations impossible for either side no matter the victor/victim. "Grown/product of Chernobyl" sound appealing to anyone?

So....just because the MSM is acting like Chicken Little doesn't mean that there is a real threat.
Originally posted by JohnDB
Nuclear arsenals are fairly pointless at this point. Expensive, but mostly pointless.

They are so pointless that, unlike Serbia, the only mass bombing campaign Russia faced so far comes from the pie-hole of super patriotic american clowns.
It's amazing how many Americans are convinced Putin's military is on its last legs and all he can do is to watch his forces crushed by a proxy of NATO. It's reached the point of the surreal.
NATO is not in the game; yet. I can only hope that the sooner the better
They are so pointless that, unlike Serbia, the only mass bombing campaign Russia faced so far comes from the pie-hole of super patriotic american clowns.
Mass bombing campaigns? That's the benchmark you think is relevant?

There's only two nations capable of giving Russia a "mass bombing campaign" nobody else has an air force that could.

When you can engage the grey stuff between your ears to actually take part in a discussion try again eh? But maybe you never were capable to do so....I don't know.
NATO is not in the game; yet. I can only hope that the sooner the better
We don't want that.
We want Russia to remain and be the proverbial "bully" in the neighborhood.
Regime change will be worse and not better. (Unless they can come up with a Putin Clone)

NATO involvement will be a last ditch effort to save the planet....I kinda like life. Rather fond of living. YMMV. There is no winning if NATO gets's game over for our current lifestyles.
There is no winning if NATO gets's game over for our current lifestyles.
I don’t know what your motive is for saying this.
Putin wants the old Soviet empire back.
This is not going to happen; Putin will soon become a has been.

Then you'll be dealing with 500Kt flash bangs.
Landing on Russia.
Nuclear arsenals are fairly pointless at this point. Expensive, but mostly pointless.
Only an idiot or terrorist would want to use them. Putin is not an idiot. Misguided at times but not an idiot. Putin might be the chief kleptocrat/plutocrat....but he didn't get where he is at by being an idiot.
Are you so sure that Putin is sane that you are willing to bet the survival of the planet on it? He has shown little sign recently of this sanity that you credit him with. He seems to be the Russian Howard Hughs at this point.
The objective of war is to take valuables and/or to destroy toys. Nuclear weapons are worthless for these objectives despite the hype. (Oversimplification but essentially correct)

Russia has attacked Ukraine over a valuable (fresh water) and to keep from losing valuables (Uranium mines, groceries, and rocket engine facility) that they had gotten/were getting regularly at greatly reduced costs.
Yes, that was the original motivation. But now ego is involved. If Putin loses, he loses more than fresh water and uranium mines. He loses face, which could cause him to lose his position, which will likely be fatal for him.
If Russia nukes anyone....MAD takes over and its time to put "head between knees to kiss your butt goodbye".

Also...Nuclear sterilization and contamination will make reparations impossible for either side no matter the victor/victim. "Grown/product of Chernobyl" sound appealing to anyone?
Not at all so why risk it?
So....just because the MSM is acting like Chicken Little doesn't mean that there is a real threat.
Then let the war play out. One European country invaded another. Not nearly the first time that has happened. Wish one side well if you truly have expertise in European relations, but no need for American lives to be put at risk, nor American money to be shipped to the Rhode Island of Europe.

If you are amped up to defend against an invasion, the southern border needs you! Our southern border, I mean.

If history is any guide (and for some it never seems to be), then Russia will succeed in the invasion and fail in the ocupation. After the Russians tire of having their soldiers blown up on the streets of Kiev and go home, then we can exercise our altruism by insisting on reforms of corruption in Ukraine as a condition of more aid.
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