Is Russia helping Donald?

Democrats are in ALL OUT panick, ALL OUT damage control...


As long as Trump has a mouth, no one needs to panic.
Since when do progs not want to help Russia? Stalin's sock puppet (FDR) is adored by Ds more every day. He had an administration completely overrun by Stalinist spies...lefties to this day, have no problem with it. One would think they would be happy about Trump having a good relationship with Putin, but no one ever said progs have any sense.
Pooootin and Donnie, butt buddies. How appropriate!
Pooootin and Donnie, butt buddies. How appropriate!
While there is nothing to support your pathetic attack aimed at Trump at the expense of homosexuals, the Russians are reveling in the e-mails Hillary and the Democrats were so nice enough to give them.

So Hillary and the Democrats put stupid stuff in their e-mails that get hacked and released by wikileaks but somehow it's a consiparcy involving Trump and the Russians. Don't forget your hat.
And white helicopters.
It's too bad but it takes Russians hacking our beloved Democratic candidate to reveal her true nature. Let's all welcome Donald Trump, our next president.
HA! The US voters will never elect a man with a major mental problem. That would be a huuuuugggggeeee mistake.
It's too bad but it takes Russians hacking our beloved Democratic candidate to reveal her true nature. Let's all welcome Donald Trump, our next president.
Some of us knew her true nature, long ago.
HA! The US voters will never elect a man with a major mental problem. That would be a huuuuugggggeeee mistake.
You don't really believe the stuff you post....right?

I mean could anyone be so ignorant without doing it for a reason?
HA! The US voters will never elect a man with a major mental problem. That would be a huuuuugggggeeee mistake.

hilary exhibits sociopathic behavior. You were sayng?
Clinton's campaign manager: Russia helping Trump -

It makes a lot of sense. Donald would allow Poootin to march into Eastern Europe. It makes a lot of sense...

You're kidding...right? Here's a novel concept! Don't do things that are sleazy as an organization...which the leaked e-mails clearly show that the DNC was doing...and then you won't have to worry about ANYONE leaking them!!!!

Gee, they hacked the DNC but you folks on the left claim they didn't hack Hillary's servers? The ones with all kinds of classified information on them? Sorry, Jim but Putin has been looking over Hillary's shoulder the entire time she was Secretary of State. She's an incompetent idiot!
So Donnie Doright gets a small bounce from the WWE DNC. Yet, he is still behind in EV count. Let's see what kind of bounce Hillary gets then see how Donnie Doright does in the debates without a teleprompter.

He will need to do more than stand there and throw insults this time.
So Donnie Doright gets a small bounce from the WWE DNC. Yet, he is still behind in EV count. Let's see what kind of bounce Hillary gets then see how Donnie Doright does in the debates without a teleprompter.

He will need to do more than stand there and throw insults this time.

And you're still worried about a bounce.
So Donnie Doright gets a small bounce from the WWE DNC. Yet, he is still behind in EV count. Let's see what kind of bounce Hillary gets then see how Donnie Doright does in the debates without a teleprompter.

He will need to do more than stand there and throw insults this time.
There won't be a bounce....

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